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The embarrassment was only short-lived. In less than half a breath, Dao Venerable’s eyes burst into flame.

With this blue token, Chu Yan can enter the treasure land, then he can also …

When thinking of this, the daytime Dao Venerable only felt that he had been cold for 1000 years. Divine Soul was suddenly hot, and that was the place where he hadn’t even been in.

“Although I haven’t been there, I know that there must be something good in there!” Said Bai Ri Daer Venerable.

Now you must give up your body possession plan, otherwise you will not be able to enter it with Chu Yan.

In front of such an opportunity, body possession simply does not matter. After all, body possession can be anytime, but this treasure land is not always accessible.

“This token actually has this effect !? Did the few tokens on the altar at that time all have this effect !?”

Chu Yan was thinking about another thing. He didn’t pay any attention to the lure of Dao Venerable.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan turned his head and saw his eyes far into the star marks, staring at himself all the time, with a trace of visitation and suspicion.


Chu Yan saw the star mark’s eyes, and immediately understood.

Previously, they only took one blue token because they were chasing after them. After all, if there is no way to determine whether they can take all the tokens, and save time, they can only choose one.

Star Trail and Holy Heaven Supreme followed, surely all other tokens were already owned.

“Chu Yan, you better shut up, you know me, don’t let 3rd people know this!”

The star marks are not stupid. After glancing at Chu Yan, they came to the same conclusion as Chu Yan, and reminded Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“Yes!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Fellow Daoist, this place of mist and fog is extraordinary, I happen to have a map, please follow me!”

As soon as he turned his head, Chu Yan spoke directly to Liu Liang and Wu Yu they said.

After all, these people helped themselves, and if they were allowed to enter the Xiawu land, they might run into other practitioners.

And because they choose to help themselves, I am afraid that other forces will not hide it. If they order, they may be attacked.

“Okay! Everything follows the arrangement of Chu Yan Fellow Daoist!”

Liu Liang and Wu Yu’s eyes were shining, and they replied.

“Ha ha ha, this kid is a body of natural disasters. Smelly Brat in my house is probably wrong !? Exactly, I don’t even know how to go, and lead the way!”

Feng Hetian was extremely happy, said with a laugh, his eyes were calm, and it seemed that he was not surprised that Chu Yan had a map.

Wang Dragon Sect, Guo Shuang and the others are also nodded, not much to say.

At this time, all around, some cultivators had stepped into the mist and began to investigate randomly.

As these people entered the mist, True Qi surged beneath the mist, allowing people outside to see that an extremely large number of wooden doors existed in the mist.

These natural gates, composed of trunks and rattan, exist under each tree, making people blindfolded.

The cultivator who entered Xiawu was not surprised by such a situation. After all, this is true of many desperate situation treasures, choosing different entrances, different roads, and different natural results.

These cultivators applied their own methods, and even marked each tree with a wooden door, so that the secret palace-like turning path appeared, and it needed to be re-selected.

In that case, they know that they came in through that door and avoid reentrancy.

There are also cultivators who use secret skills to continuously explore the differences of each wooden door, and finally choose one of them to enter.

Chu Yan observed it and entered the mist, moving forward.

How lively people are!

Chu Yan took a group of people while traveling, while chatting variously, talking about Martial Dao, cultivation, previous anecdotes of cultivating, etc., there was no tension and dignity like others.

Because Chu Yan has the bottom of his heart, and others follow Chu Yan, there is no choice, and naturally there is not much pressure.

The Dragon Dragon Sect and Guo Shuang rarely spoke, making Chu Yan a little surprised.

After all, Wang Long Sect Master had held a banquet before. At that time, it was not this character. It seems that this person is very deep.

Guo Shuang is quite the opposite. It seems that the thinking is extremely simple, just looking towards Yue Linglong, beautiful eyes flashing.

The top grade is Feng Hetian who belongs to the “World’s First People”. If you don’t know, who can know that he is the World’s First force, the palace owner of Tianxuan Earth Palace, and the Number One Person of the entire Divine Realm continent! ?

He walked this way, his mouth was basically not idle, either boasting or nonsense, or just looking for someone to gamble with him.

It’s no wonder that the World Palace’s Earth Palace, Tianxuan Earth Palace, will bet on the whole family. It seems that it was all formed under his influence.

After walking for nearly 5 minutes of time, the fog in front of me finally changed.

The mist is getting thinner and the darkness is full …

Powerful prohibitions, spiritual arrays, and traps keep appearing. Although there is no threat, everyone feels that these prohibitions are getting stronger and stronger.

After another 5 minutes of time, the Xiawu fog has completely disappeared, replaced by endless darkness, like a moonless night, reaching without fingers.

Only at the end of the distance, a light is leading everyone to continue to advance.

“I’m close, it’s almost ah! This dog, fart 10000 Yang Dian, what the hell is doing, do you want to take advantage of us !?” Feng Hetian continued to talk nonsense.

Everyone twitched at the corners of their mouths, speeding up together, moved towards the light and flew.

“walk into!”

When the crowd stopped before the light and looked towards Chu Yan at the same time, Chu Yan groaned a little, then rushed directly into it, and everyone followed.

Into the light, everyone’s face changed in unison.

This is a place of antiquity!

There seemed to be a terrible battle, and there were traces of battles everywhere. The earth was cracking, covered with trenches, and the bones were laying on the ground.

In the void, a path of gang interest flew from time to time, but it was transformed by powerful willpower. It should have been left by these powerhouses during their lifetime fighting. It has gone through so long and has not dissipated.

Feeling the awesome power of aura, the people present were all stunned.

The powerhouses here are basically Supreme Peak!

“Yi!? That’s chaotic remnant !?”

King Dragon Sect did not speak, but his eyes were the sharpest, and he saw the ground not far away at a glance.

“Chaos remnant !? No way, that is Great Ancient Era’s …”

Feng Hetian was stunned, and he opened his mouth in shock.

I saw that King Dragon Sect had stepped forward and picked up the white crystal on the ground, but the crystal was full of cracks and there was no trace of aura.

This made him extremely disappointed and shook his head.

“This is the chaotic remnant crystal !?” Chu Yan also came over, looking towards the white broken crystal in Wang Dragon Sect’s hand, and asked, “What’s the use!”

“Huh !? Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, don’t you know !?” Wang Dragon Sect stunned.

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