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This move shows the difference between Sun Yuxiao, who is Holy Son, and other Supreme Peaks.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were like thunder, and his heart was ready for a long time, and the two-door method of asking the Tao worked, instantly slashing out 2 sword glow, sweeping out like a sword rain frenzy.

“Big Brother Chu Yan, let me help you!”

Yue Linglong within the body The spirit breath rolls, under the operation of the body of the great spirit god, the Spirit breath of Heaven and Earth is directly mobilized, all of which is enforced on Chu Yan.

This one is amazing!

You know, compared to Spirit Race’s willow light clothes, Yue Linglong is the body of the Great Spirit God, which is several times stronger than Spirit Race’s main Spirit Seal, plus here is by the waterfall, asking about the richness of the spirit Where the treasure is.

Therefore, the body of the Great Spirit God performed by Yue Linglong, and the mobilized Heaven and Earth Spiritual Horror Pole, made the might of Chu Yan more than double.

“Okay, you two must die!”

Sun Yuxiao watched Chu Yan’s body soar in imposing manner, suddenly twitched the corner of his eye, turned his head fiercely and stared at Yue Linglong, roaring sharply.

In the next moment, his big hand waved in cold light in the sky, a huge thick handle long spear appeared from in the sky and was held in his hand.

This is an Antiquity Divine Weapon, just the ancient Spirit Mark on the spear body, which has a strong imposing manner fluctuation.

“Guidance device !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes swept, his eyes suddenly bright light glittering.

Taoist this thing, even among the 3 Dao Lineages of the outside world, is extremely rare.

Didn’t expect among the 7 Gu Family, even Holy Son can take out a quasi-track device, which shows that the heritage of these 7 Gu Family is still very deep.

“Destroy Divine Dao!”

Sun Yuxiao had a long spear in his hand, and six different light beams flashed on the spear tip, pointing directly at Chu Yan.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Spear is like thunder, sweeping through the void, as if 10000 thunderbolt exploded, a path of spear shadow burst out, and enveloped Chu Yan all around.

Such power and speed, even Supreme Peak of the same order, may not be able to take over.

“Sun Family Holy Son, really out of the ordinary!”

Chu Yan’s whole body ignited against the Divine flame, looked towards Sun Yuxiao’s eyes, and the battle began to rise.

This battle just made him have a thorough understanding of the strength of the 7 Gu Family. Compared with the previous two Supreme Peaks, it is really a little witch.

Now that Chu Yan has a new understanding, they finally understand Sun Yuxiao so quickly they can reach the waterfall here.

Such strength, those ancient prohibitions and murderous intentions outside this cloud city, should be unstoppable.

According to this calculation, Sun Yuxiao can get here, and the other 7 Gu Family powerhouses, or Supreme Peak in the invincible environment can also get here quickly.

This place should not stay for a long time!

“Heaven and Earth scroll!”

Chu Yan a light shout, with the body divine light like a pillar, shot out.

The rays of light rose into the sky, pulled away instantly above the void sky, and slowly opened like a picture axis under the horizontal.

Just as Chu Yan was about to urge Heaven and Earth to conquer, suddenly, within the body, a powerful coercive aura suddenly rose, and the tall body straddled Heaven and Earth like a majestic mountain and appeared to everyone before.

“Soul of War God !?”

Chu Yan was stunned, and did not expect that the soul of War God would suddenly appear at this time.

Boom … rumbling!

The soul of War God raises his hand, the sky blasts, Heaven and Earth trembles …

The powerful might pours into Chu Yan like a tide, which makes Chu Yan’s already mighty might be enhanced again.

This is the enforcement from the 6th man of the gods, formidable power monstrous!

“Huh !? The sixth man of the gods … Others are afraid of you, I don’t care anymore, trifling a ray of Remnant Soul, what’s the use !?”

Sun Yuxiao is arrogant, but as Holy Son is not a fool. Before he came to deal with Chu Yan, he made a thorough investigation of all the information of Chu Yan.

He knows that Chu Yan has 3 cards, and the soul of War God is a trace of Remnant Soul inheriting to the sixth man of the gods.

That is to give Chu Yan some enforcement while protecting Divine Soul. There is no actual battle strength at all.

Therefore, simply is not the Avatar of the sixth man of the gods, and even the will is not counted, why be afraid! ?


Chu Yan didn’t even listen to Sun Yuxiao’s words, but instead looked at the soul of War God with a dazed expression.

How can it appear on its own! ?

Such a situation rarely happened before, unless it was …

At the next breath, Chu Yan suddenly thought of something, looked up at all around, and Divine Consciousness sound transmission said to Yue Linglong

“Be prepared, wait a moment, I will trigger all the murderous intentions and prohibitions of all around, and at the same time full strength attack, then leave together!”

Chu Yan said that after the long sword in his hand, the power surged instantly, and the powerful sword power caused all around the void like a tide, boiling like fire.

However, at this moment, a void wave rippling not far away …

“Ha ha ha, what a coincidence …”

As the sound rang, a silhouette slowly emerged from the void ripples.

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looking up, I saw a large void ripple, the power of the spirit array fluctuated, and some people were stepping out of it.

a followed by a, and instantly 5 silhouettes came out and appeared on the sky not far away.

The head of the person is the ancient Sect of the Blood Heaven … Star Scars!

Behind him, Sheng Tian Supreme and the dog god stood side by side, looking at Chu Yan with a sneered face.

The following three people, wearing a blood robe and a masked silhouette, aura is extremely powerful, which is the powerhouse of Ancient Sect.

“Peerless Sect, Blood Scient Ancient Sect Sure enough …”

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong felt cold at the same time, looking towards this group of people’s eyes.

Before the news that Two Great Influences joined forces came out, Chu Yan had n’t thought much about it, but now …

When Tian Ling grabbed the green lotus, he said that he would never take action against himself.

He could betray himself, that is, he has thrown away the limit, and naturally he can do everything.

The star mark session is on Changwei. If you want to cultivate 9 body, the most important thing is you need your own blood essence.

In order to deal with himself, he even found Jue Tianzong! ?

“Chu Yan, you have no chance! Don’t think you are very difficult to deal with!”

Holy Heaven Supreme looked at Chu Yan, his face was murderous intention, his eyes were blood red, he continued

“I’ve got the inheritance of the tenth man of the gods, pay attention, it’s all inheritance!”

This sentence fell to the ground, everyone present was complexion changed.

The tenth man of the gods … All inheritance! ?

In this way, Chu Yan, Changwei, Shengtian 3 people all get the inheritance of the tenth man of the gods, that is equal to 3 gods appearing! ?

This news is extremely alarming.

At this time, Holy Heaven Supreme looked at Chu Yan and almost hated the gnash the teeth.

At the beginning, this little Chu Yan, like trivial ant in his eyes, the weak himself was too lazy to deal with him.

But he never imagined that the ants would one day grow to a level with his shoulders.

This is a mistake!

A mistake that must be corrected!

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