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Inspire ten natural phenomena! ?

No matter how difficult, it is always a surname cultivator.

It’s no wonder that this kid bumped into himself.

Tianxiang Supreme’s small mouth lightly raised, looking at each other with a smile, waiting for the black robe kid covered in dirt to beg him.

However, without waiting for everyone to react, Chu Yan has moved towards the altar.

“Many thanks Tianxiang Supreme!”

When a sentence was thrown out, Chu Yan had reached the altar, and his hand was waved, True Qi was like a wave.

“He … really have to try !?”

On the stage, Tianxiang Supreme, Hu Ben Supreme, and all the Clansman of Zhou Family and Wang Family are all in one piece.

This guy is really dead!

What’s the benefit of doing so against Tianxiang Supreme! ?

It’s a trivial matter to catch your legs. If you make Zhou Tianxiang angry, you will have to throw it here.

Is there such a lifeless person in this World! ?

Not only the Zhou Kings, but the practitioners present were all puzzled.

“Could it be that….”

After waiting for a while, a different color flashed in everyone’s eyes at the same time, looked towards the black robe silhouette in front of the altar, everyone’s face changed.

xiu xiu xiu….

At this moment, above the altar, a was connected to the natural phenomenon of a, and it soared into the sky like 10000 flaming meteor.

The mighty might, which caused a huge wind and wind, spread all directions.

The light of various natural phenomena exploded in the sky, shining like a night fireworks, and dyed the whole sky with 5 colors.

Between Heaven and Earth, 10000 elephants are updated, and a scene of heaven shaking earth shattering is constantly emerging.

“Ten … ten natural phenomena !?”

“God, there are really ten natural phenomena!”

“Too terrifying! How is this possible !? The light of ten natural phenomena !?”

The eyes of all the practitioners in the audience were all terrified look.

In the past 1000 years, when there have been deposits that can induce ten natural phenomena, I have never heard of them.

Chu Yan stood in front of the altar without changing his face.

If he wants, don’t talk about ten natural phenomena. It’s trivial to dismantle this altar with one wave.

“Tianxiang Supreme, please announce again …”

Chu Yan turned to look towards the stage, Tian Xiang Supreme opened his mouth, and the whole person was stiff.

“you you you….”

After hearing Chu Yan’s reminder, Tianxiang Supreme’s complexion instantly turned into a pig liver color.

didn’t expect ah …

A surname cultivator, aura but God King Realm, even had to fight against her.

I don’t know what method was used, but it actually inspired the light of ten natural phenomena, which made her get to Taiwan! ?

“How can this be!?”

Liu 10000 Lin Man twisted his face, and the whole person was stupid.

For this drop of blood essence, he made some plans and arrangements, but now he was robbed by a monk who appeared! ?

“Ha ha ha, there are people who can provoke all natural phenomena, really Interesting!”

Hu Ben Supreme laughed loudly and spoke for the first time.

Turned his head towards Tianxiang Supreme, his mouth slightly raised, “I see, let him be the 1st place!”

Recruitment at this time, although it is the cooperation of two King Zhou, but it is mainly Zhou Family, so Tianxiang Supreme can forcibly deny the request of Hu Ben Supreme.

However, if she really wants to do this, her Tianxiang Supreme’s face is really lost.

“Okay! In this case, Fellow Daoist, this is Supreme blood essence!”

While speaking, Tianxiang Supreme’s jade finger flicked and a piece of Jade Talisman flew to Chu Yan.

In the Jade Talisman, a touch of Supreme’s will surged out, and all the monks’ eyes flashed wherever they passed.

Supreme blood essence!

Every cultivator in the square wants Supreme Treasure.

“This little friend, I think you might as well join me directly in Wang Family, I can make you a formal clansman directly!”

Hu Ben Supreme glanced at Tianxiang Supreme and smiled slightly before turning to Chu Yan.

This is a genius that can provoke ten natural phenomena, and of course you have to grab it.

Now, he has something to do with Zhou Family, it’s almost a mere affair, and he can only join Wang Family.

I believe that this black robe cultivator is absolutely full of joy for his invitation and opening conditions as long as he is not stupid.

“No! I won’t join …”

Chu Yan shook his head directly, eyes looked at Jade Talisman in his hand, his mind slightly moved.

Not to mention shortly afterwards, he and the 7 Gu Family are afraid of the same situation, not to mention that he is now 9 domain Supreme, how could he join the 7 Gu Family as a clansman! ?

“Do not join !?”

Hu Ben Supreme’s complexion instantly darkened, said

“Okay! In this case, there is nothing to say!”

Dignified a Supreme myself, and invited him in such a good condition, this black robe cultivator was completely ignorant! ?

In this case, let him abolish it!

At this time, there were only 2 recruits from Zhou Wang. He offended Zhou Family, and now he refused his invitation. There is no chance to join the 7 Gu Family.

Moreover, if this matter spreads, with the arrogance of the 7 Gu Family, the other 5 will be impossible and accept him again.

Although genius, which attracts ten natural phenomena, is precious, he definitely underestimated the face value of the 7 Gu Family.


The monks present looked at Chu Yan, all of them were stunned.

Only Tianxiang Supreme’s face squeezed out a smile, saying, “Little Fellow Daoist, it would be better to join me in Zhou Family and make you an official clansman!”

“Sorry, no interest!”

Without raising his head, Chu Yan shook his head directly and landed in one sentence, leaving the whole square dead.

Two Supreme, all the cultivators, were all in shock, whether they had ear problems.

This black robe cultivator, even Zhou Family refused! ?

Does he really want to abolish himself! ?

In other words, he thought that with a drop of Supreme blood essence, he could break through Supreme and rampage across the 7 Gu Family sites! ?

This idea is too much! ?

“There is a chance to meet again!”

Chu Yan was ready to turn around and leave.

The blood essence is already in hand. With it, you can get a general understanding of the situation of the 7 Gu Family. You do n’t have to waste time here.

However, without waiting for Chu Yan to turn around, a loud squeal sounded

“Bold, stop!”

Hu Ben Supreme and Tian Xiang Supreme almost simultaneously broke out the cultivation base, Supreme pressure like the tide, swept the audience in an instant.

2 powerful Divine Consciousness lock Chu Yan, murderous aura soaring.

The two Gu Family cultivators also reacted suddenly and rushed up to encircle Chu Yan.

“Something !?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

“Boy, you still have a question !?”

Hu Ben Supreme’s face was icy, and the sound of his speech was like a thunderbolt bursting into anger. At this time, his whole body surged with Supreme aura and gang power.

“You took part in the recruitment, and after taking away the blood essence, you didn’t join any family, are you kidding us !?”

“Today, if you don’t join our 2 families, kill!”

In a word, the murderous aura on Tianxiang Supreme has turned into a substance that covers all around the void.

Under such circumstances, an impossible cultivator can escape in the sky.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly fell to the freezing point, and everyone shivered.

“This guy really angered 2 Supreme!”

“Courting death ah!”


The cultivators present all shrunk their necks, and their scalp was numb.

At this moment, everyone in the audience looked towards Chu Yan.

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