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At this time, the 9-area star map in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness started to move again, and under the light rays of light, a guideline was formed.

“The deepest part of the west !?”

Chu Yan looked at the guide map and was puzzled, but his figure had risen into the sky, moved towards the direction and flew away.

“Chu Yan, still want to go !?”

Mu Gutian, Hai Tianyi, Taboo 4 and other peerless genius, as well as the cultivators of Two Great Influences, all shot and hurled towards Chu Yan.

Liu Qingyi and the others did not hesitate, all shot together, all kinds of killing tricks flying all over the sky, all shrouded to Chu Yan.

“This direction !?”

Haitian saw the direction of Chu Yan’s going and quickly followed.

The further you go, the darker the night around all is, and you can only see 20 9 star clusters above the sky.

Chu Yan’s imposing manner was terrifying, running all the way, evading various attacks.

Sword Qi wrapped his body, wherever he passed, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood all the way, the attacks that blocked the road were all twisted into small powder by Sword Qi.

Everyone’s pupil technique and Divine Consciousness seem to have been suppressed, or after losing the support of Heaven and Earth, they can’t play a role.

Chu Yan imposing manner is like a tide, movement art is displayed to the extreme, Sword Art is like a gang, while evading, it continuously cuts out Sword Qi without losing its speed.

Soon, the fire in his eyes became more and more intense, and the sword power of his body continued to skyrocket.

The followers who chased like a tide, all kinds of methods broke out, among which the most forbidden and range attack.

Judging from such a situation, it is estimated that a war is necessary before reaching the place.

However, at this time, Extreme Cold aura rose between Heaven and Earth, making Chu Yan Divine Soul suddenly tighten.

Not only him, Mu Gutian, Hai Tianyi, Liu Qingyi and other peerless genius, Divine King powerhouse, but also can feel the chill between Divine Soul and Heaven and Earth.

xiu xiu xiu….

On the dark sky in the distance, a large tide of water suddenly rose, countless water spirits gathered together, and instantly merged into a water spirit giant, with ice thorns all over his body, his mouth spouting a large cold, roar roaring.

“This is a deep sea demon!” Barbarian Race powerhouse exclaimed.

“According to rumors, its 10000 gatekeeper of the abyss, Guardian, he can have no power of any enemy, strong when strong, weak when weak, its ice power never stops!”


The roar of the deep-sea demon, shaking the Vault of Heaven, as if it had the power to shoulder shoulders with Heaven and Earth, this Heaven and Earth can be stepped on the foot with a wave, such an imposing manner, let the practitioners present His face was shocked.

“Reverse Divine flame!”

Chu Yan’s whole body went up and down, and the flames ignited. After wrapping the whole body, he gathered in the sword body and stab at the sword.

Seeing that Chu Yan shot, the other peerless genius was naturally reluctant to lose, and showed off their unique skills while attacking.

“Join together … Get together soon!”

In the roar, the Divine King powerhouses who were present also began to arrange Great Array to unite the power of everyone and fight against the danger.

Loose Cultivator without power is close to each other to defend together.

Mu Gutian and Hai Tianyi, taboo four sons and the others, are coldly snorted, and their faces are cold, they think that this deep sea demon is a helper of Chu Yan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The whole place suddenly burst into a sky of air waves and explosions.

Soon, the cultivators present were all shaking by Divine Soul, and a horrified look appeared on his face.

There is more than one deep sea demon, and for each kill, there will be more deep sea demon, as if in endless.

This is the legendary, the stronger the stronger! ?

If you kill it like this, you will simply be able to win, and you will only die after consuming True Qi.


The first a mournful scream sounded, so that everyone who was already tense Divine Soul shuddered together.

Some cultivators were frozen into ice sculptures and shattered into ice chips.

“Chu Yan, I will help you!”

Hearing the drink, Chu Yan looked back, and it turned out that Heaven Sealing was carrying a big blade, carrying dozens of cultivators, and flew in a hurry.

He led a group of cultivators in Tianxuan Earth Palace.

When Chu Yan reminded him before, he had already called for staff.

“In this way, he has the power to protect himself!” Chu Yan gently nodded, if the mysterious black robed man met by Qiao Gucheng before, Heaven Sealing Xuan should be able to escape at least.

The war continues …

After one hour of this battle, Chu Yan slowly stopped and stopped.


Heaven Sealing Xuan saw Chu Yan stopped, and immediately started, followed his eyes, and glanced across, swearing directly.

I saw that in the darkness in the distance, there were more than 1000 tombs arranged, suspended in mid-air, and all kinds of brilliance flickered.

The nearest mausoleum does not seem to be the largest, and it is the smallest of the 9 largest tombs. The first one on the left is the largest, like a mountain peak, connecting Heaven and Earth.

They just met so many huge deep sea demon, and now look at these tombs, it is really a little witch. ,

The practitioners stood in front of the tomb, like a group of ants looking up at the mountain peak.

“Here …” All the practitioners were all surprised.

“En !?”

Haitian first waited 4 taboos, his face slightly stunned.

They just felt that the Uranus Lamp was behind these tombs, and Aura was completely silent.

This made them a little puzzled, and at the same time their faces were low and brows tightly knit.

Uranus lamp is a variable!

Buzz …!

At this moment, the tomb trembles, and the original brilliance instantly soared several times.

The 9 largest mausoleums even appeared brightly condensed, and rows of epitaphs appeared.

“The Tomb of the Fighter!”

“10000 Tomb of the Living Master!”

“9 The tomb of Lord Cang!”

The cultivators present looked at the big characters, and all of them were mad at their hearts.

These … are actually the tombs of the powerhouse in the main land of Cang! ?

However, when everyone’s eyes fell on the largest tomb, everyone present was startled.

Because above the tomb, there are only two simple words.

“Star week!”

These two words make some pupils in the crowd of practitioners shrink their pupils at the same time.

“Star week !? The star week of Antiquity Gods No. 2 !?”


Haitian’s first-class powerhouse, Barbarian Race gangsters, all had their pupils shrunk and their bodies tremble.

“Wh … what !? The second tomb of the gods !?”

All the practitioners who heard the sound were complexion greatly changed, all shocked.

Antiquity the ten great gods, what a powerful existence!

Although the most amazing battle strength is the 5th gods, but the first 4 gods are said to have existed in half a foot into the main land of Cang.

For thousands of years, news of the gods of all parties has occasionally appeared, but the first four gods have never had any news.

“The things that 9 domain star chart guides, here !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness inside view, constantly communicating the 9-domain star chart, and finally determined.

However, at this moment, the voice of a heaven shaking earth shattering resounded.

Behind the tomb, a bright light rises into the sky, releasing endless Raging Flames, burning the entire Heaven and Earth.

The fire is like a sea, sweeping all directions!

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