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Just as the battle intensified, the sky in the distance exploded two times to surprise Heavenly Thunder.

I saw that two peaks of 2 zhang appeared in the void, shining a dazzling fairy light, and swept through the pressure, and the passing place even directly echoed Changwei and Qin Tian.

Supreme Mountain, finally appeared!

Then a storm sounded, and another Supreme mountain also appeared above the sky.

The pressure from the three mountains swept the audience like a tide, making all the cultivators present pale.

This is Supreme breakthrough. Every cultivator breaks into the Supreme realm, and Supreme Mountain will appear.

This is not something ordinary people can see.

Every God King Realm comes easily, not to mention the breakthrough to Supreme, inspiring Heavenly Might Thunder Tribulation.

Of course, there are also one-step Supreme like Li Jiang, after all, there are a few.

Soon, the monks present felt something was wrong. Simultaneously shua shua looked up, but with this glance, all the eyes almost flew out.

“No … No way !? Am I blind !?”

“Fuck me, that Supreme Mountain seems to be a little tall …”

“Really, there should be 10,000 zhang height!”

“No, aren’t all Supreme mountains at 9 1000 zhang high !? How could there be 10,000 zhang !?”

“I’ve never seen it or heard about it. What’s going on?”


The monks present were all stunned, all blinded.

From ancient times to the present, whether you are an ordinary cultivator or a peerless genius, as long as it is from breakthrough to Supreme, Supreme Mountain is 9 1000 zhang high degrees, one inch will not be more.

Even when the Emperor Xuantian of World’s First broke through, it was the same.

But now, Chu Yan, the Supreme Mountain, why there is a thousand zhang! ?

Horizontally above the sky, the three mountains lined up like a sir and two children with a direct look.

Short head! ?

Qin Tian and Chang Wei were also stunned, both with their mouths wide open and their faces covered with blindfolds.

What does this mean! ?

They are all peerless genius, and they all took the chance of the tomb. ?

Is it because he is the successor of the gods! ?

But Changwei is also the 2nd heir of the gods, and he also cultivated 9 forms …

This is simply not fair!

For the first time, Chang Wei’s complexion turned to pig liver, his forehead twitching, staring at Chu Yan’s eyes as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

Apart from being surprised, Qin Tian didn’t care much.

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, looking at the sky above, his face not at all unexpected expression.

After all, the path he took was similar to that of Li, but it was 1000 to 100 times harder than that of Li. If this breakthrough is the same as the ordinary cultivator, then there will be ghosts.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s eyes shrank suddenly.

His within the body suddenly rushed out of a Profound Light, just the words rushed out of the newly fused stone seal.

“Holding India will die !?”

In Chu Yan’s heart, a bad hunch suddenly emerged.

This stone seal won’t be at this time….

Before Chu Yan reacted, the natural phenomenon happened again.

I saw that at the intersection of the three thunderclouds above the sky, a long thunderbolt belt suddenly appeared, in which endless divine light fell.

“what’s going on!?”

The monks present all looked towards the gathering place of 3 Thunderclouds, all of them were dull.

After all, the aura in this battlefield is different from the outside world.

Moreover, breakthrough Supreme is rare, and it is even rarer to have breakthrough Supreme in the first zone.

Maybe this is the Heavenly Tribulation unique to the Dao Venerable area!

The long river of divine light that has gathered together is swelling more and more, and after less than ten breaths, there is a trend of 10,000 li.

After each breath, everyone can see the endless blue sky behind the thunderbolt long river.

It was like a small mysterious space that was slowly opened.

Everyone sees this blue sky and has a very heavy feeling in their hearts.

It seems that among the 10,000 li blue sky, it is a special place arranged by Supreme Power and waved.

Anyone who enters it will immediately suffer Soul Destruction and cause sweat on his forehead.

Soon, mutation was born.

The 10,000 zhang mountains attracted by Chu Yan seemed to be under some special traction, but moved towards the 10,000 li blue sky.

When it just entered the blue sky, the whole sky began to roar, and the sound of the earth shaking all directions.

In the midst, like a force of terrifying terror, completely covering the earth with a radius of 100 li, moved towards the sky.

“Not good! Hurry up …”

Some cultivators were on the ground, so scared flies away and scatters, and ran away quickly.

However, there are always some weak cultivation bases, suppressed by the Supreme imposing manner, and there is no time to escape. After just touching the blue sky, the fleshy body burst out and burst into a blood mist.

On it, there is even a 2 God King Realm Great Accomplishment.


The appearance of this scene made all the practitioners present at the complex greatly changed.

Those God King Realm just stood slightly in the middle, and even had no chance of escaping.

Is n’t Transcending Tribulation! ? How did it become like this! ?

“Look at it …”

God King Realm powerhouse exclaimed, causing everyone to look up.

I saw that Supreme terror force reached out again, wrapped all the ground at the same time, moved towards the blue sky above the sky.


This time, covering 10,000 li ground, it was simply impossible to escape.

Seeing that it was about to rush into the blue sky, Chang Wei instantly turned all aura introverted into body protection gangwei and enveloped the whole body.

And other cultivators are not slow, all of them use means to take out the life-saving technique.

Chu Yan stood beside Yue Linglong and drove the Dao Realm mountain range to the extreme.

Even the jade bottle was held tightly in his hand, ready to adapt.

The blockbuster blood light rises into the sky, all moved towards him, he must be more careful, it is a killing game.

Finally, the ground of 10,000 li, with most of the practitioners, rushed to the blue sky area.

All the practitioners were instantly shrouded in a powerful aura, and the tension in their hearts was inexplicably relaxed.


hundred breaths… after

All the cultivators are stunned, look at me, I see you …

As if nothing happened ah! ?

“Look over there, that’s …”

Suddenly, a cry of exclamation sounded, and everyone turned their heads at the same time, hurriedly turned their heads to look.

At a glance, everyone’s mind trembled at the same time, and 10000 huge waves in his heart picked up.

I saw that above the tall sea, that huge city with great magnificence stood side by side.

In the city, there are countless divine glows, rising from the sky, like a divine light forest, Qingtian station.

However, when everyone approached, they realized that the city was so familiar, it seemed to be …

The core city of the first district, the largest city at the entrance! ?

Why … back to the entrance of the first district! ?

Everyone was blinded.

At this moment, in the Yan of Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan, Emperor Xuantian’s voice sounded.

“Chu Yan, Dao Tribulation is different from others, especially in the first district …”

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