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Emperor Xuantian’s voice came in a timely manner. Chu Yan knew that she had no important things and would not contact herself suddenly, so she listened carefully.

“It does not have any Heavenly Tribulation power, it will not kill any cultivators, but it will create different games according to the way of different cultivators!”

“According to your current situation, when asked about cultivation 3, it happened to be in the breakthrough 9 domain Supreme, and faced so many enemies, then you must do your best to show all the cultivation base and strength!”

This time, Chu Yan was a little bit confused.

Show your full strength! ?

Not all your own cards will be exposed! ?

If it is okay in other places, this is the first zone, once the hole card is used, it is equivalent to the world.

“Chu Yan, this is just the first point!”

The voice of Emperor Xuantian rarely became heavy.

After having been in contact with her for so long, Chu Yan heard it for the first time. Her tone was not cold, only tense and dignified.

“Xuan Tian, ​​many thanks, please rest assured, I am ready!”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, sound transmission replied.

When I went to District 4 at the time, Chu Yan was ready to face the monstrous disaster, and now is also the time to face it.

“Chu Yan, Qin Tian, ​​Chang Wei!”

“3 Supreme Mountains !?”

Those cultivators outside the first district quickly received news and rushed to the first district.

When they saw the scene for the first time, they were all shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes.

No one can believe that the entrance city of the first district has gathered so many cultivators.

Moreover, all came out of the first area.

Could the first district not break the rule that Supreme cannot come out, be broken! ?

“We … back to the Dao Venerable area !?”

All cultivators are all excited.

Some of these people entered the first district for 100 years or even 1000 years and could not leave at all.

didn’t expect Now, it’s back like this! ?

Among the crowd, a large number of practitioners started Divine Consciousness sound transmission….

“Sect Lord, deep in the Heavenly Sword Lake in the first district, there is a place called Nai He Battlefield, which contains 1000 ancient tombs, 9 Taoist tombs, and the 2nd gods …

Su Qingmei, the peerless genius of Peerless Genius, responded extremely quickly and reported all the details to Sect.

“Sect Master, we are out now …”

“Master Palm, things are like this …”

A cultivator keeps spreading consciousness and telling about this time.

After all, it’s a matter of importance, and you must tell Sect to respond.


Chang Wei is the most irritable one, and directly cursed.

He never thought that things would develop like this.

As a result, his overall plan directly exposed in front of everyone, will definitely cause him trouble.

Liu Qingyi’s mouth twitched, and her beautiful eyes swept to Chu Yan, saying, “It’s a pity, it seems that your luck is average. Now it’s the whole world, and you don’t want to see your breakthrough to Supreme!”

Yue Linglong beautiful eyes turned lightly and said, “Chu Yan, don’t care about her. Now Supreme Mountain has appeared, let’s climb the peak first!”

Chu Yan nodded, glanced at Yue Linglong, smiled slightly, and rushed to the Supreme Mountain in an imposing manner in the whole body.

“Chu Yan, I wanted to have fun with you. Now … do n’t blame me for being impolite!”

In Chang Wei’s eyes, it was all grim.

Together with Qin Tian, ​​his silhouette rushed to the Supreme Mountains.

In an instant, over the entire mountain range, countless natural phenomena evolved like a great Desolate.

After a long time, as various news sounded, the whole piece of Divine Realm continent vibrated directly.

“What !? That Changwei turned out to be the second heir of the gods !?”

“Oh my god, the 2nd gods have appeared …”

“9 great physique !? He has collected … this …..”


All kinds of storms and waves, Chang Wei severely became the protagonist of this storm.

All forces and cultivators paid attention to Changwei. All the plans that had been made because of Chu Yan’s reasons began to change.

After all, Changwei is the second heir to the gods, which is significantly stronger than Chu Yan, the fifth heir to the gods.

More importantly, Changwei has also collected 9 antiquity physiques, and it is possible to complete the “9 Holy Return to One” at any time.

If that’s the case, this Divine Realm continent horror after 10,000 li, really want to dominate.

“At this time, Tabu Ling and Xuetian Ancient Sect should be preparing.”

“Xuan Tian has already said that this Chang Wei still has the same thing as Chu Yan, in order to return to the 9th Saint, there is still a chance!”

“What should we do!?”

The bigwigs of all parties are negotiating nervously, and the situation is changing so fast that they can’t react.

“no need to worry!”

8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect’s Xuanhuang Venerable Lord was hurt by a group of Elders who were noisy and shouted loudly.

“In a word, as long as 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect is still there, Chu Yan is my sect disciple! No one can change!”

“I am leaving now and heading to the first district!”

Throwing away in one sentence, the Venerable Lord turned into a streamer and disappeared above the sky outside the temple.

In the great hall, all Elder were stunned.

On the other side, Peerless Sect …

“Ha ha ha, finally waited, finally …”

In the ancient great hall, the young flame hair laughed loudly, and the whole great hall shook.

“I haven’t laid off my layout for so long, and finally saw …”

The one below is a great sect, bowing all together

“Congratulations to Sect Master, you will be successful!”

flame hair youth hearing this, with the corner of his mouth raised, pulling out a daunting color.

“The successors of Xing Zhou also appeared, which is definitely not a coincidence …”

“The 2nd Gods, if you don’t prepare anything, what will you arrange, I will believe it !?”

“Don’t worry now, the flower of Constant Antiquity will soon be Great Accomplishment, and no one can stop me … Achieve Supreme Saint Physique!”

flame hair The young man has never been so excited, and the sound of mad laughter shook.

“Lord, give me your glory! I will help you reproduce!”

“Everyone listens to the order and immediately goes to the first district!”

What the shit 9 is holy, can’t get into his dharma eyes, now his plan is about to succeed, everything is trash.

On the other side, Antiquity in Taboo Ridge …

The big river is rushing, and the river is full of bones shining rays of light. Yin Fiend Qi is extremely heavy.

“This is Interesting!”

Antiquity The taboo laughter makes people have one’s hair stand on end.

“The 2nd Gods and the 5th Gods should not exist, they must all die! This time they dare to show their heads together …”

“If that is the case, then I will go on my own!”

Endless in the sky, 10,000 zhang thunderbolt falls, the entire Taboo Ridge is bloody lighting.

On the other side, the Dao Venerable area of ​​the first domain …

The Dao Venerable area is the core of the first domain of Divine Realm continent. Because of the existence of the Dao Venerable area, the first domain has such a status.

Here, you can often see the Supreme Powerhouse and even Dao Lord Realm occasionally.

And now, all the ancient influences, Shi 3 Dao Lineage, have focused their attention here, which has also attracted the attention of many ancient giants.

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