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The super giant tomb appeared, suspended above the sky, like a god overlooking all beings.

The whole body is dark, and aura is as large and quiet as a desert. The Spirit Mark above it seems to be formed by condensation of Heaven and Earth Might.

All the tombs of the Cang Lord below, including the tombs of the 2nd gods, have a gap like Heaven and Earth.

At this time, the practitioners present, Divine Soul were trembling, and the feeling in their hearts was like facing a Supreme Divine Realm.


Chu Yan and a group of peerless geniuss, including the extremely excited Hai Tianyi, now have no idea what mood to describe.

The appearance of the mausoleum of the second man of the gods has shocked them.

Now, there is such a horrible tomb, far superior to the second man of the gods.

“10000 tomb stars, single tomb sun and moon!”

“This … this is the legendary Sun, Moon and Stars tomb!”

As the first Holy Son in ancient tombs, Rongchang Road is very clear for all the Great Array of tombs.

Even if he is the head of the legendary 10000 tomb, he has only seen a few words in the classics of the Sect secret room. Didn’t expect to see him today! ?

“Who !? Who is it ?! Let Antiquity the gods 2 can only be a star, tomb of the sun and moon !?”

Among the people present, many people know that even if it is the existence of the Antiquity gods first, it is also impossible to make the gods second so acknowledge allegiance.

The gods, this is Divine Realm continent the most Supreme ten title.

Is it …

“Ha ha ha, good, very good!”

At this point, someone opened his eyes and looked directly at Chu Yan Road

“Chu Yan, you are the 5th heir of the Antiquity gods, what on earth do you want to do here ?? Don’t talk too much nonsense, I believe you won’t tell me!”

“But what are you going to do, huh …”

Speaking of which, the both of his hands were reprinted, and a very peculiar French seal was produced directly, and the whole body might also surge out.

This coercion surprised Chu Yan and was not weaker than War God.

“The second ghost wall of the gods !?”

Hai Tianyi and a lot of peerless genius, all of which are summed up by their pupils, looked towards the peerless genius with a stunned face.

“Changwei, you turned out to be the second heir of the gods !?”

No one thought that this first Holy Son of Ancient Sect, who had been hidden in the dark, turned out to be the second heir of Antiquity gods!

He has been in the Dao Venerable district for so many years, and although few people have seen him appear, his prestige is slightly weaker than the top ten genius.

This Changwei is so hidden! ?

If this news spreads, I’m afraid it will make the entire Divine Realm continent boil.

However, in front of such a tomb, everyone not at all was too shocked.

“Haha, the Hawks at Taboo Ridge, you made me endure for so many years, and now get the sacred relic left by the Master to me, I will kill you all! One will not stay!”

Under Chang Wei’s giggling laugh, he pressed his hands straight towards the tomb of Xingzhou. A large piece of majestic light rushed up and appeared in front of his body. On the tomb of Xingzhou, he condensed a void gate.

His figure rushed in like a lightning.

At this moment, the tombs of all directions shook in unison.

I saw that the mausoleums were flooded with large rays of light, releasing ancient aura, so that the whole place of nowhere began to tremble.

Numerous void gates emerged in unison.

Only the most terrifying mausoleum, unlike others, made a path of bursting sound.

“This … the tombs are all open !?”

The practitioners present were shocked.

There is no doubt at all, you can think of it with your heels, there is no simple mausoleum here.

Especially the 9 Cang Tombs and the most terrifying one. If there is inheritance and chance in it, they will definitely be able to fly into the sky.

Ascending to Supreme is just a trivial matter.

More importantly, there may be Cangjing Avenue, then it really is …

“Chu Yan!”

Suddenly, under a roar, the silhouette of Qin Tian stormed from a distance, his eyes rushing like fire

“The body of my reincarnation has been born, waiting for me to take it and fight you!”

The words are like thunder and the sound of gang is like prestige.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan within both eyes, also rising against the fire.

Qin Tian hearing this, not much to say, turned and rushed to a tomb of Cang Lord Realm.


Chu Yan shouted to Heaven Sealing, flying directly to the most terrifying tomb.

“Everyone listens, let me go in!”

Mu Gutian ordered, the murderous aura soared to the sky, and a large number of Divine Kings, who ate the Dao, all kept up.

Liu Qingyi waited for peerless genius, and after not falling behind, ordered clansman to flush.

“Fellow Daoist, the 2nd gods appear in this world, and there may be a big change! You must chase that Changwei, no matter what, you must kill it!”

A pair of taboo Haitian rumors and say again

“I’m going to chase Chu Yan, I can’t let him succeed!”

“Everyone works hard together and waits until the time is ripe to close the net!”

Speaking of this, the Divine Consciousness sound transmission continues to be reported by Rongchang Road, “Sun, Moon and Stars Tomb, there must be a star tomb connected to the Sun and Moon Tomb, as long as you find it, you can …”

As the Holy Son of Holy Tomb, of course I want to catch Chu Yan and suppress it, but now, Sun, Moon and Stars tomb formation appears, the previous target can only be reduced to the second target.

As long as you can master this group of tombs, the prestige of that ancient tomb must exceed 3 Dao Lineage.

How can he miss such a heavenly opportunity! ?

In an instant, the whole mausoleum was full of different lights, silhouettes flew, various battles also occurred, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

Of course, before this, Chu Yan and Heaven Sealing Xuan had rushed into the most terrifying tomb, and there were a large number of cultivators immediately behind them.

10 breaths later, avoiding the constant prohibitions and murderous intentions, Chu Yan appeared outside the 100 steps of the Tomb Sect gap.

From this point of view, the gap is not large, and the little star flickers, as if feeling straight into chaos.

“Chu Yan, how do I feel that there will be peerless inheritance after entering …”

Heaven Sealing When Xuan said this, his face was full of arrogance and his chin was raised very high, as if waiting for Chu Yan to praise himself.

After all, he is a body of heaven …

Chu Yan just gave him a direct look and walked in, but when he was about to enter the gap, the complexion suddenly changed.

I saw that dozens of Heaven Xuan Earth Palace powerhouse behind Heaven Sealing, suddenly with both eyes burst into cold light, and his eyes rose in a dark mist.

“Swallow 10000 spirits!”

These cultivators shouted at the same time, a large amount of aura rushed out of the body, turned into each and everyone black vortex, and at the same time an arm composed of a path of black air flowed out, grabbing the Heaven Sealing Xuan.


With a word of exit, Heaven Sealing Xuan only felt that his body was completely banned, unable to move, without the body True Qi could not resist.


Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly broke out in an imposing manner, shattering all the black smoke arms flowing around, and rushed to save Heaven Sealing Xuan.

“Chu Yan, don’t come over!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan roared loudly, his body was submerged in black vortex, and disappeared quickly.

The red light flashed out and shot straight at Chu Yan, pouring into him within the body.

The black hole also disappeared, and after shrinking into a mass, it collapsed into nothingness.

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