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Chu Yan absolutely didn’t expect, the last time Emperor Xuantian came forward for herself, and even sacrificed so much.

“Now, she wants to enhance life essence, only the breakthrough path is feasible!”

Black Magic True Master continued his words, and at the same time his eyes swept to Chu Yan from time to time, and seemed to care about what he had interrupted by Chu Yan before.

“Between this world and the Xuantian’s innate talent aptitude mention on equal terms, the phoenix hairy horns, but is it easy to break through the main realm !?”

“From the Antiquity era to the present day, no Divine Realm continent was born, and even the former Cang Lord is a fall and loss, and a living life!”

“But she missed her escape again! Alas …”

“She has placed Heaven and Earth banned now, and wants to force a breakthrough, but in my opinion, things are in a hurry and lack of foundation, so eager to make progress, I am afraid that it will be a major event!”

“Moreover, all influence has guessed some signs, and has sent strength to interfere, and wants her to fall completely to save her heart!”

“She is my most important successor! It must never fall!”

“So, hearing that you are the son of Wu Celestial Emperor, I hope you can use some of the means your father gave you to help her!”

Speaking of which, the Black Magic True Master looked at Chu Yan for a long time without saying a word, his eyes seemed to have expectations, and he begged …

After only a few moments of interest, Dao Lord Realm aura of the Black Magic True Master began to dissipate slowly, as the clouds spread out and disappeared completely.

Chu Yan stood there dumbly, completely stunned!

Emperor Xuantian…. About to fall! ?

Once upon a time, Chu Yan had forgotten when Emperor Xuantian appeared beside her.

The reincarnation of this blue armored war soul, assaulted in white clothes and a jade sword, has always been guarding him. As long as there are strong enemies and difficulties, she will appear.

And at this time, in order to help herself, she almost … fallen! ?

Even his inheritance senior tried his best to find himself and pleaded for his help, but he knew nothing! ?

More importantly, can you help him? !

Father Wu Wu Celestial Emperor, there are dogs and farts for yourself, what can you do to help her! ?

However, Chu Yan’s sluggish with both eyes clearly saw the attack on white clothes, holding a jade sword, but in front of him was 10,000 li abyss, just stepping out, it was 10000.

Behind the hell, the abyss ahead, there is no way, there is no choice!

Above the main peak of the mountain breeze, Chu Yan stood there and stood for a few hundred breaths of time, a trace and soberness and calm in his empty eyes.

Not far away, the Li Shun was already full of doubts, sweating, and his whole body shook like sieve.

Just a moment of breath breaths, it seemed to him that he lived like a new year. The Chu Yan Senior in front of him was like a wave of wind, a moment of coercion, and finally 10,000 li murderous aura, which surprised him that Divine Soul was almost away .

Too terrifying!

According to legend, the Chu Yan Senior’s battle strength is probably on the peerless genius list, ranking top 3.

Now it seems that it is no exaggeration to say that he is the first.

After all, Li Shun has also seen several others on the peerless list, not at all Chu Yan Senior.

This scene of howling wind and torrential rain made Li Shun think about his life!

“Chu Yan Senior, are you … all right !?”

Only until just now, everything calmed down, Li Shun asked quickly.

It ’s not because of any concern, but I ’m afraid of this Senior … come again!

Hearing Li Shun ’s voice, Chu Yan turned his head slowly, and took the head and said, “I ’m fine!”

Immediately, Chu Yan turned over and took out several heavenly materials earthly treasures, all of which were refining the rest of his own, and handed it to Li Shundao

“Many thanks Fellow Daoist came to report, it was a matter of great importance, thanks for that!”

Seeing the heavenly materials earthly treasures in Chu Yan ’s hands, Li Shun ’s pupils enlarged instantly, sighed with a breath of air, and waved his hands together

“Dare … not dare! Chu Yan Senior, I just ordered the teacher to dare not take your …”

Talking, but Li Shun stared at the heavenly materials earthly treasures in Chu Yan’s hands, and his saliva was almost flowing out.

Don’t say that he is a Supreme Stage Initial Stage, even if they are the masters of the Sect of Tianhui Taoist, when they see the treasure in Chu Yan’s hands, their eyes will glow.

If you don’t want it, it’s impossible.

It’s just that Li Shun feels that he is just running a leg, which is worthy of these heavy treasures. If Chu Yan rewards him with 3 melons and 2 dates, he will accept 1000 gratuities and 10000 gratitudes.

But now this thing … makes him straight trance!

“You’re welcome! Also, here is my communication with Jade Talisman. If you have anything in the future, you can contact me directly! Including any trouble, I don’t have to be kind if I can help!

Chu Yan took out the subpoena and Jade Talisman handed it to Li Shun. One was because it was convenient for him to contact later. The other was the news brought by Li Shun this time, which was really important to him.

…… ..

Half a day later, Chu Yan flew in the sky, ahead of 10,000 li Lingyun Sea.

Chu Yan’s face was cold, but his heart was surging 1000 volumes, and all the scenery around all was completely out of sight.

When thinking of Empress Xuantian, Chu Yan couldn’t calm down at all.

Starting from Ten Directions Star Domain, Emperor Xuantian created a continent for him. Now Divine Realm continent, she has lost 10000 years of life essence for herself.

Looking back at myself, it seems that nothing has been done for her.

“Xuan Tian, ​​where are you! Black Magic True Master has found me …”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness condenses, and it is reported that Divine Consciousness contacts Empress Xuan Tian and tells a few things about the previous things.

Then, Empress Xuantian not at all wrote back …

Chu Yan is also used to this, not at all the key, waiting patiently.

I remembered that after that war, Emperor Xuantian struck the bloody coat and was stained with Yinhong for the first time.

At that time, Emperor Xuantian said, “It’s not her blood, it’s Taboo Ridge!”

Not at all, I noticed that with the character of Emperor Xuantian, even if it wasn’t her blood, if it wasn’t seriously hit, it was simply impossible to let the blood of the enemy drench on your white dress.

This is enough to explain some problems, but I didn’t notice at that time. ,

Although she was suspicious at the time and asked her what the price was, her answer was too casual, and she even believed her habitually.

When did she start to become one of her own habits …

Perhaps, she had made up her mind long ago to take care of everything herself.

Flying all the way, 10,000 li clear skies, and even the sea of ​​spirit clouds in the sky, disappeared.

However, Emperor Xuantian still did not reply.

If, as before, Chu Yan mentioned the place of question, about the battle between the two master Fleshy bodies, the battle with several Sect masters.

Such things, Emperor Xuantian will definitely come to ask immediately.

But now, she didn’t say anything, and even the black fantasy was not able to attract her attention.

She is concealing, the more so, Chu Yan is more worried.

This shows that she is really breaking through and cannot be disturbed by other things.

“Xuan Tian … This time is my turn!”

At the next breath, Chu Yan seemed to have made a decision. Suddenly, an aura broke out all over his body, and his flight speed soared ten times.

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