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This time, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong were all excited.

Judging from this situation, this mountain range is like the difference between the moon and firefly compared to the previous grove.

Under the eyes of 2 people, the eyes are full of surprises and excitement, this time … sent!

“Hurry up and refining separately!”

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong stood up and rushed to different mountain peaks.

This mountain range is countless of mountain peaks alone. Each mountain peak is large and small, but the imperial will and aura contained in it are extremely powerful.

However, 2 has just rushed to different hills, suddenly complexion sank at the same time, looking up towards the sky.

I saw a small black spot flying rapidly above the sky, there were more than a dozen silhouettes.

Someone! ?

Pfazong 2 Supreme Peak, 3 Supreme Peak left before, Loose Cultivator, Immortal Ascension Sect….

All influences are there, even Supreme Dao Lineage, and a few are Supreme Great Accomplishment environment cultivation base.

This group of people all rushed in the direction of Chu Yan, flying quickly, making Chu Yan’s face sink instantly, his eyes blazing flames.

How can these dogs, shit, chase like flies! ?

However, most of this group of people are Supreme Peak, if directly fight hard, the situation is not beneficial to Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan !?”

A cultivator saw a black robe silhouette standing on the mountain peak, and suddenly there was a horrified sound, and then his face was full of ecstasy.

“Unlimited life, didn’t expect so good luck, Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, good ah!”

When the Supreme Peak of Pfazong spoke, his figure had dropped from the sky and fell to the mountain range below.

Behind the large silhouettes, all of them are full of aura, asking the law of operation, the sky and the earth tremble together, and the void freezes.

These forces are all Chu Yan’s enemies of life and death. Now they hit a mountain range inheritance in front of them, they will put down first and deal with Chu Yan first.

“Linglong, wait for you …”

Chu Yan stared at a group of people in front of her, and whispered sound transmission to Yue Linglong.

“Well, I have understood, Big Brother Chu Yan!”

After listening to Chu Yan’s plan, Yue Linglong nodded, a pair of beautiful eyes swept towards the silhouette of the crowd at the back of the 6 lines.


At the moment when the two sides opened their postures and the impending battle was about to break out, suddenly, a roar between Heaven and Earth exploded into the sky.

The whole sky shattered directly in the sound of beast roar, exploding countless voids and turbulence, and Gang Wei swept.

The next moment, from the turbulent flow of the void and the raging wind and waves, a tall beast shadow stepped out and rammed one step, crashing the turbulent flow of the void into the vanity and nothingness, and directly fell heavily on the mountain range main peak The earth shuddered suddenly.

At the next moment, the thick sand dust wind is rolling apart, the tall beast shadow is shrinking continuously, and a silhouette is evolved.

Waiting for everyone to see what this person looked like, they were all surprised.

“Pan Tianxing !?”

A chill came up in the hearts of all Supreme gangsters.

Compared with the Pan Tianxing on the Supreme list, Chu Yan has a strong battle strength, but after all, only the Great Accomplishment environment cultivation base, but this Pan Tianxing is different.

Dao Child of the 7th Gu Family Pan family, ranked 7th in the list of the existence of Supreme.

7th ah!

This is one of the top ten Supremes. Among all Supremes in the world, his battle strength ranks seventh, and there are only six in front.

It’s a bit hard to say. Among the 3 Dao Lineage and the forces of the world, there are very few who can draw a tie with Pan Tianxing.

At this time, Pan Tianxing carried a black long sword and stood above the main peak, all around in the sky, all sword power and killing intent.

This kind of scene makes everyone feel cold and scalp numb.

And Pan Tianxing directly ignored everyone around all, a pair of eyes with killing intent, staring straight at Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said

“Yes! It’s actually met! Fight!”

Not only Pan Tianxing, but Chu Yan, who was looking at him at this time, was also full of fiery fire, with the body battle intent like a tide.

A blood-boiling feeling appeared in Chu Yan’s heart like a long absence.

This Pan Tianxing can become his opponent!

Even if I just broke through the cultivation base in order to get a lot of new powerful means, but Chu Yan knows that this Pan Tianxing is definitely a rare opponent and can be a good fight.

Even if I played against Supreme Peak before, I couldn’t make Chu Yan hearty, but now the opportunity has come.


Just as the two men stared at each other and were preparing to draw their swords, Yue Linglong spoke up, allowing Chu Yan and Pan Tianxing to start at the same time.

“Now they are here, if Chu Yan fights against you, they will definitely sneak attack!”

Yue Linglong jade hand pointed at the group of people in Pfazong.

This sentence is reasonable!

“Everyone, dare to intervene, die!” Pan Tianxing turned his head, looked towards the group of gangsters, and said directly.

This is strength, absolute strength!

The existence of ranked seventh on the Supreme list is qualified to say this!

This sentence fell to the ground, immediately let the Pfazong, Immortal Ascension Sect and those Supreme big brothers, all face dark.

Too overbearing!

It is totally unreasonable!

Obviously they came first, you Pan Tianxing did not talk about the virtue of “first come, then come”!

However, angry and angry, black and black, no one dared to face Pan Tianxing face to face, only clenched his teeth.

“Pan Dao Child speaks, I will wait for my face! Rest assured!”

The one from Pfazong quickly rushed to accompany the smiling face and said to Pan Tianxing, while the others were also nodded quickly, for fear of being a step behind.

After all, they also worry that if they do n’t chew, Pan Tianxing really pulls his sword and rushes over, killing them first and then fighting Chu Yan.

Hearing the answer, Pan Tianxing turned back again, looked towards Chu Yan.

“Today, you and I are fighting! Fair, just and open! Can you dare …?”

Black Sword’s long finger in his hand, and the sword edge faced Chu Yan straight.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth suddenly disappeared, all around the void was completely frozen.

All the influence big men present were all nervous, looking at Chu Yan.

A fair fight! ?

Pan Tianxing, No. 7 on the Supreme list, is against Chu Yan, one of the top ten peerless genius! ?

“Linglong, you go to refining first, I will come later!”

Chu Yan turned towards Yue Linglong and said with a smile.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Yue Linglong did not hesitate, nodded, and flew directly to the main peak where Pan Tianxing was located.

The big brothers in the siege saw this scene, their faces twitching together.

This is too … broken! ?

In this case, they couldn’t even stop it. After all, the little girl was moved towards the main peak where Pan Tianxing was. They didn’t dare.

Moreover, Pan Tianxing completely ignored Yue Linglong’s flight and turned his head to stare at the group of people, all with warning in his eyes.

It means that not only Chu Yan, but even the girl beside Chu Yan, can’t move!

It’s all Pan Tianxing’s cover!


The next moment, Chu Yan’s aura outbreak, within the body, the two gates asked how the law works, tiger roaring, long hair flying upwards.

Clang, Clear Sky Sword out of the sheath, brought out the Heavenly Sword prestige, pointing directly to the Vault of Heaven.

Fight with two swords and fight against Forbidden Land!

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