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Sun Yuxiao and the Remnant Soul of Dao Lord Realm fleshy body fought for a few days and nights, and had no time to distract from what happened.

Therefore, the appearance of Chu Yan and the others is extremely unexpected.

But in any case, he knew that these people were not good at coming, his plan was exposed, impossible passed through safely, and he could only fight.

While Sun Yuxiao took the lead, Tianhui Taoist and Jade Tiger Venerable Lord had already shot.

The blockbuster attack strikes, ushering in an attack on Divine Consciousness.

Chu Yan and the others also shot with 100 Divine Consciousness Spirit Armament, all of them turned into scumbags.

This kind of battle of Divine Consciousness is dominated by will, intangible and immaterial, but if it causes harm, the consequences are extremely serious.

After all, everyone’s Divine Consciousness body is not like Fleshy body and can’t stand any trauma at all.

“Ancestor, let’s join hands to deal with the foreign enemy ah!”

Knowing that the situation was not good, Sun Yuxiao quickly turned to shout at Remnant Soul.

“As long as I deal with these foreign enemies, I will no longer snatch your Fleshy body!”

Said not to be false, Sun Yuxiao knew that under the siege of so many gangsters, his loss was only a matter of time. The only hope is that this ancestor would go to Senior and help him.

As for body possession fleshy body and so on, it is no longer important, after all, you can only talk about it if you are saving your life.

“Hmph! Not descendants, my Remnant Soul is not much time and will soon dissipate!”

Dao Lord Realm Remnant Soul’s voice sounded, full of cold and severe.

“If it weren’t for the sake of you being a descendant of my clan, I wouldn’t have given you any chance before, but you are so greedy, and you have to devour it with the clan bloodline!

“A person like you is not worthy of my Sun Family descendants, I will unite them today to clean up the sect!”

With this sentence exported, Sun Yuxiao instantly looked ashamed.

“Old fart, you’re all going to die. What’s the use of Remnant Soul? It’s better to devour me and let Sun Family grow stronger, stubborn, and now even unite foreign people to deal with me, then you go die for me! “

Sun Yuxiao is extremely angry, the whole body may keep rising, all around the void boiling.

shua shua uh …!

A row of Divine Consciousness appeared behind him, all of them were his Avatar, and he used his own secret skill to grab a large amount of horrible divine might.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were like fire, without any hesitation, raising his hand was a sword.

The sword shadow splits into air and turns into 10000 sword light, forming a large web of sword shadow frenzy, removed towards the rows of Avatar illusory shadow.

Now Chu Yan, cultivation base breakthrough to Supreme Peak, how strong the battle strength is.

Under the sword, all of Sun Yuxiao’s Divine Consciousness Avatar was chopped into powder and dissipated into nothingness.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fighting broke out, and under the siege of a group of big brothers, Sun Yuxiao couldn’t resist at all and was in a disadvantageous position for an instant.

Dead in his heart, Sun Yuxiao was ashamed of his face, madly performing various Taoist techniques and unique skills, and even forbidden technique was urged.

“The essence of bloodline, violent!”

A blood essence shot from his mouth, fell into the air and turned into a blood mass, and melted into a road array under the twist.

In an instant, the void collapsed, blood light 4 overflowed, and a tall illusory shadow appeared, releasing Heavenly Might.

This kind of hole card is the same as that of the ten masters of peerless genius, but the power of bloodline is used to awaken the powerful ancestor.

This kind of ancestral power is at least the same order as Dao Lord Realm. Under an instant outbreak, the formidable power is extremely strong.

Chu Yan, Pan Tianxing, and the three Venerable Lords rushed out without any color change.

The team of 5 people, even the Sun Family’s bloodline forbidden technique, can only help him resist a moment.

The most important thing is that his method is common for the five players present, and everyone has the equivalent cards, but they don’t need to show it.

In less than 5 minutes of time, Sun Yuxiao no longer had a card to play, and was eventually bombarded by five people into Divine Consciousness, which turned into a diffuse weather wave and dissipated in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

In this battle, the 7 major Gu Family Sun Family, Dao Child Sun Yuxiao, fell!

And Dao Lord Realm fleshy body, because of losing Sun Yuxiao’s control, Sea of ​​Consciousness began to tremble violently, and was re-controlled by Taoist Remnant Soul.

Although here is the Fleshy body Sea of ​​Consciousness World of Sun Family Dao Lord Realm’s ancestor, Sun Yuxiao fights here and has a certain enforcement, but after all, the opponent is too strong and will eventually lose.

Now, the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Dao Lord Realm fleshy body is under control again, but as a battlefield, the damage is great.

“Sleep for 1000 years, this will be the result after waking up! That’s all…. Follow the road….”

With this sigh, the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness World began to collapse.

Like smoke and dust drifting, and like starlight returning to the sea, everything is dissipating when the morning mist meets the sun.

Without the control of Sun Yuxiao and Taoist Remnant Soul, his fleshy body has lost its roots of strength, and eventually it will only be defeated by the big brothers.

However, just when its Sea of ​​Consciousness collapsed, a tall unreal shadow appeared on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky.

The tall illusory shadow released 10000 golden lights, all around sounded the chanting of Taoist mantra.

“This Heaven and Earth …”

The golden light illusory shadow spoke, it seemed to want to say something, but finally it didn’t make a sound and could not be transmitted in the sky.

“Since this is the case, please ask Yuhu and Hongyan Fellow Daoist to help me!”

In the eyes of Tianhui Taoist Master, the golden light was shining, and when he saw no effect, he was ready to go all out.

When he landed, he sat directly cross-legged, and the illusory shadow of Dao Shi Yuanzun appeared, sitting in the void like him, faintly forming a line, while singing.

The Jade Tiger Venerable Lord and Hongyan Supreme waved at the same time, and the blockbuster True Qi and will power poured into the Tianhui Taoist within the body.

Chu Yan and Pan Tianxing stood on the side, staring at the same time.

Good guy!

These three big guys are obviously the ones that have been discussed for a long time.

“Haha, two Fellow Daoist, don’t think about it. It’s just that this person has a relationship with my Taoist. I want to spend him, it’s a merit!”

As soon as this sentence came out, Chu Yan and Pan Tianxing twitched the corners of their eyes at the same time.

Such words, lie! ?

What is fortune! ?

You are afraid that like Sun Yuxiao, it is obviously the Fleshy body of the greedy people.

“2 people, as long as they don’t interfere, I will definitely give you some benefits, and never let 2 people suffer!”

Tianhui Taoist Master also knows that these words are just to deceive fools, so he directly speaks about the benefits.

You know, the first time Tianhui Taoist master saw this master Fleshy body, he had an idea.

All plans and steps afterwards are included in this brief moment to prepare the master Fleshy body.

After all, speaking of which, this master Inheritance Land, the largest 2 Supreme Treasure, of course, 2 masters Fleshy body.

In fact, with his strength, you can call on everyone before to work together to destroy the master Fleshy body.

But if he wants to seize the Fleshy Body, he must first let it consume, and wait until it is almost consumed before he can have the greatest certainty.

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