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The formidable power of Taoism, what a horror! ?

Coupled with this Jade Flute Supreme, he also found a secret skill to cooperate with it. After the fusion with the Taoist under the display, the formidable power skyrocketed again.


Chu Yan was shrouded against Divine flame, and the flame was rolling, facing the force of Heaven and Earth.

At present, Chu Yan’s cultivation base has only Supreme Initial Stage, which is 3 Layer realm short of Jade Flute’s Supreme Peak. Therefore, the reverse Divine flame is just holding the true body and can’t counterattack.

Yudi Supreme saw this scene and was a little surprised. Although he had carefully studied Chu Yan ’s information before, the information was more about his mountain range and Daolian. For this strange fire, did n’t expect there is such a formable power.

A trace of coldness flashed in Yu Wei Supreme’s eyes, and the current clenched the teeth, directly smashing the jade shuttle under his feet.

A piece of Daobao has many cracks, and under this palm, it was immediately shattered and shattered.

At the same time, all around the coldness of the extreme water cloud tide, without the resistance of the jade shuttle shield, rushed over instantly and enveloped 2 people.

Under the chill of the whole body, Yudi Supreme took out the jade bottle prepared in advance and opened his mouth.

After he drank it, all around Extreme Cold aura seemed to have no effect on him.


Chu Yan’s bright light glittering, with the body Supreme’s power burst to the extreme, all the methods of the questioning work, between the three bodies, covering the whole body with the Divine flame as the main body, and also blocking the cold water of the extreme water cloud tide.

However, as a result, Chu Yan consumes enormously and is under pressure as if carrying a mountain.

“Wu Fa Fellow Daoist, do you understand now?”

Yudi Supreme smiled with pride in his face, flipped his hand to take out a charm, and after burning it, the power of Spirit Mark flashed all over the body, saying

“This extreme water cloud tide is rare for 100 years. Such an opportunity tells me that it is rare in the sky, because I happen to know the water line very much and know very well!”

While speaking, both of his hands waved, after waving a special trajectory, the wave of extreme water cloud around all, even with his movements, there was a faint feeling of being manipulated.

“Specializing in Water Element !? Five Elements is working hard !? No wonder …”

Chu Yan looked at the Jade Flute Supreme and reacted in an instant. For a Jade Flute Supreme, it should be the water line of cultivation, and it was the kind of cultivation to the extreme.

The existence of this Dao of Water Element Perfection has a strong control over all the Water Element powers under the sky, which itself is one of the advantages of Five Elements practitioners.

Therefore, it is no wonder that he will use this extreme water and cloud tide to lay out such a big game.

In other words, being in this extreme water and cloud tide is extremely beneficial to Yudi Supreme. The longer the battle, the more troublesome it will be.


After Chu Yan made up his mind, body flashed, the whole body of rays of light broke up, and a tall silhouette appeared, raising his hand to cut off the giant sword.

“This is just now …”

Yudi Supreme’s complexion changed suddenly, didn’t expect Chu Yan actually used the unique skill he had just dealt with little girl Supreme, and then came to deal with himself.

In an instant, 10000 methods changed, and Heaven and Earth mist rose, as if a large field appeared, within 10,000 li, nothing could be seen.

This move by Chu Yan without Heaven has a significant change compared to the little girl Supreme. After adding his own Tao, there is a significant difference from the method of asking questions without Heaven.

Jade Flute Supreme complexion greatly changed, looking towards all around with a deep face.

I saw that Chu Yan silhouette is the only one in this space, which is like a mountain, giving a powerful oppression, and the giant sword in his hand has reached a very terrible might, making Yudi Supreme suddenly There was an unmatched feeling in my heart.

“Without Heaven! This … this is the Supreme realm of the highest realm !?”

Yudi Supreme’s will collapsed, but his mind was still there, his pupils contracted, and his heart was fiercely trembling.

In such a Supreme field, there is only one powerhouse between Heaven and Earth, all beings are ants.

No matter how strong you are, they are all suppressed. Battle intent and will power are lost in your heart. In this case, there is no chance of victory in battle.

The strongest realm without Heaven sect actually makes an outsider comprehended! ?

Yudi Supreme can’t even imagine it!


A word of thunder, Chu Yan within the body divine light soaring into the sky, 10000 Profound Light body protection, as if Heaven and Earth True God is holding a sword and chopping.

All of a sudden, Heaven and Earth tremble, and all Heaven and Earth Might rumble moves accordingly, falling together, as if to wipe out everything completely.

“Wu Fa, didn’t expect, the 2nd ancestor before reincarnation, this life is so powerful, this innate talent is not weakening your father’s name, it seems that I still underestimate you!”

Jade Flute Supreme fiercely clenched the teeth, no matter what else, desperately destroys within the body True Qi, and urges all the power to the extreme.

“Wu Fa, you forced me!”

He is very clear that he is in the Supreme field and wants to crack it. Only the positive meet force with force is the only way out.

Fortunately, my cultivation base realm is higher than Wu Fa by 3rd Layer, there is still a chance.

Divine Consciousness moved, his within the body blood boiled, instantaneously evaporated, and turned into the majestic True Qi swept out, shocking the Supreme field all around by nearly 100 steps.

“Ice water has the same origin!”

Taking this opportunity, Yudi Supreme roared, with the body blood rushing out into a blood mist, evolved into a silhouette, exactly the same shape as his true body.

This jade flute Supreme is the elder of the 7 Gu Family, bloodline is extremely pure.

This time, the power of bloodline was urged out, it was completely out of the hole, and the strength soared several times.

“Blood Sword Offering Heaven!”

The jade flute Supreme and the illusory shadow behind him shot at the same time, and the sword light cut out, such as a golden xiaguang.


Sword light collided, and even bounced back at the same time, almost on par.

But the surplus generated is that the void around all around trembles suddenly, turning into a wasteland.

The illusory shadow behind Chu Yan and the illusory shadow in front of Jade Flute collapsed along with the waste world and became invisible.

The power of Supreme with 2 people within the body produced 2 confrontations in the sky, and the sound of rumble was heard, which was like a 10000 thunderbolt.

“100 step real punch!”

Jade flute swayed, raising his hand was punched out again.

100-step boxing, 7 Gu Family Sun Family Absolute Art, no close relatives can not learn, and Li Family’s bloodline Divine Art fusion, the strength of the formidable power can be ranked in the top 7 among the 3 Gu Family.

The power of this fist, Heaven and Earth stagnate, as if time and space are completely fixed.

In the void, only the powerful fist punches forward, making people feel powerless.

“This fist is not bad!”

Chu Yan watched the fist attack, but his eyes were slightly bright, his body was like a mountain, and the long robe was flying.

At the next moment, a picture of mountains and rivers flew out of him with the body, like 7 rainbow lights, hiding the sky and covering the earth, releasing a dazzling glow.

“break for me !”

The words landed on the ground, the road was horizontal, and the power of Divine Consciousness burst out in an instant.

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