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With the body flashed, Chu Yan took all the Dongbens except Dao Cao on the stone platform to the other side.


The big guys all around were stunned, a little dazed.

At this moment, in the sky of the jade box all around, a path of talisman seal suddenly appeared, as if a small hand grabbed the jade box.

“Feng Hetian !?”

On the use of this talisman seal by hand, Tianxuan Earth Palace is the first, and the strongest is naturally Feng Hetian.

Everyone turned their heads and stared at Feng Hetian.

Feng Hetian, who had succeeded, was lowly laughed, constantly flipping the hand seal, preparing to return to the jade box.

In less than half a hour, Chu Yan ’s behavior gave him a good cover. Those big guys were just startled kung fu, and he succeeded.

Chu Yan returned to Yue Linglong and looked at each other, looking towards the situation at this time.

Everyone’s attention was taken away by Feng Hetian, and no one paid attention to Chu Yan. After all, Dao Cao is a treasure.

The most important thing now is to grab the replied grass!

Buzz …!

Without any hesitation, Yue Linglong protects the law, Chu Yan directly injects True Qi Divine Consciousness into the black pen.

A mighty aura suddenly exploded, rushing to the crowd who turned and rushed to Feng Hetian, let everyone startled again, and suddenly turned around.

“What … what happened?”

Dozens of eyes are all stunned.

Isn’t Tao Cao in Feng Hetian? ?

Why did Chu Yan burst such a horrible aura there! ?

The black pen in his hand! ?

“Quick! Get the black pen back!”

How astute the crowds were, they knew the key point in a blink of an eye, dozens of pairs of eyes simultaneously shua shua stared at Chu Yan, roaring endlessly.

The big influences of Da Influence, Dao Child, Saintess, Wang Dragon Sect, Guo Shuang, Liu Liang, Hexia, Wu Yu and the others responded very quickly, and rushed past in an instant.

A lot of Divine Consciousness is locked on Chu Yan, like a thorn in the back.


When the sword is cut, it is under the sword light, long hair flying upwards, and the whole body is in an imposing manner to the extreme, all poured into the Clear Sky Sword body.

“God 3 only!”

Yue Linglong jade hand turned, and formed in bursts.

2 people are all prepared, the shot is extremely fast, the whole void is shattered.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Everyone collided together, generating a huge wave of gangster power.

In this flood of weather, the black pen has shattered and turned into countless golden light stars, and the bodies of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong were attached to the golden light starlight, and the blur disappeared instantly.


Under hegemony, King Dragon Sect and the others were all angry, turned their heads together, looked towards Feng Hetian.

Chu Yan has run away, now I have to grab the grass!

As a result, wars continued to erupt throughout the palace, and Tianxuan Earth Palace joined forces with all parties to start a war.

On the other side, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong fell into Space-Time transmission, after various rotations, finally down to earth …

This is a completely strange place!

All around there is nothing, but there is a wood house in front of me, there is a wood behind the house, and a pond in front of the house. An old background is sitting on the bluestone beside the pond, dozing off and holding the hook.

“Oh, you are here …”

The old man turned his head and smiled gently, just like the old farmer of the ordinary family.


At the same time as the sound rang, the wooden door of the wood house also opened, and a young man walked out of it and saw Chu Yan greet two people.

“Please, feel free here!”

At the same time when the sound sounded, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong startled, and turned their heads to see at the same time, I saw that the old silhouette by the pond had been disappeared.

The young man’s voice and smile in front of him clearly showed the shadow of the old man.

There are no aura fluctuations, neither the void nor Space-Time aura, how did this old man do it! ?

Moreover, even the appearance has changed, right in front of Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, but 2 did not feel that the old man used any secret skill or True Qi.

All these signs look amazing!

“White … White Day Ginseng … pay respects to Senior!”

It was Dao Venerable Divine Soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the voice came quickly, making Chu Yan and Yue Linglong even more surprised.

After all, before the day, Dao Venerable tried everything to hide himself so he could carry out his body possession plan.

“Day is also in ah! You’re welcome, didn’t expect you are still alive … Not bad! Then give you some benefits, let’s go to the house!”

After the young man finished speaking, he waved at the wood house at the back, and Dao Venerable was very happy on the spot.

Quickly stepped out, and at the same time squeezed his eyebrows at Chu Yan.

“You are the one who controls this piece of Inheritance Land !?”

Chu Yan didn’t look at Dao Venerable, looked directly at the old man, and asked.

On the Yue Linglong side, the powerful aura is surging, and Divine Consciousness sweeps through the youth like a tide, as if he is not convinced, must see through the secret skill used by the old man.


The young man nodded, reached out again, and sat down with Chu Yan Yue Linglong 2 people.

“I don’t know how long I slept! This place has the 2nd … well, the 2nd batch of people came in! Yes, I remember the last time it seemed that Wu Celestial Emperor guy!”

At the exit of this sentence, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong instantly looked at each other, and their faces tightened.

He knows Wu Celestial Emperor! ?

Moreover, there is not at all a special tone between words, who is this person in the end! ?

Obviously familiar with Wu Celestial Emperor!

“You won’t be the 4th Cang …”

Divine Soul trembles in Chu Yan’s heart, probed.

“Ha ha ha, isn’t it? Don’t be nervous, I’m not a god!” The youth said with a smile.

“However, my name can tell you, my name is …” machine “!”

A word landed, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly shrank, subconsciously stepped back half a step, staring at the young man alertly, opened the mouth and said

“Tianji !? What is your relationship with” Heaven “!?”

“This … just a name, it doesn’t make any sense at all! You think more!” The smile on the youth’s face disappeared, looking at Chu Yan.

“In this case, you can call me any name, as I said just now, the name is meaningless!”

Call any name! ?

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong were both started at the same time, with a look of ignorance.

“Senior, where is this time !? Are you waiting for us !?” Yue Linglong asked.

“It can be said so!” The youth is nodded.

“The black pen is nothing but a guise. I asked you to come over. However, I am not malicious, just want to know! Give you another chance!”

The old man finished speaking, looked towards 2 people, laughing without words.

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong were also silent, and were puzzled for a while.

This person looks out of the ordinary, if you want to deal with them, I am afraid that you do not need any calculations and means.

His words may be true!

Just this chance, what is it! ?

“Coincidentally, both of you got the Constant Antiquity aura, so you only need to enter this hut for a month to conceive the Constant Antiquity aura, when the time comes I will tell you how to use it ! “

The young people didn’t explain too much to Chu Yan 2’s thoughts and said directly.

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