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Tianhui Taoist’s abacus is nothing special.

It’s because of the Fleshy body of the Dao Lord Realm powerhouse. If the capture is successful, moving back to Pfazong is equivalent to one more Dao Lord Realm’s battle strength.

Of course, with the foundation of Pfakong, a Dao Lord Realm battle strength is not a big thing.

However, what he thinks is also very simple. If you get it yourself, it means that you ca n’t get it from others. Under the circumstances, the strength of Pfazong is still top.

If other forces seize it and increase their strength, it will be a threat to Franciscans.

And the most direct factor is that it is now.

What is this place! ?

This is the 10000 Sun Palace in the polar region of the cloud. Asking for the core of the land, it will not allow Dao Lord Realm to enter it.

That is to say, the current battle strength strongest is this master Fleshy body. If anyone can get it, it is equivalent to having a Great Killing Artifact in the place of asking.

When I went back and asked about the mountain range and grabbed the grass, it was almost invincible.

Such an abacus, how can you hide the big guys who have been present, Hong Yan Supreme and Yuhu Venerable Lord, of course, the benefits are indispensable.

But Pan Tianxing said with a sneer, “Tianhui, do you think I’m a fool !?”

“It’s useless to say more, I just ask, just like them!”

Raising his hand to the Red Yan Supreme and Jade Tiger Venerable Lord, Pan Tianxing face a killing intent.

This is no small matter!

Let Tianhui Taoist refining this master Fleshy body, when the Dao Realm mountain range opens, play a fart.

If you can’t do all the Dao Cao and Xian Zhi, all of them will belong to you. Although you are divided according to a few, he will score a point.

After all, the existence of this Dao Lord Realm fleshy body is a threat to anyone, and it will only work if we talk about the Heavenly Might vow now.

Otherwise, the best way is to directly eliminate this threat, and everyone competes fairly.

In that case, at least Pan Tianxing can stand invincible and move forward and backward without any danger.

“That won’t work! This matter will come first and come later, at most half for you!”

Tianhui Taoist shook his head directly to suppress the price.

“Okay! You have kind!”

Pan Tianxing did not talk nonsense with him, turned directly towards Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said

“You pick one and the other two belong to me!”


In a word, Pan Tianxing directly drew his sword. Although it is a long sword of Divine Consciousness Form Transformation, there is a lot of sword power.

“I pick Tianhui! Kill him within one hundred breaths! Come back to help you! Who can’t stand it, who loses!”

Chu Yan is not an advantage. Relatively speaking, Tianhui Taoist can top Yuhu and Hongyan Supreme more than twice as much.

Not really because the Tianhui Taoist battle strength is strong, but because it is now the Divine Consciousness body, the battle of will.

In this case, the battle strength of Tianhui Taoist Master is much stronger.

“Okay! That’s it!” Pan Tianxing turned and smiled.

He was even more interested in the battle with Chu Yan about the death of these 3 Venerable Lords.

Especially now, Chu Yan’s cultivation base breakthrough has reached Supreme’s Peak. There is no gap between him and cultivation base realm, which is just fair.

When the words hit the ground, Pan Tianxing took the lead and took two sword-like sword lights directly at the sword, directly hitting Yuhu and Hongyan Supreme.

“Hmph! Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!”

Jade Tiger Venerable Lord is also angry, let 2 genius pick here to pick and choose, he dignified Venerable Lord do not face! ?

“Jade Tiger, don’t lose! Although there are only a few of us here, it is very embarrassing!”

Hongyan Supreme smiled, and flicked a few electric eyes at Pan Tianxing, and laughed at the Yuhu Venerable Lord.

“Fuck, fart! Laozi will lose !?”

When the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord heard this, he was furious at that time. Divine might burst out again, and the formidable power increased by more than 30%.

Seeing this scene, Hongyan Supreme immediately chuckled her lips, and she knew the temperament of the man.


Chu Yan on the other side also cuts out the sword, and the sword edge points directly to Tianhui Taoist Master.

“Chu Yan, you have a relationship with my Daomen, but this killing is too heavy. If you want to achieve Daoguo, you still need this Taoist master to complete your success!”

After all, Tianhui Taoist sitting in a cross-handed hands took a gold stamp, and the peng sound exploded into 5 thunderbolt gods, rushing to Chu Yan all around while singing loudly.

There are 4 kinds of Taoist Magical Artifact in their hands, and at the same time, Daoguang 10,000 zhang, all covered to Chu Yan.

At this time, Tianhui Taoist tried his best to see if Chu Yan could carry it.

If Chu Yan Divine Consciousness fell behind and really belonged to the Daomen, then the game of his Tianhui Taoist Master was double happiness.

“Uh … don’t you have any other tricks !?”

Chu Yan saw the Great Array, which he said, was silent for a while.

Immediately, Chu Yan waved his hand, and four illusory shadows appeared behind him, also rushing out in four directions, holding Taoist Magical Artifact and moving towards Tianhui Taoist hood.

“What !? How can you drop the magic and wash your heart !?”

Tianhui Taoist was surprised that the complexion changed, staring towards Chu Yan.

Could it be that in the previous battle, I watched myself perform it once, and this Chu Yan learned it! ?

“Will you only be allowed?”

Chu Yan smiled and was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, raising his hand was Clear Sky Sword, straight out.

One sword and ten shadows, each has its own changes!

“This is the unique skill of the ten pedigrees! You …”

Tianhui Taoist this time, his face was green, and his face was unbelievable.

Certainly, this Chu Yan has learned the stunts of others during the first battle!

At the moment, Tianhui Taoist dare not drag on, and urges divine might to attack Chu Yan.

On the other side, the jade tiger Venerable Lord and Hongyan Supreme were also completely surprised by Chu Yan’s shot from this side, and looked around.

“You two, you are very confident!”

Pan Tianxing’s face is getting colder and colder. Before that, Chu Yan was distracted when he played against him, and now these 2 guys are so ignoring themselves! ?


Pan Tian acted with anger, black illusory shadow flashed over his brow, raised his hand with a sword, the sword body twisted, and the black shadow growled.

“True soul sword !?”

Hongyan Supreme and Jade Tiger Venerable Lord saw this sword, and the complexion greatly changed.

Divine Soul is attached to the sword body, specializing in people’s Divine Soul, the strength of formidable power, and in the Divine Soul’s Divine Soul attacking unique skill, it can also rank the existence of top 10.

How could they didn’t expect, a Chu Yan got it, this Pan Tianxing was so terrifying.

Moreover, they also found out that Pan Tianxing was afraid of a fortuitous encounter in the 2 Yang Temple in these 10000 days, and his strength has more than doubled.

After this sword was cut out, he was within the body. 7 black souls kept flashing and flew out of the ears, noses, and eyes, and belonged to within the body.

This is the technique of 3 souls and 7 souls, but it is the highest Divine Soul secret skill!

“You … actually cultivated Divine Soul !?”

At this time, the two people’s faces were black, and then looked towards Pan Tianxing’s eyes, completely changed.

Now, Pan Tianxing’s actual battle strength horror has exceeded them, and this Divine Soul battle strength is probably several times that of their two.

So, if you don’t take care of it, it may really fall here.

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