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They have just arrived here, and this distance from the periphery to the depths has experienced countless prohibitions and murderous intentions.

If someone is chasing behind, I am afraid it will take a lot of cost and time to arrive.

So, this place is temporarily safe.

“Just one hour!” Chu Yan nodded for a moment.

After all, he and Yue Linglong both need to resume rate adjustment, especially themselves.

“Okay, Big Brother Chu Yan, you hurry up and adjust your interest rate. I’ll take a look at 4 more places and refer to the map!” Yue Linglong also agreed.

Chu Yan didn’t waste time either. After telling 2 sentences, he started to sit next to the waterfall and began to adjust his breath. Yue Linglong was careful to explore all around.

Before the waterfall, Chu Yan had just mobilized True Qi, and he could feel all around asking Spirit Qi, like a tide.

Time is tight, while refining the rate adjustment, and Chu Yan took out the previously harvested heavenly materials earthly treasures and began to swallow.

With the two-pronged approach, True Qi’s recovery speed has more than doubled, and Chu Yan also has time to look up towards Yue Linglong, who is stick one’s head around to look for a stone forest outside.

Looking at her cute look, Chu Yan’s heart was slightly warm, and his mouth was light.

Although this journey is fleeing, the murderous intentions and dangers experienced are countless, but it is the most joyful time for Chu Yan after arriving at Divine Realm continent.

After all, traveling with Yue Linglong feels completely different.

After a while, Yue Linglong confirmed the all around environment, then returned to the waterfall, smiled at Chu Yan, and sat down side by side to start cultivation.

However, she had just started to mobilize True Qi, and her face changed slightly.


Suddenly, Yue Linglong discovered that his little sapling had changed.

But when Yue Linglong Divine Consciousness shrouded in the past and observed carefully, it was found that this little sapling had returned to calm again without any change.

Although Yue Linglong was shocked, she didn’t think about it anymore and continued to sit in cultivation.

Therefore, she never found out that the aura released intermittently by this little sapling was passing through her body, moving towards all around and spreading continuously.

With the passage of time, the pureness of all around asked about the breath, and it continued to flow to Chu Yan and Yue Linglong like spring water.

The bloodline area in Chu Yan Qi Sea seems to have fallen asleep, and it seems that he has no interest in the Supreme power of Chu Yan refining, which makes Chu Yan slightly relaxed.

Now that the power of Supreme has reached its peak, it only takes an opportunity to start breakthrough.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and started the method of War God asking, breaking through with all his strength.

According to the waterfall here asked about the concentration of Spirit Qi, at most one hour, you can break yourself into the Supreme Great Accomplishment environment.

This is a rare opportunity, and Chu Yan will never miss it.

As the law of asking questions runs, the spirit of asking questions all around the waterfall has gathered more and more.

What changes with it is that the rays of light formed by the power of Supreme on Chu Yan are constantly shining. The powerful Supreme power pulls the wind and covers the entire waterfall area.

A powerful might, slowly condensing in the sky.

Yue Linglong saw this scene, and his face suddenly turned bright, which was obviously a sign of breakthrough.

“Good place ah! This waterfall is really good …”

At this moment, a strange sound sounded.

In the sky not far away, a silhouette wearing a purple robe with a “Sun” tattoo on his chest appeared slowly.

This person is the one who has been chasing Chu Yan before … Sun Yuxiao!

Behind him, a young man with a cold face, eyes with different pupils constantly scanning all around environment, a cultivation base has reached Supreme Great Accomplishment Realm.

This young man is the Sun Family clansman who was exploring the way before, Sun Jin!

Using secret skill to track the enemy track is one of his cards, and he also brought Sun Yuxiao here.

“Sun Family Holy Son !?”

Yue Linglong graceful eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and the pupil light suddenly cold.

During the period of retreat at the three old ghosts, the three old ghosts had nothing to do, so they turned to Yue Linglong all day and told her all about the place of question.

7 Gu Family, Guling, Daoist, various powerhouse Supreme, and Holy Son Saintess and so on.

Therefore, Yue Linglong can recognize Sun Yuxiao’s appearance at a glance.

After all, the word “Sun” on his chest is particularly conspicuous.

“Sun Yudi’s Third Brother !? Big Brother Chu Yan’s Supreme Peak kill …”

“Now Big Brother Chu Yan has just entered the breakthrough moment and cannot be disturbed by these people. Otherwise, I missed this opportunity and I don’t know how long to wait!”

“This Sun Yuxiao is not weak, Three Talent Array doesn’t know …”

Yue Linglong guarded the clansman of these Sun Family, and at the same time kept pondering.

“you know me!?”

Sun Yuxiao found that Yue Linglong had been staring at herself, and immediately asked.

“It’s a pity a beauty, what is your relationship with Chu Yan !? If you give up the secrets, this Holy Son can take you!”

Before this sentence was finished, Yue Linglong broke out directly, True Qi was like a tide, shaking the void.

Seeing this, Sun Yuxiao was sneaked and at the same time broke out in an imposing manner, like the same peerless Ominous Beast, all aura moved towards Yue Linglong to suppress it, it seemed that she would be pressed directly across.

Yue Linglong’s body felt like a heavy mountain, and his feet sank.


The sword whisper sounded suddenly, and the brilliant sword light came out, fiercely slashing towards Sun Yuxiao like the wrath of thunderbolt.

Sun Yuxiao figure trembled, with the body True Qi outbreak, both hands pushed together, under the powerful force outbreak, the sword light that hit was directly bombarded into nothing.


Yue Linglong’s small face was full of surprise, turned around and looked towards the black robe silhouette standing behind him.

Big Brother Chu Yan was giving up at the critical moment of breakthrough! ?

“Sun Yuxiao! For your brother !?”

Chu Yan stepped out and walked directly to Yue Linglong, blocking it behind, looking towards Sun Yuxiao.

“Since you’re here, you don’t have to leave! Just to send you down to reunite with Sun Yudi!”

After the Battle of Yuye City, Chu Yan is now impossible and let Yue Linglong take risks for himself.

“you are courting death !”

Sun Yuxiao heard Chu Yan’s words and wanted to pretend to be calm. After hearing Sun Yudi’s name, he was completely angry.

Drinking it in one sentence, the whole body surged, moving towards Chu Yan like Ominous Beast.

“War God’s Gang!”

Chu Yan raised his hand is punched out, the void is twisted, and the tide is turbulent.

“Hmph! This alone …”

Seeing the fist bang, Sun Yuxiao was sneaked, and the whole body’s blood energy rolled, which directly urged the power of Sun Family bloodline.

This time, Sun Yuxiao’s aura instantly flared.

Before he came, he received the news, plus his family brother Sun Yudi, this Chu Yan killed 2 Supreme Peak.

Therefore, when Sun Yuxiao came up, he was full of firepower, and he was ready to violently kill Chu Yan with the thunderbolt trend, without giving him various means and chances to play.

Boom … rumbling!

The fist is swept like a mad dragon, and the palm seal shot by Sun Yuxiao is like a sky falling across the sky. The two intersect, exploding the waves of heaven falls and earth rends, rolling violently.

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