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This path, as if it had existed for a long time, is specifically waiting for people to pass.

Chu Yan locked his target and flew in shape, moved towards Heaven’s Line and flew away.

However, the closer he is to the Heaven’s Line, the more stiff his body feels, as if a powerful force is restraining himself within the body.

Under such circumstances, Chu Yan can only reduce the speed to adapt to this pressure.

“This way … Let’s go look at it first!”

Standing in front of Heaven’s Line, Chu Yan felt that this place was extremely strange, but looking around all around, there was no other feasible way, only brace oneself to go in.

10 breaths later, Chu Yan Divine Soul suddenly burst into flames, his eyes erupted.

I saw that on the mountain peak on the side of Heaven’s Line 2, a huge altar with a ghost fire suddenly appeared, standing on the mountain peak on the 2 sides.

From the position of Chu Yan, the altar looked like two giants guarding the passage.

The mighty might envelopes the Heaven and Earth, and the rays of light released by the ghost fire dye the entire sky with a strange color.

Ghostfire Altar!

Chu Yan felt the aura of these ghost fire altars, only felt the whole body cold, Divine Soul trembles …

After constantly urging Divine Soul and True Qi, I felt a little better.

Continue to go forward. After about a column of incense, look back. The entrance behind you is less than 10,000 zhang away from where Chu Yan is standing.

For exactly 5 minutes of time, a Supreme Peak powerhouse only walked 10,000 zhang distance …

If this is normal, only half-time is enough.

Fortunately, it’s just that the pressure is huge, not at all other dangers, let Chu Yan relax slightly, and continue to move forward slowly.

However, Chu Yan did not know that a path of Divine Consciousness was flashing quickly above Heaven’s Line Canyon.

“Look, that’s the aura of that thing …”

“Yi !? Sleepy, didn’t wake up ah!”

“Not right! This is Wu Tian and Yu Wen’s aura …”

“Impossible! How could it exist at the same time, which is unreasonable …”

“This kid is a bit strange, don’t move him first!”

“Well, let him pass …”


With the various interspersed thoughts in the sky, the pressure on Chu Yan did not increase, but the ghost fire on the altar was more intense.

“En!? Someone !?”

After Chu Yan walked for a long time, his eyes finally flickered and looked towards a silhouette in front.

This is a somewhat illusory silhouette. It seems to use some kind of hidden secret skill. The silhouette is wrapped all over, and it is not clear at all.

But Chu Yan can be sure that this person’s cultivation base is in the Supreme Peak!

“Who are you !? What are you doing here !?”

Chu Yan drew his sword, staring at each other with caution, shouted.

This place is too weird, and suddenly a more weird person appears, we must be careful.

Thunderous thunder, echoed in Heaven’s Line Canyon …

But after waiting for 3 breaths, the other party was motionless and didn’t mean anything to answer.

“Then I will be welcome!”

Faced with the existence of dressing up as God, playing the devil, Chu Yan will not carelessly, raising his hand is ready to be a sword.

However, before Chu Yan’s shot, the ghost shadow on the opposite side started first, blasting a terrifying air and hitting Chu Yan’s whole body.

Chu Yan complexion changed, all the strength of the whole body broke out, and he shot it with a palm.

All of a sudden, with a powerful Divine Soul attack power in the palm of the gang, came straight out.

“Pfazong !?”

A shout came from across.

It seems that Chu Yan’s attack was directly found, with a Divine Soul attack.

“not necessarily!”

Chu Yan chuckled, and then True Qi changed, and the big wheel turned, and the big wheel with grinding wheels appeared behind him, buzzing and spinning.

Not only the Heavenly Wheel Dafa, including 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, Shijue Sect, 3 Hejiao, etc., all kinds of Dao Lineage’s various Dafa Lineage methods, which are simultaneously running out, showing the diffuse Heavenly Dao light.

“Okay! So many initiates asked so much!”

There was a hint of praise in the voice opposite, and then said.

“I just don’t know if you look impressive but is worthless, or genuine … receive my move!”

With a word, the illusory silhouette burst out, a jade flute in his hand swept, and the dazzling Binggang struck directly.

Chu Yan’s body was like electricity, and he shot at the same time between flashes. Wherever he passed, the jade flute’s soldiers broke into pieces without any might spill.

At this moment, mutation suddenly took place.

The jade flute ran horizontally, 9 holes rang together, and burst into a strange light. 9 natural phenomena evolved in the air, like 9 tall giants, rushing towards Chu Yan at the same time.

In an instant, Gang Wei was like a tide, and the originally quiet sky suddenly boiled.

“10000 Faith!”

In the last breath, the opponent who had been shattered by Daoshu suddenly formed a tide of attacking hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Chu Yan’s eyes froze, the whole person’s aura also broke out, the long sword trembles in his hand, and the sword’s prestige was turbulent.

The sword, the man, the sky, and the three are in one, and the sword will emerge.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Sword light like electricity, Heaven and Earth cracked, like thunderclap.

“Sword repair !?”

After seeing this sword, the other party seemed to find out that Chu Yan was a sword repairman, and he started talking in shock.

That is to say, he is still refining Sword Dao, the innate talent….

“Good, Sword Intent is okay!”

Dan Ying spoke, his tone was very approving.

With a snap, almost at the moment when the other party’s tone fell to the ground, Chu Yan had become an afterimage, and had reached the top of the other party’s head, floating and standing.

“Well, woman !?”

Although I still can’t see the appearance, the silhouette is voluptuous, obviously a woman’s posture.

Just a pair of eyes, through the virtual fog, obviously with a bright pupil light, like the bright stars in the night.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

At such a short distance, Chu Yan just started a little bit, and then made his sword again.


As the sword light passed, the woman didn’t hesitate and raised her hand to stop it, but it was still a step late. The sword light chopped heavily on her body, exploding a burst of gas.

However, there was no blood splatter, only a black mist exploded into countless black smoke, and quickly regrouped.

In the void, the fragrance is light, and it diffuses with the wind …

“What secret skill is this !?” Chu Yan was stunned.

brows slightly wrinkle, within the body Ten three doors, the method of asking the Tao, simultaneously turned around and broke out in unison.

The woman was not to be outdone, obviously after True Qi ascended again, her figure rushed out and collided with Chu Yan.

In an instant, a war broke out, heaven shaking earth shattering.

At this time, Sun 10000yun’s heart was all shocked. She couldn’t believe that Chu Yan’s battle strength had reached this level.

As the Suess Saintess, Supreme’s No. 1 presence, with her earth-shattering way, couldn’t even win the black robed youth.

She was always running amuck throughout the world, and she was completely shocked at the moment when there was no opponent in the place where she asked.

This black robed youth, without encountering any resistance, walked here easily, why didn’t those Tiansha Yin beasts attack him! ?

She didn’t understand, so she stopped here.

But now, after World War I, she felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

This feeling, too it’s been a long time since we last met!

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