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2 forces collided in the air and exploded the stormy waves.

Under the powerful anti-seismic force, Chu Yan’s figure retreated suddenly, waiting for him to stand firm. Jade Ruyi behind the Tianhui Taoist Master once again burst out 10000 illusory shadows.

“Heaven and Earth scroll!”

Chu Yan waved his hand sideways, and the scroll was empty, unfolding like a sky, suppressing Heaven and Earth.

At this time, the Tianhui Taoist Master suddenly opened the eyes, the Taoist Brahma between the Heaven and Earth was completely forbidden, and a green ancient aura came with a strong coercion.

“Taoism is one, no limit!”

The golden talisman seal gushes out, and each illusory shadow on Jade Ruyi collapses, turning into a huge golden sign of each and everyone, rushing towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stood in the void, long robe hunted, staring at it all with coldness.

“Tianhui, you still want to cross me !?”

Chu Yan drank like thunder, and the might of the will rushed away, washing Heaven and Earth like a shock wave, making all the golden Taoist symbols lag behind.

“Heaven and Earth is self-contained, boundlessly advancing through the heavens and the earth, and Luosha in the sky …”

Tianhui Taoist Master remained unmoved completely, continuing his Daoist earthquake, and suddenly a piece of 8 hexagrams appeared, which evolved the mysterious natural phenomenon of Tai Chi Sheng 2 poles.

After the natural phenomenon appeared, the 8 Hex Great Array continued to expand and soon enveloped the entire Heaven and Earth, with a radius of 10,000 li.

And the original Tianhui Taoist disappeared and appeared on Heaven and Earth, a mountain-like silhouette with 10000 golden lights above his head, like Heaven and Earth God!


The word drank, palms pressed, and moved towards Chu Yan.

This palm belt brought up the gangly power, and the situation moved simultaneously, as if the sky had fallen down, and it was going to blow the world.

This move not only to destroy Chu Yan, but also to shoot all these voids and Heaven and Earth spirits, including Heaven and Earth rules, and all the 10000 things ca n’t be born, breaking all vitality.

The Sect Master secret skill of the Protestant Sect, Tai Chi is broken, and every time it is cast, a drop of blood essence is required to urge Antiquity’s might.

Such a card is not as a last resort, the general sect Master Sect Master will never be easily played.

Now, it can also be said that it was impossible to be forced by Chu Yan. Tianhui Taoist decided to use all his strength to use this unique skill.

And generally speaking, Tianhui Daoist fights with other cultivators. By Divine Soul attacking unique skill, you can basically win, even if you ca n’t easily win, you can also be invincible.

As it is now, it is the first time in 100 years that a battle skill has been used against an enemy.

“Interesting !”

Chu Yan’s eyes were shining, the whole body of war was surging, and the whole body of True Qi broke out to the extreme.

Even the power of the area in Qi Sea was urged to release the ultimate sword and split towards the sky.

Ka cha !

The sword light passed by, collided with the palm seal, and exploded the weather waves.


Pan Tianxing, Jade Tiger Venerable Lord and Hongyan Supreme were all in shock, and turned their heads towards this side.

This time Chu Yan and Tianhui Taoist’s attack has completely exceeded their cognition, making them all stunned.

What’s more, the blasts of the sword palms intersecting and exploding made the whole sky tremble, which had affected them.

Even the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness World is buzzing and trembling.


At the moment when everyone was stunned, in the swell of Heaven and Earth, a shiny sword light appeared, just like the light of the world, directly hitting the sky.

As the sword light passes by, all the power above the sky, the melting of ice and snow, and even the natural phenomenon evolved from the Eight Diagrams Tai Chi, all disappear.

The tall silhouette above the sky, the body suddenly shook, the corner of the mouth overflowed with blood red, and his face was pale, and aura also fell rapidly, seeming to be hit hard.

The Jade Ruyi above the top of the head, which was originally full of jade color, suddenly became black, as if Spirit Qi was missing.

The rich Daowei between Heaven and Earth, like Thunder Clouds, passed away.

This battle is defeated!

The whole plan was completely defeated.

In less than breath breaths, he actually lost to Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan….”

Tianhui Taoist, as a powerhouse of Taoism, cultivated the Daoxin of 10000 years, in this brief moment cracked, and flashed with blood color killing intent appeared in his eyes, staring at Chu Yan.

At this time, his heart was violent, and his murderous intention was full, completely discarding Dao Xin.

As a Taoist, such a situation can be said to be extremely bad.

However, this state only lasted for less than 2 breaths. The Tianhui Taoist Master suddenly woke up and hurriedly sat down to recite the Taoist Sutra, suddenly letting the whole body ruthless aura disappear.

After all, it is Sect Master, the existence of Taoist Taoist realm, temperament and will are still very strong.

“What a Wu Fa, really out of the ordinary!”

10 breaths later, Tianhui Taoist stood up from the ground, gently looked at Chu Yan and said

“After this battle, we will fight again, I hope when the time comes, you will not let me down!”

This sentence landed, the Divine Consciousness of Tianhui Taoist body dissipated, and turned into a ray of light smoke directly rushing out of Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

While Chu Yan stood there, with a cold face, he didn’t care about the threatening words of Tianhui Taoist Master.

It sounds like ordinary words, but the meaning of Tianhui Taoist is to tell Chu Yan that he and Chu Yan will be irreconcilable in the future.

No, this is nothing to Chu Yan. After all, it was this kind of relationship before.

Not far away, the Jade Tiger Venerable Lord and Hongyan Supreme did not hesitate, and at the same time turned into a Divine Consciousness body rushing out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

In this battle, they saw Chu Yan’s true battle strength.

“Chu Yan, not this time!”

Pan Tianxing’s face was blue, and he came from a distance, opened the mouth and said.

“They ran on their own, otherwise I could trap them for an hour!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan smiled softly and immediately arched his hand

“Good! Many thanks Fellow Daoist Pan this time!”

Although I lost the Tianhui Taoist just now, but the consumption is not small. If there is no Pan Tianxing, the three people join forces, and the result is really unknown.

Moreover, he also knows that Tianhui Taoist not at all tried his best, but had reservations. I am still thinking about asking about the benefits of mountain range.

Therefore, there was Pan Tianxing in this battle, which helped a lot.

“No need to thank me!”

Pan Tianxing shook his head directly, and said, “I’m going first. You can do it yourself. When you ask the mountain range, we will fight again!”

“Good!” Chu Yan nodded.

Immediately, the two joined forces to rush out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness World and return to the outside world.

The battle outside was almost intensified. Under the mad attack of all the cultivators, the Sea of ​​Consciousness World of the Fleshy body of the Master collapsed again, and finally supported one hour.

The soul-eating ants on the 4th sky also instantly became headless flies, 4 scattered and flew away quickly.

“Ha ha ha, we won!”

“It’s not easy! Didn’t expect …”

“God, we actually defeated a Taoist master !?”

“Good! My last sword, kill it, you testify to me!”

“Fuck your uncle’s fart, obviously I …”



In a festive atmosphere, the original tension and repression were swept away, and everyone was happy.

However, not waiting for everyone to be happy, suddenly, Heaven and Earth mutation suddenly, the whole void began to distort …

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