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The first area, the entrance.

“Chu Yan awakened reincarnation !?”

“Is there any reincarnation of Chu Yan? What is the origin !?”

“I don’t know. I have never heard of it. It is said that among the top ten peerless ones, there are reincarnations that are not decimals, but they are all secrets!”

“I’m no wonder!”

“Yeah, otherwise how could it be so easy to break through the realm of 9 domain !?”


The Dao Lord Realm, 9 Domain Supremes, all around the Divine Consciousness sound transmission, listened carefully to the news.

Peerless genius is nothing in their eyes, but if it is reincarnation, it will be completely different.

The problem with this reincarnation identity is that they cannot afford to offend.

Moreover, as continent giants, they have extensive knowledge, and when they think of the news of Chu Yan, they are all in a dark face.

A soaring person in the lower realm, cultivation to the 9th realm in a short time, and the 5th descendant of the gods, plus the care of the Sect Master …

Adding all these together, it is easy to infer that this Chu Yan’s identity is probably not simple.

“The sixth one, you tell me who is Chu Yan’s reincarnation !?”

In the field, the most important thing is the Antiquity taboo, turning around looking towards flame hair young man, speaking directly.

“No matter who he is, what identity he must die here today”

While pondering in his heart, he found that the young flame hair didn’t even care about him, it was just that tightly knit stared at Chu Yan, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Was Chu Yan ’s reincarnation memory of previous life banned by himself? ?

What is going on in this round of awakening! ?

It’s fundamentally impossible. Before the ban, he carefully read it. In Chu Yan’s reincarnation memory, it was the garbage.

This is totally wrong …

“By the way, that part of the banned memory is still partly incomplete, not …”

Flame hair The youth suddenly had eyes shined and suddenly thought of something.

“Now it seems that I am still underestimating. The memory blocked by myself may be a guise or a spare. The real one has always been in Chu Yan within the body and was sealed in advance! “

Thinking of this, flame hair youth looked up towards Antiquity

“Are you nervous !? Wouldn’t it be right?… ..”

“I’m not afraid to tell you the truth, Chu Yan’s reincarnation is my son of the Lord!”

Hearing this, Antiquity was stunned.

What! ?

You say Chu Yan’s reincarnation is the 2nd ancestor, who spends all day long, never cultivates, and hangs around …

“He … is not yet dead !?”

Antiquity twitched the corners of his eyes twice and couldn’t believe it.

Before, Chang Wei was his first target, but now he heard Chu Yan’s reincarnation body, and suddenly the murderous intention reappeared in his eyes, staring directly at Chu Yan.

Although it is said that the 2nd ancestor is completely garbage, after all, it is the descendant of that existence, which is also the first scourge of the entire Divine Realm continent.

“The son of …?”

Among the Taoists present, someone heard it, and suddenly looked shocked.

Their absolutely didn’t expect, Chu Yan’s reincarnation identity, so horrible!

“It seems I can’t hide it!”

Xuanhuang Venerable Lord hearing this, could not help but sigh in his heart.

Regarding Chu Yan’s affairs, he has been investigating the amount of power in secret, and he has some eyebrows.

Although Chu Yan ’s reincarnation was only a second-generation ancestor at that time, such news is now in the Divine Realm continent, I am afraid it is heaven shaking earth shattering.

Importantly, Chu Yan also offended a lot of Great Influence in the world.

“What happened!?”

Some God King Realm in the distance saw a sudden silence here, all with a look of consternation.

Isn’t it a war? ?

Why didn’t you move at all! ?

“They’re talking about the reincarnation of Big Brother Chu Yan !?” Yue Linglong was half-aired and her graceful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

“That’s right, the kid is afraid that it’s already exposed. Disciple, you’d better stay away from him, otherwise the trouble may be a bit big!”

Hearing Divine Consciousness sound transmission, Yue Linglong was suddenly reluctant, “old ghost, you shut up!”

The two lords above Nine Heavens suddenly twitched in one face, but shook their heads helplessly, the whole face twisted a little.

Anything that my own discipline is good, is to have to die hard on this Chu Yan, and also intimidate them to come to save people, just Heavenly Might vowed to establish a full tenet.

“Look, Chu Yan is moving!”

At this time, the main body of Lingnan Cave, Ji Changsheng, and Mo Qingdong were complexion changed at the same time. The pupil technique passed through the layers of clouds and penetrated the Supreme mountains below, the black robe silhouette.

Yue Linglong is also looking up, looking towards Chu Yan.

I saw that a light green little lotus flew from the sky and rushed directly to Chu Yan. It instantly disappeared into his eyebrows and released the dazzling azure light, illuminating the whole Heaven and Earth completely.

Now, the green lotus is about to change!

“Okay, finally started …”

Flame hair in the eyes of the young man, with a sharp shot, both hands forming seals, urged Saint Physique to the extreme, and raising his hand is a path of Spirit Seal, which constantly blasted into the green lotus seal.

A powerful and ancient outbreak of aura rushed all around like a stream of water.

Antiquity Taboo and other Dao Lord Realm exist, 9 Domain Supreme people can feel that a very mysterious force is gestating, seems to be waiting for something to be born.

“What kind of Taobao is this !? Is it the inheritance of that one !?”

Antiquity forbids to ponder in his heart, glancing at the flame hair young, the same light flashes in his eyes.

If it is really the inheritance left by that person, it is absolutely terrifying existence.

“Heaven and Earth Promise, the transformation of heaven and earth!”

Antiquity Taboo reacted, and also a murderous aura surging, raising his hand was killing.

“What do you want to do!?”

The flame hair youth saw Antiquity’s taboo shot, suddenly screamed, and waved a dozen or so kinds of Taoism.

This Antiquity taboo is too much trouble, so dare to hit his own idea.

Now he has cast Saint Physique, no matter who dares to block himself, it is a dead end.

“This child…. Must not stay!”

Dao Lineage Supremes present, now, finally see the situation.

All of them were sullenly faced, and they all broke out. Anyway, the Sect Master and Antiquity taboos met. No one can stop them now.

Chu Yan’s identity may be terrifying, but as of now, the general trend, no matter what, must not let Chu Yan ask respect, otherwise it will become scourge.

Beyond 10,000 li, the Divine Kings who watched the game suddenly looked stunned.

what’s the situation! ?

Why did you fight again! ?

What the hell are these giants doing, they will fight for a while and stop for a while, is it what happened! ?

In any case, even if they now have the courage to dare, they dare not come close.

On the other side, no one noticed that Yue Linglong, who was hanging in the air, and a pair of spirit eyes, the endless brilliance began to emerge, and the faint seal of snowflakes appeared on her forehead, and aura swallowed, just like immortal spirit

In her within the body, a sleeping aura is slowly rising.

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