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The first thing Yue Linglong breakthrough came out was looking towards Chu Yan, constantly looking around.

“Big Brother Chu Yan, are you okay !?”

Before fighting with 3 Supreme Peaks, Yue Linglong didn’t help, and felt a little guilty.

Originally, she was responsible for protecting the law. As a result, accidentally, Zi Yu was triggered, leading to a breakthrough opportunity.

“Relax, I’m fine!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

After a quick glance, I saw the horizon in the distance, and three silhouettes fled in a panic.

These three people originally wanted to stand by and wait for the rabbit, but they saw that it was Yue Linglong breakthrough. They finally knew that there was no chance at all, and they chose to leave.

After that, Chu Yan gave Yue Linglong a detailed account of what happened just now.

“In that case, we can’t walk unhindered after that !?” Yue Linglong’s big eyes were glowing.

To know that this time, he and Chu Yan have been under the siege of all influence, and now they have suddenly turned over! ?

Moreover, with this hole card, even if they open up to ask for resources from the Great Influence, these forces can only hold their noses to admit bad luck.

After all, Wu Fa is only for Chu Yan. Anyone who wants to get a little news needs Chu Yan nodded.

“This … is not easy to say now!”

Chu Yan knew Yue Linglong’s thoughts and smiled the head with a wry smile.

“Now I only know about Wu Fa, but I don’t know what it is.”

And there is one more thing, very few people know now.

That is, Chu Yan may not be Wu Fa’s reincarnation, but Wu Celestial Emperor, and may also be Emperor Yuwen’s reincarnation.

If this thing makes the world understood, I don’t know what will happen.

The world’s forces are all aware of Wu Fa’s style of second ancestors, so it is inevitable that some giants have doubts.

It can be said that now all influence is waiting, not at all finalized.

Otherwise, there will not be only 2 3 forces to find themselves.

“It can only be said that the safety is guaranteed, and the rest will have to look at it again!” Chu Yan reminded.

“En!” Yue Linglong nodded.

Gu Yan, Wang Family, Guo family, including the Dao family, how to treat yourself before, Chu Yan knows clearly.

Because of this, they are eager to make up their relationship with themselves.

However, I’m afraid they know it in their own hearts. They may get the secret of Wu Fa’s secret from Chu Yan, which may be the smallest.

Chu Yan is absolutely impossible because they are now lowering their status and saying “a lump sum” to themselves, it is true that nothing has happened before.

Is there such a good thing in this world! ?

This kind of forces and people, die or not ah! ?

If Yue Linglong’s ideas can really be implemented, then it is these forces that must be blackmailed first, and never be soft.

“This grove is almost refining. Let’s find the next one!”

Chu Yan pulled on Yue Linglong and rose into the air.

With the guidance of the 9-zone star chart, looking for the chance of the inheritance of the master, the speed and accuracy are much greater, and time cannot be wasted.

After one hour, Chu Yan 2 went to the next place, but …

I found it, and there was no error, but it was a bit worse.

In this place, a group of cultivators are already fighting, and the battle is extremely fierce.

After thinking about it, Chu Yan decided not to participate, and turned to leave.

Now is not the time to fight these people head-on. If they are found out, they will probably join forces to deal with themselves.

As time goes by, most of the time passes in a blink of an eye …

Throughout the Inheritance Land, Heaven and Earth have undergone mutation again. The sky’s vast day has changed from 2 to 2 rounds of huge blazing sun.

And the 2 rounds of the blazing sun continuously evolved and twisted, and finally turned into 2 pupils, looking down like the God on the earth.

“This is the double pupil of the Master !?”

Everyone in the entire Inheritance Land found it, and they were all shocked.

At the next breath, there were more than a dozen Supreme silhouettes, rushing towards the sky like a meteor, shooting directly at those 2 rounds of holy days.

This is the Taoist double pupils, maybe it has a powerful pupil technique, which is more than 100 times stronger than the ordinary flesh and blood essence.

So, the big influences of all influence, rushed away immediately, ready to snatch.

“It’s all Supreme Peak, our cultivation base is Supreme Great Accomplishment …”

Chu Yan looked at the sky scene where the evil tigers were eating, and spoke softly.

To be honest, among all the cultivators in Inheritance Land, he and Yue Linglong’s cultivation base may be the weakest, only in the Supreme Great Accomplishment environment, and Yue Linglong has just broken through.

It is not impossible to grab a grab with these people, the key is that as long as Chu Yan appears now, these Supreme Peaks may immediately join forces.

If he and Yue Linglong cultivation base breakthrough reached Supreme Peak, he would not be afraid at all, but now it is only Supreme Great Accomplishment. It is still dangerous to join hands with so many Supreme Peak.

“9 domain star map, next place!”

Chu Yan urged the 9-field star map and continued to choose to leave.

After an hour, they came to an island, and the whole island was like a field of spirit medicine, with densely packed Immortal Grass spirit medicine growing, and looked at the edge.

Although the spirit medicine and aura contained in the spirit medicine Immortal Grass here are obviously not as powerful as the small saplings in the grove, but the victory is in the number.

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong said nothing, and started to refining separately.

Less than one hour of refining, the power of Supreme of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong within the body has skyrocketed, which is not much different from ordinary cultivation for 100 years.

While they were refining Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine on this island, various battles were going wild in Inheritance Land, the host.

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong have left the island and headed to the next place …

Flying at high altitude, avoiding the large and small battles as far as possible, and advancing the time of hundred breaths, the 9-area star map in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly responded.


Chu Yan’s eyes twinkled, turning his head towards the direction indicated by the 9th star chart.

At this time, the will from the 9-field starburst is extremely powerful, which shows that the inheritance of the Daoist found at this time is probably the largest of all the previous discoveries.

After flying for a long time, the guiding will in the 9-area star map was so strong that Chu Yan 2’s figure stopped.

At a glance, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong are in front of a continuous mountain range.

This mountain range is like a wave of water rushing across the ground, layer by layer, extending deep into the earth.

Among the mountain range, there is vitality, various spirit plant flowers, fairy tree god vines, strange stone essence, can be seen everywhere.

When two people landed and their feet stepped on the mountain range ground, the two people’s bodies started at the same time and looked at each other in surprise.

In the ground beneath the feet, bursts of sound came from Peng Peng, the frequency felt like the heart beat, and the flow was endless.

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