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If there is a giant of Dao Lord Realm here, you will definitely find that the seal of snowflakes on Yue Linglong’s forehead is obviously similar to the seal of green lotus on Chu Yan’s eyebrows.

Above Nine Heavens, Mo Dongqing with a bitter face suddenly clenched the teeth.

“Old ghost, do you feel it !? Our treasure disciple’s aura is a bit wrong, as if it has something to do with the little kid below …”

Next to Ji Changsheng hearing this, he glanced at him suddenly and said, “Nonsense! I still use you to say …”

next moment, his face faintly said

“Xuan Tian said, Divine Soul of our disciples had entered the little flower, and now it seems that I am afraid to get some opportunities and benefits in the little flower. Now that little flower needs Great Accomplishment, so …”

Lingnan Cave master hearing this, slightly nodded, turned his head towards towards 2 Humane “How is the result !?”

“The result! Big brother, you are not stupid! This is the lotus of Constant Antiquity of Constant Antiquity Saint Physique, what do you say the result !? Hurry up, let’s do it, help them, get bigger if you can! The opportunity is rare! “

While speaking, Mo Dongqing started to do it, and Ji Changsheng beside him quickly stopped

“You be careful, Antiquity forbids those 2 guys below, we cannot afford to offend them now …”

“Understood! Understood! Annoying ….”

While speaking, 3 people started to set up some kind of extremely old Great Array.

On the other side, Chu Yan is in the sea of ​​Consciousness …

The picture of all around keeps changing, and every flash of it will make Chu Yan’s Divine Soul tremble. In the end, his Divine Soul is completely caught in it, as if the true body has entered the battlefield.

Everything is very real in front of you.

“Hmph! My Hongli Tiannai is a Young Master who has eaten the Dao. He is the first person in the world, and he wants me to recognize you as the master !? Are you qualified enough? What are the benefits !?”

“You don’t want to see the scenery over there !?”


“Can I just worship you as a teacher !?”

“I never accept a recipe !?”

“Then … okay! I got it!”


When the picture is changed again, a new picture appears, but the sound comes first …

“Heaven, Duan Wuji, you two are okay, if you want, you can recognize me as your Lord, your hatred, I will help you!”

“pay respects to the Lord!”

“Well, get up, starting today, Li Tian is your big brother, you are the old 2 and he is the old 3 …”

“Old 2 … er, Lord, can you change it …”

“From now on, your surname and first name are no longer available, and I will be held accountable for those who violated it! I only hope that you will win your own title in the future. By then, you will be ranked according to this …”

A snap, the screen flashes again, a fat appears, and a sly expression says

“Little one, little five, Little Liu, little nine, come and see, this kid Interesting …”

“Lord … Lord, can you not call Xiaoyi …”

“Why, still want me to call you Boss !?”


The picture continues, one scene after another, Chu Yan sinks into it, completely unable to extricate himself.

On the other side, where the fleshy body is located, the green lotus flickers, the color changes constantly, and suddenly all disappears, even all the aura is also silent.

Although there was no outbreak of any natural phenomenon and no strong aura fluctuations, Antiquity taboo, flame hair youth, and all the masters present, Supreme 9 in the field, tremble at the same time and stand on the spot.

This Tao flower should have completed the transformation!

flame hair The rays of light in the eyes of the youth flicker like stars, the corners of the mouth are completely open, the body flashed, and rushed towards Chu Yan.


Antiquity yelled at the taboo, thunderbolt Gang Wei broke out, and will rush out.

But without waiting for his shot, above the 10,000 li void, there were 3 horror silhouettes, which turned into a 3 formation, and rushed out in unison.

“Not good !”

The next breath, Antiquity taboo complexion changed, didn’t expect even halfway set up an ambush.

Moreover, the aura of these 3 people didn’t even notice it just now, showing that the cultivation base is not weak.

“Ha ha ha….”

flame hair The young man laughed in the sky, all proud.

Finally got it!

After waiting so long, I finally succeeded!

As long as this flower is refining, his own Saint Physique can be transformed and become World’s First Saint Physique, Constant Antiquity Saint Physique, live forever, 10000 exist in the world.

When the time comes, maybe you can take the opportunity to break through to Cang Lord Realm and become the real master in this world!

However, just as both of his hands trembling and reaching towards Chu Yan’s forehead, the black robed youth in front of him suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant, the 2 pupil lights seem to travel 10000 ancient times, and have experienced 100 centuries of vicissitudes in the world, constant for years.

“En !? Awakened completely !? Just, the garbage just looked at me …”

Flame hair The young man didn’t take it seriously at all, and his face was disdainful and contemptuous. Before he finished speaking, Chu Yan heard Chu Yan sigh.

“Little Liu….”


These two words export, flame hair youth as if was struck by lightning, full body drama, complexion greatly changed.

“This name, this tone, no! Impossible… absolutely impossible!”

flame hair The youth’s roar exploded, with a shocked shock and unbelievable, shouted loudly

“Dare to call me careful, courting death !? Don’t dress up as God, playing the devil, come and announce your name …”


Another two words of export, flame hair young this time, completely stupid, just angry, and now completely sluggish, as if Divine Soul has gone away.

Heavenly soul!

This is his real name!

This world, people who know this name are simply impossible, and there are people alive!

After following the Lord to climb to the top of the world, the sixth god is his name, and no one dares to mention the past.

Others call him the sixth of the gods, the Lord calls him Little Liu, and others call him 6th brother …

These things, how does this garbage know! ?

this this impossible!

“You … you are … you are …”

Flame hair The young man raised his hand, shaking his fingers like chaff, and pointed at Chu Yan. His eyes were so wide that his eyes would fly out. The expression was as if he had seen Heavenly Ghost.

Because at this time, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the flame hair youth, 10000 thunderbolts exploded, and the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness was collapsing.

This Chu Yan, isn’t it the garbage reincarnation, but … Lord! ?

Together with this consciousness, he instantly thought of more, just like all the doubts and doubts before, in this brief moment, all clear.

Why did that plough the sky call him Lord …

Xiang Shengcheng was born because of him …

Telema Thor Thor …

and many more….

If it is said that Chu Yan is really the Lord of Reincarnation, then all of this is clear.

Including your own name …

When Chu Yan was honored, the banned Chu Yan’s reincarnation memory was probably the big brother’s ploughing the sky and placed in Chu Yan within the body as a cover.

The purpose is for today, Chu Yan can completely awaken the reincarnation! ?

“I … I don’t believe it! I will never believe it!”

At this moment of Heaven’s Soul, all eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his face was grim, with long hair chaotically, and growled loudly

“That battle, the Lord is already dead! Impossible also … Yes! It must be ploughing the sky, or the old 9 is a ghost! You unite and want to cheat me … cheat me … ha ha ha! “

Chu Yan stood there quietly, just looking at Tian So, shaking his head slightly.

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