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Divine Consciousness explores the Dao Foundation stone, and immediately some pictures appear.

This is a majestic mountain range, lying across the vast earth, and the endless mountain peak rushes into the clouds, as if Heaven and Earth are at its feet.

No one will doubt that this is the foundation of Heaven and Earth. After losing it, Heaven and Earth will collapse.

Everything is very small in front of it.

“This imposing manner is really rare. At least impossible appears on the World and can only appear on the screen.”

Chu Yan sighed, and then calmed down, and began comprehend this picture.

It wo n’t take long for Chu Yan to feel the appearance of Heaven and Earth mysterious, blend in with the body, and bring a warm feeling.

It was as if Chu Yan had returned to his birthplace, bathed in sunlight, bedded by the Spirit of Heaven and Earth, and no longer separated from World.

“Sure enough of the ordinary !”

After a long time, Chu Yan calmed his mind and slowly closed the interest rate.

However, at this moment, a force broke out in the depths of Sea of ​​Consciousness and suddenly rushed into the picture like an arrow.

In an instant, the whole picture changed completely …

At this time, Chu Yan, already not in mountain range, came to the vast earth and looked up, a tall and towering silhouette stood.


Chu Yan looked stunned, looking at this scene.

How could it suddenly become this way! ?

However, the picture is not real, it is not a visual painting, but it is so real! ?

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s heart jumped suddenly, a burst of cold air struck him, leaving him with a shivered body and scalp numbness.

Just now, he clearly felt that in the depths of the mountain range, there was a terrifying aura, waking up from Constant Antiquity, looking towards himself.

Immediately afterwards, the mutation is born!

Chu Yan runs Qilin’s pupil, and the double-group 7-color pupil light appears, giving a complete insight into the entire mountain range.

Here, there is a 100-step cave with a slight mist overflowing, which seems to be more pure through this Heaven and Earth spirit.

Among this aura, there is a very familiar … Constant Antiquity power.

“this is…”

Chu Yan’s heart moved, and suddenly thought of what Zhou Celestial Emperor said, that a Constant Antiquity’s power! ?

When this consciousness rose, Chu Yan’s heart fiercely jumped again, and the powerful magic breath appeared, sending out a silent roar.

The mist of the cave and the power of Constant Antiquity disappeared at the same time, replaced by a huge altar.

On the altar, some ancient texts appeared, which released the strong demon breath.

“Emperor Yuwen … Demon God forever! Gong?”

Chu Yan was shocked, and Divine Soul shuddered.

The next moment, the mountain range seemed to perceive something, and began to tremble violently, releasing monstrous power, and enveloped Chu Yan.

Chu Yan felt that Divine Soul was trembling and looked up towards all around. Everything was the same as before, without any change.

The difference is that the Dao Foundation stone in his hands has been turned into powder.

“It turns out that … those 2 things are all in the mountain range!”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, all understood.

According to the previous Spirit Race female Supreme, plus the natural phenomenon just now, Chu Yan can judge that when the Dao fruit appears a few years later, the power of Constant Antiquity and the eternal life Demon God will appear at the same time.

Now, if you forcibly break in, there is almost no probability to remove the two from the mountain range.

Looking up into the distance, Chu Yan’s eyes were like electricity, as if he were going to penetrate Heaven and Earth.

“That’s fine, if it’s really what I expected, then when asking about the mountain range, when I haven’t completely awakened in reincarnation, these two distinct things take it first.”

After thinking about it, Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

“Now, upgrade the cultivation base first!”

Having said that, Chu Yan took out the 3rd Jade Talisman, and now his cultivation base is only Supreme Initial Stage, he has not reached Supreme Peak, and he has no chance to break through Dao Lord Realm.

At that time, even getting Dao Guo had no effect.

In the 3rd block Jade Talisman, there is also a record similar to the map. Various Forbidden Land, inheritance, Secret Realm, etc. are marked with them, including asking the mountain range, made the heaviest mark.

Chu Yan glanced about it, and stopped exploring.

Now the news and attitudes of the 7 Gu Family are all heard. It is not very clear how, but Chu Yan guessed it, I am afraid that it is not a friend of the enemy, and other Dao Lineage and Great Influence, let alone Too.

Now go to ask about the mountain range. If people find it, the consequences will be troublesome. Surely the monks in this asking place will pounce like a tide.

Chu Yan has not planned to do this for the moment.

“Degree 1000 ancient palace !? 5 years ago, there were ten 10000 kings in the temple, which can allow Supreme cultivation practitioners to break through cultivation base, one is now!”

“10000 is like a lake, legendary Antiquity Sect Holy Land, which has a variety of mysterious opportunities, and entrants can get Antiquity Taoism, which is extremely powerful.”

“9 Evil House, which is bred by Heaven and Earth, has a total of 5 11 layers, and each layer has a vicious opportunity test and a chance reward!”

“Wushuang Holy Land, born every 8 years, there will be Dao Lord Realm powerhouse corpse, 9 months before the next appearance!”


In the asked place, all kinds of places are very wonderful. There are more than 100 kinds of Secret Realm and trails. Chu Yan has roughly looked at it.

Chu Yan has no interest in these places.

His current cultivation base is Supreme State Initial Stage, Dao Realm Perfection. According to his current goal, various consolidations and historical cultivation are no longer important, mainly to break through cultivation base realm as soon as possible.

Heavenly materials earthly treasures and pure Heaven and Earth breath are the things he needs most now.

In this way, Wushuang Holy Land is suitable, but unfortunately, time is not a coincidence.

“Forget it, then go to this … Yuye Lake!”

After making up his mind, Chu Yan rose into the sky and disappeared above the sky.

Jade Leaf Lake, located to the west of the place where asked, there is a special Monster Beast in the lake called Jade Leaf Beast!

The cultivation base level of the jade leaf beast ranges from Earth Venerable Realm to Supreme Peak. It is aggressive in nature, whether it is encountering other Monster Beasts or cultivators, must attack and fight.

However, the jade leaf beast’s within the body Monster Crystal is of great benefit to the practitioner, as long as it is refining, you can get the purest breath of asking questions.

Moreover, in this Yuye Lake, there are a lot of Antiquity ruins and opportunities, many cultivators have discovered heavenly materials earthly treasures here, and the harvest is huge.

Presumably since the beginning of Great Ancient Era, there are practitioners who are practicing here. After the damage, they will naturally have resources to stay. After years and years, they will accumulate more.

This place, it seems, is the most suitable for Chu Yan.

After 3 hours, Chu Yan’s figure emerged from the sky, suspending the clouds and looking forward.

Not far away, there is a huge city floating above the sky, and a large number of cultivators fly in and out of several city gates, which is very lively.

In front of the city, there is a vast area of ​​water, and you can’t see your head at a glance, and all kinds of tide heads are tumbling, causing a huge wave.

This should be said to be legendary … Jade Leaf Lake

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