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The sum of the benefits given by 3 people can definitely make any Supreme powerhouse heart-wrenching.

However, Chu Yan just looked at them without any indication.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, we simply don’t have hatred, there is no need to fight for your life. If you kill us, we will definitely cause trouble, and it will not do you any good …”

Spirit Race female Supreme continues to persuade and wants Chu Yan to let them go.

“I will kill people casually, I just want to know, why do you recognize who I am at a glance !?” Chu Yan said.

hearing this, Female Supreme quickly replied, “We received the summons a few days ago, and now all influence Sect, through the cultivators who have just entered the place of inquiry, there is news that you are coming to the place of inquiry, and you The appearance and the aura are all spread out! “

“Now, I am afraid that the whole cultivator in the place of question has already known you!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly flashed coldly.

Although this was already what he expected, didn’t expect the Great Influence Sect to act so fast and so comprehensively that the whole place of inquiry was mobilized.

“It seems that you, Spirit Race and Bazu, should have given orders, as long as they see me, they will kill !?” Chu Yan asked.

Hearing Chu Yan’s question, Spirit Race female Supreme and youth complexion changed at the same time, a bad hunch flashed in my heart.

“Fellow Daoist, we do n’t lie to you about this. The family gave the order. For us, we did n’t even think about execution. After all, we know that Chu Yan Fellow Daoist ’s battle strength out of the ordinary is not us. Can handle it! “

Chu Yan heard this, slightly nodded.

According to the previous situation, these three people fled as soon as they saw themselves, indicating that they were not lying at all.

“Tell me the situation in the place where I asked, and I will let you go!” Chu Yan said.

In this case, let Spirit Race female Supreme and young people be relaxed at the same time.

After a moment of deep contemplation, the female Supreme spoke to Chu Yan

“Ask the place, just like Divine Realm continent outside, Sect has a lot of power, like the 7 Gu Family, Guling, Gudao family, etc.!”

“Some exist only in the place of inquiry, and some are established by outside forces here!”

“These forces are all chosen at the station…. Asked mountain range!”

“Ask the mountain range !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! This asks that the mountain range is located in the north. Legend has it that the deposit of Heaven and Earth 10000, but no one knows the true origin!”

“This mountain range is extremely powerful, and any power, even the Supreme Peak of 9 domains, cannot shake it!”

“In addition, in this Dao Realm mountain range, several Dao flowers will be bred every several decades. Any Supreme Peak will break through to Dao Lord Realm!”

“Now it has been more than ten years since the last Daoshan Blossom, and there are still four years before it may open again!”

This passage suddenly made Chu Yan pupil light shine.

“It seems that the mountain range is out of the ordinary ah!” Chu Yan said lightly.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, you should have also discovered that the aura of this place of inquiry is completely different from the aura of the outside world.”

“The source of this aura is a treasure called” Ask Dao Foundation Stone “. Any cultivator who comprehend this treasure can bring great benefits!”

“I happen to have a piece here, sent to Chu Yan Fellow Daoist!”

While speaking, Female Supreme took out a black round stone with some silver symbols printed on it and handed it to Chu Yan.

“Also, this is a map of the place of asking, with various labels and information on it, which should be useful to you!”

The youth beside him also took out a map and handed it to Chu Yan.

“Okay! Thanks!”

Chu Yan waved and took 2 things.

“Also …” The Spirit Race female Supreme thought for a while and then continued.

“East is a very chaotic place. It is said that it is connected to the first area and is a hell battlefield!”

“Although there is a treasureless treasure, there are countless opportunities and heavenly materials earthly treasures, but the previous Supreme, including some Peak powerhouse, disappeared without a trace after going there, no audio!”

Upon hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly started looking “connected to the first zone !? Hell battlefield !?”

“Yes, all are rumors. No one came out from there. I heard that it is the core battlefield of a certain war. The powerful forces have broken the rules of Heaven and Earth. Space-Time is chaotic. Even after the endless years, it is still a piece of Danger. Land! “

“And, I heard that Dao Lord Realm wants to break through to Cang Lord Realm and must go there.”

Chu Yan is slightly nodded and writes down in his heart.

For him now, Cang’s main realm is too far away to ignore it at all.

Immediately, the Spirit Race female Supreme began to take out the treasure on her body, and the two young people also took out some Supreme Treasure to use to exchange life chance with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan didn’t postpone it and charged it all.

After letting three people make the Heavenly Might vow, Chu Yan let them go.

“Tianxuan Earth Palace !?”

After the three people left, Chu Yan also changed a place and started to look at the map of the place where he asked.

The handicap set by Tianxuan Earth Palace in the Land of Questions has a lot of detailed information. Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sinks into it and carefully examines it.

Supreme list!

This is the list of Divine Realm continent Supreme, which can be placed on the list, and it is all the continent Overlord.

After the Supreme Emperor Xuantian broke through Supreme Realm, he took this list and swept across all the ancestors to achieve the respect of World’s First.

The ranked above is much more authentic than the peerless genius list. After all, Supreme has a long time and has experienced countless battles.

In addition, Supreme is almost difficult to break through, even after 100-200 years, the changes on this list will still not be too different.

“Ranked 1st, Sun 10000 Yun, 7 Gu Family Sun Family Saintess, Dao Realm Great Perfection, Supreme Peak cultivation base, one record, defeat Wang Family Holy Son Royal General!”

“Ranked 2nd, Royal General! 7 Gu Family Wang Family Holy Son, Dao Realm Great Perfection, Supreme Peak cultivation base, numerous records, kill 7 Supreme Peak, eleven Supreme Great Accomplishment, defeat Zheng Family Holy Son Zheng Nanlu …”

“Ranked 3rd …”

At a glance, this Supreme list has a total of 30 9 Supreme domains, all of which are Peak battle strength.

7 The Great Son Family, Gu Dao, Gu Ling and other forces of Holy Son Saintess, including Venerable Lord of various forces.

Like Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, ranked eighth.

However, Chu Yan knows that this is only written on the list, there are many Supreme not included in the list, and the number will not be small.

In this regard, Chu Yan was already psychologically prepared and was not surprised.

You know, Supreme Realm claims that the strongest battle strength on this Divine Realm continent is almost the end of Martial Dao.

Therefore, Divine Realm continent from Antiquity era to the present, I do n’t know how many Supreme giants are stuck here, and I ca n’t get in for life.

In this way, the number will naturally not be small.

But to say that Supremes outside of Divine Realm continent, I am afraid most of them are gathered in the place of question.

Breakthrough Dao Lord Realm is almost the biggest goal of each of them now, even if they die, they are working hard for it.

“Look at the Dao Foundation Stone!”

Chu Yan flipped his hand and took out the black stone that Spirit Race female Supreme gave him, and Divine Consciousness went into it.

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