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Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looking at the Zhou King 2 clansman all around.

“What do you mean !? There are rules here, and the cultivator must join your 2 families !?”

This sentence asked the exit, Hu Ben Supreme two people at the same time stunned, including all the practitioners present were stunned.

This … seems to have no such regulations.

But every time the recruitment is held, those who participated in the training are all overwhelming and want to join the 7 Gu Family.

Therefore, there is no such provision at all, and it is unnecessary.

But today, I met someone who didn’t want to join the 7 Gu Family, so everyone could not react.

It is equivalent to say that this kid is specially for rewards! ?

Liu 10000 Lin seems to see the opportunity, suddenly shouted

“Two Supreme Sirs! This child is quibbling, not to be trusted! This time, the two King Zhou families were originally recruiting a foreign surname disciple. Those who passed the assessment should have joined the two. This is something that need not be said at all!”

“If there are no rules for this recruitment, anyone can come and go as long as they want, how about to save face of the 7 Gu Family !?”

“He simply came to provoke the majesty of the 7 Gu Family!”

These words were exported, and there was an uproar in the audience.

Everyone’s eyes looked towards Liu 10000 Lin, all with complex expressions.

Putting a simple question of whether to join or not, it has risen to the level of blasphemy against the majesty of the 7 Gu Family.

And Liu 10000 Lin’s complacent look was completely disappointed with the contempt of all around.

Anyway, after this time, he officially joined the 7 Gu Family, no need to ignore these surnames.

Most importantly, this drop of Supreme blood essence can never be missed.

Now, when I say this, the black robe can leave alive! ?

Not to mention that drop of blood essence, don’t even think about it.

Chu Yan turned his head, glanced at Liu 10000 Lin, and opened the mouth and said indifferently “You’re so bullshit, it’s easy to beat!”

Liu 10000 Lin heard Chu Yan’s words, completely disregarded, but looked towards the 2 Supreme Supreme

“Look, he is threatening me! This child is extremely arrogant! Do not leave ah!”

From beginning to end, he was not afraid of this black robe kid.

I want to start! ?

who do you think You Are! ? where is this place! ?

The faces of Tianxiang Supreme and Huben Supreme on the stage were completely gloomy.

“Dare to blaspheme the majesty of 2 Gu Family, today your cultivation base will be abolished for ruling!”

Tianxiang Supreme’s first shot, jade hand flicking, is a powerful aura gush.


Lei Gang was like a tide, rushing all directions, huge grey fog passing by, with a powerful force, moving towards Chu Yan at an amazing speed.

The practitioners present were all shaking by Divine Soul, and their hearts were chilling.

“Supreme shot, this person is finished!”

No one doubts the power of Supreme. The Divine King powerhouses present shook their heads.

It can attract the light of ten natural phenomena, indicating that this person’s innate talent aptitude is extremely strong, but unfortunately it is necessary to provoke the 7 Gu Family and ruin his own Martial Dao’s future.

However, before everyone sighed, an amazing scene appeared.

I saw that Chu Yan waved his big hand, and the powerful tidal force poured out, wiping out all the grey mist.

Chu Yan is the Supreme Initial Stage. Tianxiang Supreme is also the Supreme Initial Stage. Theoretically, 2 people are fellow practitioners of the same level, but really speaking about the strength of the battle. Ten Tianxiang Supremes are all impossible opponents of Chu Yan.

This is the extraordinary way, unmatched!

“You … you are Supreme of 9 domains !?”

Tianxiang Supreme and Hu Ben Supreme were so shocked that they couldn’t close their mouths, and they were completely silly.

9 Domain Supreme is twice as strong as ordinary Supreme, and its battle strength is more than doubled, not to mention that this person is so young, which has attracted the light of ten natural phenomena.

Maybe it’s peerless genius. In that case, the combination of Tianxiang Supreme and Hu Ben Supreme is also impossible.

In an instant, the whole square fell into a silence.

A 9-domain Supreme, even came to participate in the recruitment of 7 Gu Family! ?

Chu Yan ignored the 2 people, but turned to look towards Liu 10000 Lin, his eyes swept, and a slight pressure swept over him, directly covering him.


In the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Liu 10000 Lin, like a thunderstorm exploding, various dead air surges, making him stiff as a hard rock.

He couldn’t think of killing him. This black robe repairer turned out to be 9 domains … Supreme!

If he knew, how could he dare to talk to Chu Yan like this?

In any case, regardless of Chu Yan ’s origin, in the Divine Realm continent, 9 domain Supreme is the representative of absolute strength. From there, Supreme exists, the powerhouse of Martial Dao World cream of the crop.

By no means can he be provocative by a Divine King!

“9 fields … big … Sir, I … I am not …”

Liu 10000 Lin Scared’s tongue was knotted, but just like his whole body was solidified, he couldn’t say a complete word.

“Get lost!” Chu Yan coldly shouted.


Drinking thunder in a word, Liu 10000 Lin just felt like he was hit by a mountain, his whole body flew upside down, bone ka ka burst, blood splattered all over his body, hit a building in the distance and crashed to the ground.

With the current strength of Chu Yan, against a God King Realm Peak, it can almost be crushed, not to mention this Liu 10000 Lin but just broke God King Realm.

“It turns out that Sire is a 9-domain Supreme!”

Hu Ben Supreme finally reacted, opened the mouth and said “Since Sire doesn’t want to join my Zhou Family and Wang Family, please return the blood essence!”

“As long as the blood essence is returned, nothing happened, even if nothing happened!”

In his heart, this Chu Yan made him extremely uncomfortable, and was played the same by the other party from beginning to end, but the other party was 9 domain Supreme, and he couldn’t don’t give face.

Is it true that he broke his face with him and directly hit the big shot! ?

What kind of results can benefit you! ?

When Chu Yan heard this sentence, he was speechless saying, “But according to the rules you set, what reward do I get, why should I return it?”

“Zhou Family Wang Family, anyway, is also the 7 of the 2 Gu Family, such a small device !?”

At this moment, all the practitioners in the audience finally understood that all of them were twitching.

They can see that the black robe Supreme participated in the recruitment, really for blood essence.

However, if you are Supreme or 9-domain Supreme, what do you want the blood essence of other Supreme to do! ?

Even the cultivation of demonic path, this drop of blood essence can’t play any role ah! ?

This is obviously weird!

Tianxiang Supreme ’s face was extremely cold, saying, “You really think you are 9 domain Supreme, you can run wild !?”

“I tell you, deep in the Dao Venerable area, the 9-domain Supreme is nothing at all!”

“You’d better be smart and hand it over immediately, otherwise don’t blame us for being welcome!”

A drop of blood essence for them Supreme, of course, is nothing, but let Chu Yan take it away, 2 of them, including the face of 2 big Gu Family, do not want it! ?

If this spreads, the other 7 of the 5 Gu Family will laugh at Zhou Family Wang Family.

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