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Under the scene of heaven falls and earth rends, the face of Jade Flute Supreme completely changed.

“Good Chu Yan, really out of the ordinary! The formidable power of this move …”

Jade Flute’s complexion and grave expression appeared in his eyes, and True Qi was surging like a rolling tide all over his body.

His blood within the body is rushing like a river, but if you look closely, you will find that in this rushing river, the blood is constantly decreasing, and it is all turned into bloodline power.

Not waiting for him to finish a sentence at all, in the Heaven and Earth scroll above Chu Yan’s head, an illusive fist appeared, moved towards him directly.

The formal power of Heaven and Earth’s scroll finally broke out completely.

In an instant, not to mention the extreme water and cloud tide, even the entire Yuye Lake shuddered suddenly, freezing for a moment.

Along with the fist of the Heaven and Earth scroll, a powerful force of will appeared, and the body of Yudi Supreme shuddered suddenly, the complexion greatly changed.

He never imagined that this willpower could even suppress himself.

I am Supreme Peak and I am suppressed by the will of a Supreme Initial Stage! ?

Is there any reason for this! ?

A moment of surprise made Yudi Supreme finally half a step late. When he wanted to shoot, he saw that the fist ignited instantly, like a round of strong sun moved towards himself.

The power of this fist, combined with will suppression, simply cannot resist.


At the next breath, the fist attacked and blasted on the body of Jade Flute Supreme, exploding the sound of a terrifying weather storm, and all the bloodline powers accumulating on his body were instantly bombed into nothingness.


In the sound of mournful scream, Jade Flute’s body was blown upside down, and the whole body was covered in blood, hitting the ground on the bottom of the lake in the distance, hitting a deep zhang pit.

The Supreme Peak aura throughout the body is constantly declining.

On the other side, Chu Yan is also soft all over his body, as if he had been evacuated of all his strength, his whole body aura is weaker by more than 50%.

This Heaven and Earth picture is shot, it is fierce, but it is a bit more expensive! ?

“A Supreme Peak, so difficult to deal with?”

Chu Yan continued to adjust his interest rate, and smiled bitterly to hook the head.

If it is in God King Realm, it is not difficult to fight with the 3rd Layer. If it is in the respected realm, there is no problem at all.

From the beginning of respecting the realm, Chu Yan has always been the existence of the same-level invincible realm. Didn’t expect breakthrough to the Supreme realm, the difficulty of cross-level combat is getting more and more difficult.

This makes Chu Yan’s battle against the Supreme realm add a lot of practical experience.

No wonder that the higher the realm, the shorter the battle process. It should be because the Supreme realm powerhouse battles are the strongest battle strength directly after the trial, and the reason for winning within a few moves.

On this side, Chu Yan was still meditating, while the Yudi Supreme on the other side was almost depressed and was about to vomit blood.

“Impossible… absolutely impossible… I lost to Supreme Initial Stage… ..”

No one can think of, dignified a Supreme Peak, the entire Divine Realm continent Martial Dao powerhouse, at this time will hide in the deep pit of hundred zhang, Both eyes are spiritless doubt Wushou.

After all, he is on top of this continent, and in history, very few in the Supreme realm were defeated by Rank 3.

Prior to that, Yudi Supreme had almost never defeated in the same-level battle, and the carefulness of his mind made him famous in the 7 major Gu Family, including this questioning place.

“Don’t … don’t kill me …”

I do n’t know how long it took. The Jade Flute Supreme who climbed out of the deep pit looked up towards Chu Yan, the face of dignified continent, where there are usually the first-class arrogance of the 7 Gu Family experts.

“I … everything I have, Daobao, medicine pill, all for you, I don’t want it, all for you …”

“I can make the Heavenly Might vow, and never retaliate, nor report to the family, 10000000…. If you kill me, there is no benefit, my Lineage’s Third Brother, Sun Family Holy Son….”



His stuttering words were not finished yet, a Li Guang came straight, cut his neck, and his head flew away.

“is you….”

The head fell to the ground, the lips quivered, and after spitting out the last 2 bytes, the eyes were dead and completely empty.

Along with the sound of thumping, his kneeling corpse fell, his body loosened, and in the palm of his hand, two Spirit Mark stones rolled out.

These 2 Spirit Mark stones are extremely precious. Only the Spirit Mark above, Chu Yan can only recognize the part, it can be concluded that it is Antiquity treasure.

But Chu Yan can be recognized from this small amount of Spirit Mark, these two Spirit Mark stones, one is forbidden technique level, the other has the effect of concealment of the void.

In other words, this jade flute Supreme is ready to shoot and retreat while begging for Chu Yan.

Worthy of being careful …

Waving away the two Spirit Mark stones, Chu Yan walked to Jade Flute Supreme’s corpse and began to explore his storage Jade Talisman.

For Chu Yan, this is the strongest Martial Artist he has killed since the cultivation Martial Dao, and the good things in his body It shouldn’t be less.

Divine Consciousness swept away, and Chu Yan discovered the belt of Jade Flute Supreme, which was obviously different.

After arriving in the Supreme realm, cultivators can do as one pleases to open up independent spaces, generally will not use Jade Talisman, but a variety of personal items.

And this jade flute Supreme obviously used his jade ring belt as a storage space.

After using the power of will to erase the above mark, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness explored the jade belt.

The first to be discovered was a topaz opal, a large number, and the aura released when piled together was extremely strong.

On the other side, there are a bunch of jade leaf demon pill, without any aura fluctuations, only the most primitive demon breath fluctuations, should be derived from the jade leaf beast that jade flute killed in this jade leaf lake.

These things are all expected by Chu Yan. After all, the general cultivators go to Yuye Lake and they are all president-time cultivation.

Chu Yan also tried it before. The more concentrated the cultivation, the better the effect. Therefore, Yudi collected a large amount of the cultivating jade leaf, and it was cheaper before he could cultivate.

In a box, there are also a large number of blue horns golden horn, which is the head of the jade leaf king, and the number is even more than 1000.

Earlier I heard that this type of blue horn golden horn can be replaced by 1000 for 10000 Wang Dan, this number is enough.

10000 Wang Dan is definitely a good thing, which is what Chu Yan is badly in need of at present.

“Huh, this is …”

Divine Consciousness swept, and Chu Yan was suddenly attracted by a strange little flag.

This kind of Taoist flag is not uncommon among cultivators, but beside this flag is a piece of Jade Talisman.

“100 step punch !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness entered the Jade Talisman, his face suddenly startedled.

This is not the Sun Family of the 7 Gu Family, is that the town clan’s battle skill! ? Jade flute has also been shown before, and the formidable power is extremely powerful.

“It’s a treasure!”

Chu Yan looked at this Jade Talisman, his face suddenly filled with joy, and quickly turned to look.

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