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With the time of the landlord Inheritance Land ending, everyone was sent out.

While Chu Yan and Yue Linglong appeared in a forest, there was no silhouette of other cultivators all around, obviously decentralized random transmission.

Chu Yan and Yue Linglong can appear together, which should be the special care of the old man.

“Linglong, you hurry back! Continue to learn the secret skill with him!”

Chu Yan told Yue Linglong, after all, he learned the machine with the old man for a day, and Yue Linglong’s progress was very obvious.

The most important thing is that if green lotus can be gestated again, it is definitely a good thing.

“I’ll go back …”

Seeing Yue Linglong’s wide-eyed eyes, Chu Yan said with a smile.

“However, Holy Heaven, Star Mark and Tianhui, they will not stop there. You are too dangerous outside, otherwise you will join me …

Yue Linglong said worriedly.

“With my current cultivation base, they want to deal with me already impossible!”

Chu Yan shook the head, said to Yue Linglong, “Now is an opportunity, I need to improve something!”

This kind of improvement, Chu Yan is not referring to anything else, it is the blood field in the previous Qi Sea.

The 7 Gu Family bloodlines that were merged before have played a big role in the previous battle, giving the battle strength a qualitative improvement.

Chu Yan has only collected a few of these blood areas. If all of them can be collected, if the number is larger, the formidable power of blood areas may be improved by a large amount.

After all, the number of Dao Child Saintess of the 7 Gu Family in this questioning place is not small.


After seeing Chu Yan for a long time, Yue Linglong pouted and said unwillingly.

After that, Yue Linglong took out Jade Talisman with reluctance, and told Chu Yan to urge Jade Talisman to disappear into the Transmission Passage.

“Now, get started!”

Watching Yue Linglong leave, Chu Yan took a long breath.

Next moment, Chu Yan all around looked at it, and after recognizing the direction, his figure rose to the sky.

However, as soon as he ascended to the sky, his message Jade Talisman vibrated gently, looked down, and turned out to be 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect.

“Chu Yan, how are you mixing in the place you are asking !? Why didn’t you contact me !?”

In this regard, Chu Yan’s eyes twitched suddenly.

You, a big Sect Master of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, even Junior Brother’s Wild Supreme is sent to stare at yourself, and ask! ?

“Rarely Junior Brother just sent a message, it is estimated to be useful to you, mainly …”

“He met a cultivator in a Secret Realm and said that he had something important to find you. We talked to him. He took the initiative of Heavenly Might. It is estimated that it will not be false. He will let Junior Brother go Looking for you! “

After 2 subpoenas, there is no other news, but it is Chu Yan frowned.

What do you mean! ?

A cultivator finds himself! ? Did you meet the wild Supreme? !

After a little deep pondering, Chu Yan responded with thanks, and began to contact the barren Supreme.

Anyway, there is nothing important now, just go and see.

Waiting to catch up with the wild Supreme and asked for specific directions, Chu Yan changed direction and flew quickly.

After 2 hours, above the main peak of a mountain range in the front, I saw a few silhouettes waiting, and Chu Yan lowered his body and moved towards main peak.

“Martial Uncle!” Chu Yan bowed his hand.

Seeing the appearance of Chu Yan, the wild Supreme was suddenly overjoyed, looked up and down, and couldn’t help being nodded.

Just said 2 sentences, but a cultivator behind him is already excited.

He inquired all the way before and ran after Chu Yan, but when he got to Inheritance Land, he found he couldn’t get in.

Coupled with the great influence people he met along the way, almost all of them were chasing Chu Yan, and no need to think about it. It is as difficult as heavenly ascension to find Chu Yan under such circumstances.

Therefore, he can only find 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, hoping to contact Chu Yan around a bend.

Sure enough, see you now!

“Chu Yan, you talk, I’m going!”

Supreme Supreme confronted Chu Yan nodded and took off with 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect 2 Supreme.

Now the relationship between them and Chu Yan is a bit awkward, so it is inconvenient to stay here, so they consciously leave.

Coupled with the cultivation base of this cultivator, the Supreme Stage Initial Stage does not pose any threat to Chu Yan of Peak Peak.

“you are….”

Chu Yan looked towards the excited cultivator, asked with a puzzled look.

“The next name is Li Shun, entrusted by the Master, to bring you a message, the next Master is … Black Magic True Master!”

“Black Magic True Master !?” Chu Yan startled.

Never heard of this person ah!

With doubts, he took over Jade Talisman from Li Shun, and after exploring it by Divine Consciousness, he got into it.

“wait a moment, please!”

Chu Yan thought about it, took Jade Talisman away from 100 steps, and began to view the information in the message Jade Talisman.

However, when Chu Yan Divine Consciousness entered one of the investigations, it was found that there was no information at all, only a very strong seal.

Stimulate Divine Consciousness, force the impact, and explode with a blast.

A large ripple gushed out and turned into a Spirit Qi gang, completely covering Chu Yan in ten steps.

At the same time, a tall silhouette emerged, turned out to be an old man with black hair and white hair, looking at himself with majesty.

“Senior, what do you mean … what’s the matter, just say it!”

Chu Yan was also speechless. Didn’t expect the other party to be so careful that he concealed a trace of Avatar Divine Consciousness in Jade Talisman.

“Chu Yan, I know you have doubts, but it matters a lot. I do n’t have much will. I can only tell a short story …”

old man heard the words of Chu Yan, his face remained unmoved, lightly opened the mouth and said

“This matter … Xuantian!”

This sentence landed, and suddenly let Chu Yan complexion changed.

Emperor Xuantian! ?

Hearing the name, Chu Yan’s expression suddenly became solemn.

“My inheritance was obtained by Xuan Tian, ​​and her innate talent is the only thing I have seen in my life. The reincarnation of 10000 Dharma is mysterious, and it helps her to raise her cultivation base all the way.

With a few words, Chu Yan looked towards the black fantasy True Master’s eyes, which instantly changed.

First, this real name is very likely to be fake. In addition, what he remarked is very similar to the writing method of the Antiquity era.

At that time, the powerful powerhouse had many literary styles. It was not specialized in Martial Cultivation, but it was an extremely complex system with a long history of over 100.

“I have fallen for 10000 years, and I feel so relieved to have this successor! But my remaining will, to witness her ascend to Peak, sleeping here, but occasionally get news, rumor that you are Wu **!

Hearing this, Chu Yan pupil light flashed slightly.

“Xuan Tian is not wise, for your reincarnation, regardless of taboos, forcefully activate the reincarnation of 10000 soul work, and the loss of endless life essence. Now time is limited …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly changed the complexion.

“Time is limited !? How much !?” Chu Yan asked anxiously.

“Short one year, longer one and a half years!” The old man paused and answered.

One year! ?

Chu Yan’s pupil light shuddered suddenly, and his face was unbelievable.

Before the Empress Xuantian came to rescue herself, she was shocked by the sword, what a terrifying situation! ?

Who would have thought that she had only one year of life essence at that time, and it was because of herself! ?

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