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This Spirit Race and overlord cultivators, and the cultivators in battle, belong to several forces and are in a delicately balanced state.

Now, the sudden appearance of Chu Yan has given this delicate balance an opportunity to change, so they have their eyes fixed on Chu Yan and want to take the upper hand in this change.

This purple fairy is a heavenly materials earthly treasures of immortal order. It contains power that can pull up Dao Realm, so it is so eye-catching.

Chu Yan shot directly, grabbed that purple fairy flower, and earned within the body.

This fairy flower is reserved for Yue Linglong.

My Dao Realm is already Great Perfection, if there is no breakthrough, there is no need and possibility for improvement.

But Yue Linglong doesn’t have Dao Realm Perfection yet, so it can be improved with this Immortal Medicine.

“I want this flower!”

Chu Yan chuckled, looking towards all around forces of several parties.

“What !? You …”

The joy on the faces of the 3 Supremes has not yet emerged, and his face suddenly solidified.

I originally thought Chu Yan helped them. Didn’t expect that he picked it up by himself and it was already there.

With that said, he wants to swallow alone! ?

“Fellow Daoist, you better know a little bit, look at all around, you think you can eat it !?”

The Supreme face of Spirit Race is cold, and the jade lips are light.

Everyone sees that Chu Yan has just come to the place of inquiry, that is to say, he is a newcomer, and the cultivation base is nothing but Supreme Initial Stage.

If he really wants courting death, then the people here want to kill him.

Chu Yan hearing this, with a light smile, completely disregarded.

In the eyes of Spirit Race female Supreme, the light of 2 killing intents burst into the air.

“Ha ha ha, it’s interesting! We called, but we made unaware of the oriole behind!”

Supreme 9’s Supreme laughed violently, imposing manner like a rainbow, shaking all around the void, gangway rolling.

Immediately, his face suddenly fell towards all around other people said, “Let’s stop first, kill this kid, and then continue to fight!”

When the word fell, he didn’t even wait for other people to answer, so he suddenly turned and rushed to Chu Yan.

Supreme Race’s female Supreme responds very quickly, raising her hand is a move.

The mighty gang power exploded, and countless spear shadows appeared, bursting out like a forest, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The other two Supremes, under the flickering figure, boundless flames poured out, and gathered together to evolve a large-scale natural phenomenon of Huowei.

Compared with the destiny Supreme 3 people who Chu Yan fought before, the battle strength of these 3 people is obviously stronger.

Chu Yan’s face was as usual, without any fluctuations, the corners of his mouth were light, his body flickered, and turned into a residual image, giving way to these three attacks and appeared in the other direction.

“Movement art is good ah!”

3 people were surprised at the same time, didn’t expect that this person can avoid it so perfectly.

After all, 3 players shot at the same time, 2 of them were performing a ranged attack, the average fellow practitioners were simply impossible to avoid unscathed.

Everyone is Supreme, and the actual combat experience will not be bad. After all, when three people join forces and two people perform range attacks, on the one hand, it is temptation. Of course, it is easy for opponents to avoid.

But now, they just see a residual image, and all attacks are lost.

Looking at Chu Yan, the three Supremes are all slightly raised.

Sure enough, he would not dare to embezzle their purple fairy face to face.

However, such a battle, with 3 to 1, there is no suspense at all, impossible makes him retreat.

Just as the three were about to start, Su Yan ’s brows slightly wrinkle, and the Hunyuan Xian robe on her body gave out aura and began to evolve.

Uh …!

The aura of the Hunyuan fairy robe is attributed to silence. Under the void distortion on Chu Yan, the whole person’s appearance aura is fully exposed.

Ten days have passed, the array of Hunyuan Xianpao can no longer keep running, and after disappearing, Chu Yan is naturally exposed.

“This new kid doesn’t know what kind of place to ask. It’s just that we’ll teach … Hmm !?”

The 2 young people were condensing their unique skill. When they were about to shoot, they saw Chu Yan’s appearance change, and his body shook and stiff on the spot.

This face …. See you there! ?

“You … Chu Yan !?”

Spirit Race Female Supreme reacted first and exclaimed. Among the flashing beautiful eyes, she was full of surprise.

Although she has heard the news, Chu Yan will enter the place of questioning recently, but she absolutely didn’t expect, such a big place of questioning, even let herself come across!

“You know me !?”

Chu Yan was even more shocked than they were, and he never missed it, especially aura can be sure that he has never seen them before.

However, since the Hunyuan fairy robe has just expired, how can people here know themselves! ?

“Quick …, withdraw!”

The female Supreme reacted, and with a loud roar, turned into 2 stream of light with 3 young people, and disappeared on the sky instantly.

Changed any Supreme, even if it was Supreme Peak, they also escaped so fast, like a mouse and a cat.

But now, I met Chu Yan!

This is the fifth heir of the gods, the son of the Celestial Emperor of Zhou Samsara!

Moreover, Chu Yan is one of the ten peerless in the Divine Realm continent’s Heaven Ranking. There are ten two methods of integration in the body, and the battle strength is beyond heaven.

Whether it’s Chu Yan’s identity card or his battle strength cultivation base, it’s simply not what they can provoke.

As long as it is peerless genius, absolutely impossible uses the cultivation base realm to guess the battle strength, otherwise, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

In each of the Great Influence Sect and the Powerhouse, they are the most basic common sense.

Supreme Race, the female of Spirit Race, has long received news that if you want to deal with Chu Yan, you must have at least 5 Supreme Great Accomplishment in the presence of the town to form the Great Array of the town family before you can try to shoot.

“I want to go now !?”

Chu Yan looked at the 3 stream of light on the sky, first started, then coldly shouted out loud.

In an instant, the whole body broke out in an imposing manner, and Chu Yan raised his hand with a palm. A large gang of Wei Leiyun rushed out and enveloped three silhouettes of light.

“100 absolutely 1000 Illusion Technique!”

“10000 invincible!”

3 people are Supreme, how can it be easy to succumb, even if the battle intent is completely lost but the response is extremely fast, seeing the attack below attack, and at the same time rebelling, breaking the palm seal.

“Reverse Divine flame!”

Without waiting for them to accelerate again, a 7-color fire sea below lifted into the sky, flooding them like a tide.

Three Supreme complexion greatly changed, showing the bottom card at the same time, various Daobao and talisman seal shot, the battle strength is extremely strong.


3 The person is in the fire sea, the body protection of Taobao Lingfu can actually resist.

However, the more they clenched their teeth, the deeper their heart was full of death, because they saw that Chu Yan was carrying a long sword in his hand and was moving towards them striding forward.

A pair of cold eyes stared at them so straight.

“Didn’t expect, I will meet you!”

Female Supreme sighed, looked at Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said again

“We don’t want this purple fairy flower, it belongs to you. If you offend you, I would like to present a treasure map. Please let Fellow Daoist let me wait!”

Hearing this, the other two youths quickly joined in with the sound, and there was the proud look just now.

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