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With the disappearance of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong silhouette, a group of gangsters such as Sun Yuxiao and Xing Hen who were present were all clenching their teeth, and their faces were blue.

They didn’t expect that there are such variables.

The original ten-ninth and nine-stability event actually gave Chu Yan a chance.

Of course, it’s just a glimpse of life. After all, Yunzhong City is open, and they will naturally go in to see them when they meet, when the time comes and kill Chu Yan again.

They just didn’t want to see that such an opportunity appeared, which allowed Chu Yan to live a little longer.

On the other side, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong have appeared in the Cloud City.

“Linglong, how are you?”

As soon as Chu Yan landed, she looked towards Yue Linglong and asked.

God Ghost Three Talent Array, Yue Linglong also told him before, that is her hole card, it will not be displayed until as a last resort, it is very expensive.

Now seeing Yue Linglong’s face pale, Chu Yan suddenly worried.

“It’s okay, it can be restored at most one hour!”

When Yue Linglong used Chu Ling enforcement to help Chu Yan enforcement before, he also absorbed a lot of questions about the spiritual breath, which is now just for recovery.

“That’s good!” Chu Yan Divine Consciousness explored and finally relaxed.

Divine Ghost Three Talent Array, that is the Great Array that Ji Changsheng 3 Dao Lord Realm can only display, Yue Linglong is exhibiting in the state of Supreme, and the loss to himself is definitely not small.

Fortunately, they were in a treasured place before, and they can recover quickly. If the speed cannot be recovered within a short time, it can be a long-term injury.


Yue Linglong looked up and saw that there was a row of armor standing upright on the ground not far away, each armor was covered with thick dust, and a long spear was inserted on the ground beside him.

At a glance, the number is probably about 200, just like a group of seals, they will wake up at any time.

“These armors, with aura fluctuations inside, don’t seem to be Taobao, they are more like some kind of creature!”

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupil flashed, and his heart was slightly tight.

“Well, let’s be careful!” Yue Linglong also sensed and spoke softly.

“Chu Yan, die!”

At this moment, a rumbling sounded behind him, a path of silhouette appeared in the sky, directly moved towards Chu Yan.

These people are the star marks and Sun Yuxiao and the others chasing them in, all of them are murderous intention soaring into the sky, imposing manner like a tide.

“5 Shoupantian!”

Chu Yan roared, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul came out, completely sealed the 4-way Heaven and Earth, beast roar heaven shaking earth shattering.

Seeing the appearance of 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, all of the star marks were started.

After all, in Divine Realm continent, few people cultivate Martial Soul, and now, this Chu Yan has 5 Martial Soul! ?

“Martial Soul !?”

Xing Hen and Sun Yuxiao were all in a stunned state, except for Supreme Coldly snorted, who was disdainful.

This technique of Martial Dao in the lower realm, also dared to play in Divine Realm continent, courting death!

However, just as several people cast Taoist skills to destroy these Martial Souls, Chu Yan rushed in with a long sword in his hand, and 10000 sword light burst into dazzling rays of light.

10000 sword shadows appeared, covering the sky and covering the sun. Under everyone’s attention, 10000 swords returned to 5 and turned into 5 sword fronts.

Roar’s 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, rushed out at the same time, turned into 5 groups of different-colored rays of light, and possession on the 5 great swords, slashing to the few people present.

“Hmph! Such insignificant ability!”

Star marks and Sun Yuxiao reacted, also coldly snorted, and would have to shoot.

However, without waiting for them to fight back, they saw the 5 sword glow turn around, but it hit the jungle of armor not far away.

Boom … rumbling!

Beast Tide is like a gang, under the Divine Beast Heavenly Might, the sky trembles, the earth shakes, among the more than 200 armor, the black smoke rises, and each and everyone is instantly condensed.

roar roar roar…!

It seems that the army of armor giving tit for tat, the big hand from the black smoked condense, shook the roar while shaking towards the long spear beside him.

“Dead! All die!”

All armor armies snarled at the same time, and a large silhouette rushed out, rushing towards every cultivator present.

“Not good! That’s an army of defenders!”

The star marks and the others’ faces changed instantly.

They never imagined that Chu Yan would use Martial Soul to form the Beast Tide trend, so that the sleeping city defenders thought that Beast Tide was attacking, and all of them were awake.

This is the core strength of guarding the cloud in the city. It has created a record of keeping the cloud in the city since the Antiquity era. It has never been broken. It is not possible for them to break with a few Supreme Peaks.

In an instant, the melee broke out, and the sound of Qigang was everywhere, and the aftermath was full of energy.

“walk over!”

Chu Yan used 5 Divine Soul as a guide to mobilize those armored troops, pull down a channel that can be announced, and rushed forward with Yue Linglong.

On the one hand, after 5 Divine Beast angered the armor and defenders, they were all led to the star marks like a train. At the same time, the cultivation base of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, only the Supreme Initial Stage, would naturally not become an armor army. Attack focus.

Therefore, Chu Yan’s speed towards the city ahead is obviously much faster.

Sun Yuxiao, Star Mark, and Holy Heaven Supreme also knew that they would definitely not be able to fight. They had to get out of the city to escape this tribulation.

However, they were surrounded by Legion regiments of armor. When they were fighting each other, they could not be surrounded by a rapid breakthrough, and they moved very slowly in the direction of the city.

Moreover, even if they are trapped, they still do n’t forget to attack Chu Yan with their hands, and want to stop Chu Yan, and they are explodes into waste by these armor troops.

It is a pity that such a trick has no obvious effect on the battlefield of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

“Go in!”

Chu Yan waved the attack from behind to explodes into waste, and led Yue Linglong directly into the city gate.

When entering the city gate, the armor defenders who chased behind Chu Yan stopped suddenly. After a moment of stun, they turned and attacked Sun Yuxiao.

Seeing that Chu Yan entered the city, Sun Yuxiao’s faces were sullen, roaring repeatedly, but they were helpless.

“Jade Fellow Daoist Xiao, then Chu Yan fled into the city, he couldn’t be made so easy, or he won’t be able to find him later!”

While fighting, Xinghen said to Sun Yuxiao loudly.

At present, the two sides have not joined forces, and the strength is not far apart, but after all, the two sides have the same purpose.

“How to say!?”

After all, Sun Yuxiao had the blood of the 7 Gu Family on it, and he did not wait for the outside practitioners, and replied with a cold voice.

“You go all out to block these armor defenders and send me into the city first!” Xing Hen opened the mouth and said.

“Fart! You dream!”

Without hesitation at all, Sun Yuxiao scolded directly.

Sure enough, the outsiders are all idiots, and they still want to count themselves.

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