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With Chu Yan’s order, Brother Feng and a group of Supreme gangsters broke out at the same time, violent gangs swept through, like a raging surge.

bang! bang! Boom … rumbling!

The endless attack of the flood tide moved towards the opposite side like heaven falls and earth rends, but in a blink of an eye, all 10000 rivers and the others were drowned.

In that scene, there was a flood that engulfed a few small leaves, without even turning a wave.

Among the 10000 peaks in the wild tide, several people in the complex greatly changed, and the whole body of True Qi broke out to the extreme, launching a counterattack in the flood.

Death Land and later, in the face of such a group of terrifying existence, can only die hard.

However, there is no suspense in such a battle, if must say, it is almost a unilateral slaughter.

The dozens of people on Ancient Race were bombed one after another.

“Ahh … Chu Yan, I am the Young Patriarch of the First Race of Ancient Race 3, if you kill me, the 3 First Race will definitely … ah!”

10000 Jiang’s whole body was full of lifelessness, and his last hope was used to threaten Chu Yan, hoping to find a way of life.

But without waiting for him to finish, he cut across a blade light, and the roar of 10000 Jiang stopped.


Bai Gang holds a long blade, coldly snorted.

If you haven’t seen Chu Yan’s battle strength, Bai Gang may not call him an “idiot”.

But after seeing the battle strength of Chu Yan before, Chu Yan is at least the battle strength of the top 10 of the Supreme list. Such battle strength, I am afraid that you are one of the revenge of a trifling Ancient Race! ?

This 10000 Jiang’s mind, I am afraid it would have been abandoned.

Such a person does not die, who will die! ?

“Everyone, many thanks!” Chu Yan bowed his hand and thanked Brother Feng and a group of Supreme big brothers.

Not to mention, this feeling of not having to do it yourself is not bad!

With a wave of hands, all the corpse of 10000 Jiang and others were included in Rakshasa Space, and reserved.

“Lord, you’re too kind! We all made the Heavenly Might vow!”

“Who else to kill, you talk!”

“That is, let alone a few caterpillars, even the Ancient Race, or Sect forces, as long as you say a word!”

“Yeah, otherwise we’ll sweep Divine Realm continent and build a Sect yourself!”

“I rely on, this idea is good!”


A group of gangsters were originally ashamed because they did not dare to follow Chu Yan to the sunset canyon. Now I heard Chu Yan thank them and rushed to answer them together.

Moreover, after this battle, everyone’s enthusiasm soared, and everyone was very excited.

On the one hand, it was reborn, and it feels very good. At the same time, I found that following Chu Yan can achieve the great ideal.

“Good! Good!”

Although Chu Yan said that unified Divine Realm continent, impossible really does, but facing the rising enthusiasm of the public, it is also nodded with a smile.

In this battle, if you take your own action, it takes at least one hour and at most 3 5 hours to end the battle. It will take a lot of time.

And now, more than 100 Supreme gangsters are shooting together, and the battle ends in less than breaths.

Moreover, there is almost no consumption, which is an absolute easy victory.

“Good! This step seems to be right!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

Next, after being polite with everyone, they were separated and busy.

Chu Yan and Bai Gang continued to harvest these air columns. After the 10000 rivers were settled, 10000 Longbaodi was completely quiet, and no other practitioners were encountered.

The other gangsters went to the other 2 treasure lands and recovered with all their might.

Afterwards, Chu Yan started to refining the crystal bamboo he got before, but it brought him a lot of surprises.

The blood domain in Chu Yan Qi Sea, after fusing these pure qi and blood, finally completed the mutation and formed a blood mark.

This blood mark looks like a kind of Dao seal, but the whole body is red, Chu Yan has never seen that Dao seal is blood red.

After all, Dao Yin represents Heaven and Earth, impossible is the color of blood, which is completely unreasonable.

Along with this, there is the power of the bloodline of the 7 Gu Family, but there is not much improvement.

It seems that the bloodline of these 7 Gu Family must have fresh bloodline power, which can only be obtained from the powerhouse of 7 Gu Family.

Now, Chu Yan’s strength has improved again, even if it is only a little, but with his current cultivation base strength, even if it is only a little improvement, it is extremely scary.

Soon after, Chu Yan’s long exhales one mouthful of impure air, eyes opened.

“Baigang, we can go deeper!”

Immediately, 2 people set off for the depths of Extreme East Land.

After a long time, the silhouette of Bai Gang flying stopped suddenly, his face dignified.

“Lord, I can only get here!”

While speaking, he looked up towards the sky, there was a foggy world, and everything was shrouded in a fuzzy illusory shadow.

Heaven and Earth hangs upside down, sun and moon are yellow, mountain range between the earth, there are corpses and bones everywhere.

The thick death air filled Heaven and Earth. Even if the cultivator of cultivation demonic path arrived here, he would be very shocked.

Chu Yan looked down at Bai Gang’s eyes, and suddenly found that on a grey ground, 9 huge ghost fires were suspended in the sky.

The 9 huge ghost fires are the light source between Heaven and Earth, releasing a touch of rays of light, allowing people to barely see all around.

“Okay! Come back. You are waiting for me at the original place, right! If you meet a woman named Yue Linglong, stop her and don’t let her follow you!”

Chu Yan strode out and explained Bai Gang Road at the same time.

“Wait, Lord …”

At the next breath, Bai Gang suddenly shone, stopped in front of Chu Yan, said with a straight face

“Lord, if you go out this step, it is possible …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan pats Bai Gang’s shoulder, hook the head, stepped out again with a smile.

When he stepped on the grey land, Heaven and Earth suddenly mutated …

Chu Yan can clearly feel that all the voids, auras, and rules around him have changed.

It’s as if this step stepped out and walked into the abyss hell, all around was dead.

When Chu Yan looked back, he found that he couldn’t see the silhouette of Bai Gang. Obviously, the grey land was completely outside of the world, just like Yin-Yang.

“Sure enough … Death Land!”

Chu Yan sighed in the middle of his heart, and then with the body aura running at the same time, body protection Gang Yuan urged, ready to respond.

Along the way, cultivation, Chu Yan experienced the desperate situation. There are not many secret places, and some of them are extremely scary, but now, they can’t be compared with the gray land in front of them.

Here, Chu Yan feels as if he is really an abyss hell.

took a deep breath, Chu Yan no longer hesitated, stepped out and continued to go forward …

In the endless grey world, after walking for a full 2 ​​days, except for the corpses and broken parts of the ground, Chu Yan never encountered any more.

“Here, will it be some kind of seal formation !?”

Chu Yan even began to suspect that this is not a real World, but a special existence.

“En !?”

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly saw a black mountain peak in front of him, and a straight Heaven’s Line gorge appeared in front of him.

As if, the road appeared there very early, waiting for people to cross.

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