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Not to mention the first to enter the city, then the treasure and opportunity of this cloud city belong to you. Even if you throw them here as cannon fodder, I am afraid you do n’t know how to die.

Although their cultivation base is Supreme Peak, there are more than 200 armor defenders here, and the formidable power used is extremely strong.

Now that there are many people and more than a dozen people share, you can still push it up and slowly approach the city gate.

If you lose half of it all at once, the armor and defenders will gather together to attack, but it is not as simple as one plus one.

“You are blocking here, I will kill Chu Yan!”

Sun Yuxiao opened his mouth and roared with blush.

To be honest, while fighting dozens of armor defenders at the same time, True Qi is not expensive.

“Fellow Daoist Sun, you have to focus on the big picture!”

Xingjian’s eyes twitched twice and continued to persuade.

“Respect your uncle!”

Sun Yuxiao is not a good-tempered person, so he opened his mouth and scolded.

This time, the two sides suddenly fell into a dead end. Under all kinds of negative air, all the firepower was fully opened and accelerated towards the city gate.

The joint effort was a failure, and now we can only rely on ourselves.

On the other side, Chu Yan After they entered the city …

A cloud of smoke shrouded the city, as if it was an early morning rise, shrouded in the entire city. It can be seen vaguely through the mist. The area of ​​the city is not large, and it looks completely different from the size seen outside.

“This is … town in town !?”

Yue Linglong looked towards the distance, towards the center of the city in the distance, and a city wall stands.

“Sure enough, it seems that we are only in the outer city!” Chu Yan was also nodded replied.

Such a city structure is not uncommon, but it is also some Antiquity era. When there are many war years, such cities will be built.

Even if the outer city is broken, the inner city’s defense will be stronger and more difficult to break than the outer city.

Therefore, such a city is usually the main city or a heavy city, and it will spend a lot of resources to cultivate the inner and outer cities.

“Look at this neighborhood first!”

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong walked carefully, the Foundation Establishment on the 2nd side of the street was already run-down, only the tallest building at the end of the street was kept intact.

2 people entered it, and the line in their eyes was a stone statue.

The stone figure is a middle age person with long hair and a hand holding a sword. He doesn’t know who it is, and there is no text on it.

A glance around the building, nothing more.

“This … nothing !?”

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong were both a little surprised, and kept exploring in 4 places.

But whether it is Chu Yan’s Qilin’s pupil or Yue Linglong’s breath sensor, there is no discovery at all.

“Otherwise, this stone statue !?”

Yue Linglong returned to the entrance and looked at the stone statue.

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s heart moved, his long sword slashed, and the powerful sword glow passed, slashing in the direction of the stone blade.


The sword light was hacked in the corner of the room, bursting into a cloud of dust, and the rays of light soared into the sky.

In an instant, the powerful spirit array swept away and filled the entire room, completely covering the silhouettes of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong.

At the next breath, the silhouette of 2 people disappeared on the spot!

And at the moment when the two had just disappeared, the star marks had just rushed into the city, and it was too late to breathe before releasing Divine Consciousness, and instantly found the silhouette of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong disappearing in that building.


At this point, the star marks were anxious, but when I looked back, I saw that everyone except myself was fighting outside the city gate, and all of them were tired.

“Fellow Daoist Sun, I will help you!”

Xing Hen thought for a long time, and finally clenched the teeth, rushing out of the city gate.

Whether he can deal with Chu Yan alone, he certainly knows, so this time must join forces with Sun Yuxiao.

Sun Yuxiao outside the city gate saw the star marks to help, and his anger was a bit less.

On the other side, the silhouette of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong passed through the teleportation array and soon appeared in a new place.

“Inner city !?”

At a glance, there are city walls in the front and back, and a large square at the foot.

The square can’t be seen at a glance. Above it are five altars. On each altar sits a corpse, and on the ladder of the altar, there is a golden Spirit Grass strain, and tokens of different colors.

“Fly Immortal Grass !?”

Yue Linglong saw at first glance, and suddenly his big eyes light up.

“It looks like it shouldn’t be a good look!” Chu Yan glanced at the few golden flying Immortal Grass while looking towards the corpse sitting on the altar.

Judging from the pattern of more than 200 armor defenders outside the outer city before, the few corpses sitting here may be the guard force of the inner city.

Under the great reduction, there are only a few. I think I know that battle strength is extremely out of the ordinary.

Looking back, in the middle of the square, there is a teleportation spirit array that releases extremely weak spiritual breath fluctuations, which should have a teleportation function.

If there is no accident, it should be sent to the center city.

“The magic breath of really strong!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness and Yue Linglong’s Divine Consciousness scanned the Transmission Array, and they were all surprised.

The magic breath that spilled out of this one-way Transmission Array is extremely pure and powerful. If it is not for the cultivation of this Taoist cultivator, it will definitely die.

“Holy Heaven, Sun Family’s, and that Changwei, I’m afraid I dare not enter it!”

Seeing this, Chu Yan smiled suddenly.

He has the inheritance of Emperor Yu Wen, and Yue Linglong previously cultivated the Demon God, so he is not afraid of the magic breath.

But those who came after, but have not cultivated any magic skills, this is the best chance to get rid of them.

“This token and Femmortal Grass are put together, I’m afraid it’s a bit mysterious …”

The token should be used to open the Transmission Array, and it is also placed on the altar. If you want to get it, you will be alarmed by the sitting bones.

“Now it’s a matter of choice!” Chu Yan lowered his head and pondered, turning his head to look behind him.

In terms of time, those guys should have arrived in the inner city. They just opened the method and they will definitely leave aura fluctuations.

In this way, they can follow the aura fluctuations, and it wo n’t take long.

Now, you must enter the Transmission Array as soon as possible, then you must choose the right item, tokens of different colors, and fly Immortal Grass!

2 There are various combinations of things. There must be one that will not resurrect those bones and allow them to enter the Transmission Array safely.

After discussing with Yue Linglong, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong chose the blue token at the same time.

“Just it! Don’t fly Immortal Grass, there should be a chance!”

Yue Linglong brandished a pink fist and cheered for Chu Yan. It looks like Chu Yan is going to fight a winning battle.

“You’re so relieved !?”

Chu Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head gently.

“En! Big Brother Chu Yan certainly can, not wrong!” Yue Linglong’s small face was full of excitement.

Obviously it is life and death choice, why does this girl feel like playing games! ?

Chu Yan, who was speechless, lifted his feet towards the blue token, and strode forward.

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