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Chaos remnants!

It is a very special Divine Stone, which is said to be bred by the disordered chaos in Chaos Space-Time, in which there is Chaos Space-Time aura.

It is said that as long as someone can get it, they can comprehend the chaos.

According to the current written in ancient records, there is only one special Space-Time turbulence in the entire Divine Realm continent. Chaos remnants appear in the turbulence of the special space-time, but because of the battle of the 4 main gods in the Antiquity era, the piece of Space-Time is damaged and there will be no more Chaos remnants were born.

The chaotic remnants of the living world are the consumables used by comprehend. If one piece is used, there will be one less, resulting in fewer and fewer.

The comprehend chaotic path requires a large number of chaotic remnants, and occasionally a few pieces will not play any role at all.

As a result, the chaotic remnants of the Antiquity era and the present are reduced to chicken-ribbed existence. Although precious, few people mention it.

After Liu Liang explained it, Chu Yan finally understood.

“I said boy, you can’t do it ah! Have more time to read books …”

Feng Hetian carried his hands on his back and walked over with a smile as Senior. Laughed said, as if to mention a younger generation.

“Besides, your helpers, this time teamed up with you, it seems that they are all coming from this chaotic remnant crystal, hehe … am I right?”

At the time of saying this, Feng Hetian had turned around and looked towards Liu Liang.

And Liu Liang’s few people were just slightly started, not at all too many accidents. After all, on this Divine Realm continent, the strength of Tianxuan Earth Palace is there, and there are few things that can hide them.

“The Lord of the Palace, this thing … I’m just doing it for you!” Liu Liang not at all concealed the meaning, very generous and direct recognition.

“I think … this matter still has to tell Chu Yan big brother, otherwise … not so good!”

Guo Shuang, who rarely spoke, also said at this time

“This matter has to start from the time when the main battle of the 4th Cang is decisive. The battle has a great impact on the 9 domains, and the rules of Heaven and Earth have changed!”

“For so many years, everyone is looking for a way to break the road, but there is no result at all, so someone has found another way and found a special method, saying that it is possible to use this chaotic remnant to arrange an Array, making people’s will Divine Soul heavy Go back to Great Ancient Era, and then … “

Speaking of which, Guo Shuang stopped and did not continue, but her meaning was already very obvious.

“This time, our Guo family, Wang Family, Guling and Bitao clan teamed up with Chu Yan big brother, just to take this opportunity to take the opportunity of Wu Fa’s identity to go to Great Ancient Era!”

Guo Shuang glanced at the crowd and saw that no one was speaking, so she hooked the head again

“The number of chaotic remnants is too small, I feel that the chance of success is not great, and that the pool of chaos has also been damaged, unable to produce new chaotic remnants!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong looked at each other with a look of surprise.

They did not expect that these forces planned these things in secret, sounding like the fantasy story.

Back to Great Ancient Era! ?

This is too much! ?

Chu Yan doesn’t know anything about this chaotic remnant, but listening to what Guo Shuang said just now, if this chaotic remnant really has the power of chaotic Space-Time, it would really have this kind of probability.

If Divine Soul can be returned to Great Ancient Era, Dao Lord Realm Peak can break through to Cang Lord Realm at the time of the 4 Great Cang Lord!

Moreover, listening to Guo Shuang’s last sentence, the number of chaotic remnants is small! ?

Together with you, Great Influence, you can’t make it impossible for so many years. I’m afraid you have already done it! ?

It ’s easy to explain, and it ’s easy to guess …

If this is not the case, the few Great Influence will not send these young genius to come to know that they are all Dao Child Saintess in the power.

Putting it that way, in addition to these forces, there are more forces such as the 3 Dao Lineage, the Top 100 Ancient Race, and the 7 Gu Family. I am afraid that they have similar plans.

I am afraid that there is only one ultimate goal. I will try my best to break the way and achieve the main state of Cang.

“But to say this now, just let Chu Yan big brother know, so as not to cause some misunderstandings, and finally have to wait for the big brother to achieve Dao Lord Realm, or after leaving here, we will discuss it together with several parties!”

Guo Shuang said that even the title changed.

“The layout of your Tianxuan Earth Palace, I am afraid it is much bigger than ours, right?”

Hearing such a quality ampoule, Feng Hetian even expressed all without fluctuations, and laughed directly

“What layout !? What magnificent, how have I never heard of it !? ha ha ha….”

“Our Tianxuan Earth Palace is just the opening, betting on little money for fun …”

The words are clear, but even the ordinary person can see that it is simply nonsense. Why do you open the market to 10000 Yang Palace! ?

“Forget it, let’s not mention these things!”

King Dragon Sect stood up and opened the round, saying, “Let’s find it! There may be other chaotic remnants here, whoever finds it can do it, no need to argue!”

Hearing this, the somewhat weird atmosphere suddenly relaxed, everyone was nodded, 4 spread out.

Chu Yan stood there looking at these people, pondering in his heart.

“Dao Lord Realm !? I’m afraid it’s not so easy to break through. Let’s look at it …”

After careful sensing, the guidance was in the right direction, and Chu Yan raised his foot and walked over there.

All around looked for a circle, and everyone who found nothing saw Chu Yan set off and followed them together.

It’s also a coincidence that these 4 people did not find out after they spread out, but following Chu Yan along the way, they constantly found chaotic remnants.

It’s just that they all seem to be broken, without any chaos aura.

“right here!”

After the half stick of incense, Chu Yan suddenly stopped.

In front of everyone, there is a huge altar, up to hundred zhang, the whole body blue, and various Spirit Seals are imprinted on it, giving a sense of lightness.

Under the altar, there is a stone gate, there is no aura, just feel very ancient mulberry.

At this time, the blue token in Chu Yan’s hands released the dazzling rays of light, reaching the extreme.

Feng Hetian and the others are all shining eyes, according to this situation, I am afraid there is a great opportunity in the stone gate.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, lifted his foot to the stone gate, raised the blue token in his hand, and acted according to the order.

Buzz …!

The blue and green rays of light released by the token were thrown onto the stone gate, and suddenly the stone gate was shocked and slowly opened.

In an instant, an intangible and infinite Qi machine appeared in the void, everyone was Divine Soul, looking towards all around, but nothing.

When everyone looked towards the stone gate again, a powerful aura poured out of the gate, like the tide.

“Not good !”

When Chu Yan and everyone had a complexion changed, when they wanted to resist, they were suddenly directly restrained by this force and could not be moved to move at all.

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