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10,000 li in the void, various Divine Consciousness shuttle …

“How can the battlefield !? Green stone seal !? This … a little familiar ah!”

“Me too … seems to have heard of it there.”

“I haven’t heard it!”

“Is there something that all 4 Sirs wanted, was there?”


“Then let them make trouble for a while, just look at it …”

“It’s not very good, after all, both 2nd and 5th appear, if people find and so on, the result …”

The void is silent, and there seems to be a dignity and depression in the silence.

The mutation of this time makes many people and giants completely unprepared.

But everyone can feel that a mighty storm is gathering.

At this time, the first district of Dao Venerable District …

Three towering Supreme mountains have emerged together. Under various natural phenomena, Heaven and Earth are everywhere.

All the practitioners watching around, even the existence of God King Realm, are all astonished expressions.

Qin Tian, ​​Chang Wei, Chu Yan, 3 people, after arriving at the Supreme Mountain, began to climb on foot.

Every time a step is taken, the 9 Heavenly Thunder on the sky will drop a, bombard three people, explode countless lightning, and the scene is shocked.

Moreover, the further forward, the stronger the thunderbolt is.

However, for these three, there is no problem with resistance, and it can even be said to be very easy.

“Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang! Dry Kun Wuji…. Legal 10000 Chuan!”

In order to prove something, Chang Wei seems to be climbing very fast, constantly displaying his secret skill, blasting those falling thunderbolt into the sky, and at the same time casting his 9 antiquity physique, one after another.

Moreover, most of the secret skills he displayed hit Chu Yan.

“Extinguishing soul blade!”

Qin Tian carried a long blade, but waved it, but cut it horizontally and slashed to Chu Yan.

“What are you looking at !? You really want Chu Yan breakthrough to Supreme !? Hurry up and stop him!”

Under the shout of Chang Wei, the practitioners on the scene reacted together and shot at the same time.

In an instant, 10000 attacks were flooding, all moved towards Chu Yan.

Now that the news has just spread, the big influence gangsters should take some time to come.

Therefore, if they do not shoot, Chu Yan will definitely complete the breakthrough in advance.

“Dao Realm mountain range!”

Chu Yan urged the Dao Realm mountain range, which was halfway in the air, as if a mountain completely blocked the flood, making it difficult to move forward.

8 The peerless genius of Desolate Sect of Yuxuan are also helping to attack, and continually consuming this attack power from the side can also be regarded as some effect.

In the distance, Yue Linglong exhibited the body of the Great Spirit God, suppressing the entire Spirit Race with its own strength, so that the strength skills of the entire Spirit Race, including Liu Qingyi, could not be used at all.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Thunderclap exploded, Heaven and Earth tremored.

This war, because there is no restriction of the rules of the first zone, the fighting is far more fierce than when it is in the first zone.

All peerless genius and cultivators have done their utmost, and how terrible might might have turned Heaven and Earth over the city into powder.

“Chang Wei, Qin Tian, ​​and Rongchang Dao are all working together against Chu Yan!”

All the cultivators who were originally in the city were shocked.

Although there is no Supreme 9 shot, this battle is probably the biggest battle in the first district in the past 1000 years.

General God King Realm, you have to be careful and careful, then you can barely survive.


Yue Linglong beautiful eyes swept, and under the wave of ice-like jade-like hands, the jade seal was knotted again, and a group of spirit moons rose from the sky, and the stars were bright.

Roar! roar! roar!

A star is the body of a Fiendgod exploding, and in an instant it is 10000 Demon Gods.

“Great Demonic God !?”

Liu Qingyi had a pair of spirit eyes, staring at Boss, and his entire face was ashamed.

She is finally understood, what a powerful existence this Yue Linglong is, just know this great Demonic God technique.

These forbidden techniques, among Divine Realm continent, have little success in cultivation.

Not only the requirements are harsh, but also cultivation deaths and still alive.

A respectful Demon God roar roared and released the Heavenly Demon Prestige. Wherever he passed, all the attacks of the cultivators were all turned into powder.

“Myriad Realms Gate …”

Liu Qingyi was so clever. Seeing 10000 demons, she was moved towards her heavenly soul, Myriad Realms.

“Your little trick, how come I don’t know !?”

Yue Linglong chuckled, jade hand waved again, all around The magic breath rolled, and Myriad Realms door trembles under the attack of countless Demon Gods.

As a result, Chu Yan instantly felt that his body was loose and his battle strength rose again.

“Admire! But Fellow Daoist wants to completely release Chu Yan’s Divine Soul, which is impossible!”

Between Liu Qingyi’s speeches, a group of Spirit Race powerhouses gathered behind him and began to cast spells.

These Spirit Race powerhouses, all cultivation bases are God King Realm Peak, and the Spirit Seal on their foreheads is exactly the same.

The aura performed by more than 20 people at the same time is exactly the same, obviously urging a same Taoist technique.


The sky exploded, 10,000 li heavy waves, in the sound of waves, countless boulders appeared like a stone rain, simultaneously shua shua took strength of Seal, moved towards Chu Yan and fell.

“Spirit Stone Restricting-Soul Technique!”

This stone forest has passed, there is no traceable power to the void land, and when it falls over 10,000 zhang above Chu Yan’s head, all disappear.

Chu Yan’s complexion changed suddenly, and he only felt the outbreak of Daoguang in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

didn’t expect, this forbidden technique turned out to directly attack Sea of ​​Consciousness!

“Liu Qingyi, you are so clever, you didn’t use the right place at all! Guess you must have a back …”

Yue Linglong glanced at Chu Yan, graceful eyebrows lightly wrinkle.

At the next moment, her jade hand flipped over, and a piece of 8 hexagrams appeared in her palm.

Without a trace of hesitation, jade hand waved, 8 Gua Dao Yin lifted into the sky, and turned into a Great Array. The ripples on the front of the wave surged like a wave, and a giant beast rushed out of it.

The beast has one eye and one horn, looking back at the 8-trigram Array under him, suddenly screaming and rushing past.

“Bite … Dao Beast !?”

Liu Qingyi looked at one glance, and his eyes were suddenly round.

At the next breath, she watched the Dao Eater, and more than 20 Divine Kings moving towards the main family rushed away.

“Maintain the Great Array, no refund!”

More than 20 Divine King’s powers of the Spirit Array were swallowed by the Daoist Beast instantly, and all of them looked pale, with their teeth clenched.

Liu Qingyi shows Spirit Seal while opening

“Fellow Daoist Magical Powers is smart, I can’t, but unfortunately, Fellow Daoist is just a Daoist, I want to see if it can devour 2 Great Arrays at once!”

When saying this, in front of Liu Qingyi, another “Spirit Stone Forbidden Land Great Array” appeared, and at the same time slammed into Chu Yan.

“Not enough ?! How do I feel … enough !?”

Yue Linglong chuckled, and moved towards Spirit Race powerhouse not far away glanced.

I saw that the Daoist Beast was arrogant, and in less than 3 breaths time, it has absorbed ten or eight God King Realm Array Masters into human beings.

“This … this is Beast King !?”

Liu Qingyi’s complexion finally couldn’t calm down anymore, and with the small mouth slightly opened, the whole person froze.

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