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After everyone was suppressed by the stone gate, they were wrapped into the stone gate.

When everyone feels that the sky is turning away, his feet have fallen to appear in a palace.

Here is like a palace in the altar, the area is not large, the radius is only 100 10,000 zhang, and all around the head is closed by a tall city wall, only a light door behind it, seems to be the only entrance.

This palace looks more like a cage.

Scanning across, you can see everything, all around is empty, only in the middle of the ground, there is a stone platform with paper and ink pen on it, and there is also a jade box with a purple spirit grass in it.

“Here … empty !?”

Everyone looked towards all around, and at the same time froze, some could not believe it.

“There is a Spirit Grass!”

Someone looked at the jade box with surprise.

Liu Liang looked down, and suddenly the whole body trembled and his face froze.

“This … this is grass !?”

Dao Cao! ?

Just 2 words, but like a thunderbolt, all the practitioners present were stunned.

Even Chu Yan and Yue Linglong 2 were so surprised that their faces changed.

Since they entered the place of questioning before, they knew that there was a mountain range that asked.

And this asks that mountain range will breed some spirit plants every 1000 years, anyone can get breakthrough as long as they get it, and reach the realm of Taoism.

Although it is said that this grass is the most ordinary mountain range spirit plant in the eyes, as long as it can be refining, I am afraid that it will also get infinite benefits.


Almost without waiting for everyone to react, Wu Yu silhouetted like electricity, rushed to the platform, raised his hand and grabbed the jade box.

“Wu Fellow Daoist, you are too anxious!”

Guo Shuang’s mouth lifted slightly, jade hand waved, and the ribbon shot at Wu Yu, entangled it.

“The two are Dao Child Saintess, why foreign object, this grass belongs to me!”

Wang Dragon Sect was also unable to bear at all, and he fell to the grass and shook his face with joy.

“Dream, you!”

Wu Yu was furious. He was the first to shoot. How could he not be in a hurry.

In an instant, a tall illusory shadow appeared from behind him, and evolved into a mighty might.


Hegemony directly urged to eat Dao Body, releasing an incomparably killing intent.

“I said you guys, it’s young, isn’t it a grass? It’s all going to be killed?”

Feng Hetian saw that the war was about to start, and immediately smiled, but said with his mouth, the man had rushed out and joined the battle.

Others, hesitating there, all rushed up and shot directly.

Bang! Bang!

For a time, the entire palace was filled with explosive sounds of battle, gangsters were raging, Heaven and Earth tremble.

In such a terrifying battle, none of the people present were weak hands, but those aftermaths blasted the city wall and the ground in the distance, but did not cause a trace of damage.

Chu Yan releases the body protection Gang Yuan to block these vigorous waves and has no intention of participating in the war.

After all, these people used to help themselves before, but now they do it directly, some are not kind.

These forces are all lined up with their respective Sect forces to form battle fronts to attack each other. Each and everyone are staring at Dao Cao, and their eyes are crimson.

Even if a certain force seizes this terror, battles will break out again within the same sect.

This is the case with this world. In the face of absolute interests, no relationship can be trusted.

Chu Yan knows that if he grabs that piece of grass, I am afraid that everyone here will take action against himself.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, if you are fine, not equal to me, we are competing!”

At this moment, Wang Dragon Sect suddenly opened his mouth, making Chu Yan stunned.

Have you made a mistake! ?

I am standing here, you still want to find me! ?

So many people are not enough for you to fight?

Not waiting for Chu Yan to answer at all, the powerful might of King Dragon Sect has rushed in and enveloped Chu Yan.

Not only the King Dragon Sect, but the big guys present have calculated that if they live and die here, and Chu Yan conserve strength and store up energy there, it is very likely that the fisherman catches both.

Therefore, they will not let Chu Yan watch the game, they must let him join the battle.

“Looking for a fight!”

Yue Linglong was reluctant at the time, and when he waved his hand, it was a jade sword, spurting straight to the king Dragon Sect.

“Want to fight, fight!”

Chu Yan didn’t mind either, the whole body broke out in an imposing manner.

Of course, Chu Yan is interested in Dao Cao, but if the situation continues to snatch, it really shouldn’t be.

Therefore, both Chu Yan and Yue Linglong did not target Dao Cao, but joined the battle.

Now, it’s not the time to turn your face with these people, but if they want to fight, Chu Yan won’t refuse.

“Little friend, let me help you!”

Dao Venerable in the Sea of ​​Consciousness seemed extremely excited, ao ao yelled.

“That Wang Family kid, you abandon him when you wait, I come to body possession! I grabbed Dao grass and gave you away!”

This sentence was exported, Chu Yan startedled, but did not immediately answer.

“Don’t worry! I make the Heavenly Might vow! Keep it beautiful!”

Dao Venerable didn’t really have any thoughts in this day. It can be said that among so many people present, speaking of which came to help Chu Yan, but really encountered Dao Cao, turning his face faster than turning books.

Only Yue Linglong and this day-time Dao Venerable are still on their side. Of course, the former need not be said, and day-time Dao Venerable is because they saw Chu Yan’s hole cards.

dignified the 5th heir of the gods, 5 Divine Beasts, 2 wills of the Great God …

This kind of existence is not something he can provoke. Don’t say that he is just Remnant Soul now. Even if he was the former master of the Peak state, he will never provoke it.

However, before waiting for Chu Yan to answer, suddenly the mutation suddenly.

I saw that in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the wills of the 2 Great Cang suddenly broke out at the same time, and turned into 2 powerful Qi machines, which appeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky at the same time.

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at the target pointed by the 2 Great Cang Masters, only to find that they were simultaneously staring at the stone platform, and no one was looking at the black pen.

“Big Brother Chu Yan, the black pen is a bit strange, and my little sapling just changed!”

Yue Linglong and Chu Yan have the same heart, and quickly opened the mouth and said.


Hearing Yue Linglong’s words, Chu Yan’s heart was decided immediately. After all, the small saplings were transformed by green lotus, and Chu Yan was extremely at ease with green lotus.

“Bai Ri Dao Venerable, here is more than Dao Cao!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Dayo Dao Venerable was stunned.

What! ?

Not only Dao Cao! ?

Day when Dao Venerable was stunned and ready to start a careful investigation, Chu Yan had already rushed out, blasting out all over the sky and attacking the stone platform directly.

“Roll, come out!”

With a wave of his hand, Heaven and Earth rolled out in a sky, enveloped Heaven and Earth.

This time, Chu Yan is going all out!

all around Others saw Chu Yan rushing to the stone platform, suddenly anxious and roaring in unison.


“Stop him!”

Under the hegemony, Liu Liang, Wang Dragon Sect and the others simultaneously exerted powerful Taoism and hurled at Chu Yan to prevent him from snatching Dao grass.

However, at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly turned and rushed to the stone platform side, taking away everything except the black pen and other things.

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