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Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Sun 10000 Yun was stunned for a while, and brows tightly knit looked at Chu Yan.

“Sunset Canyon !? You a Supreme Peak cultivation base, go to Sunset Canyon !?”

Hearing this problem, Chu Yan ignored it and just looked at her.

This thing is very obvious, I want to go there, I need you to control! ?

Therefore, Chu Yan was not prepared to deal with her.

This scene became cold, and suddenly Sun 10000yun reacted, his eyes slightly embarrassed.

She does have some lost self-control!

Each cultivator has his own way to go, and the chances are even different. Moreover, things like life and death are commonplace for them.

These reasons, Sun 10000 Yun understands, but just after the First World War, I believe that this black robed youth out of the ordinary, I am afraid that his identity and background are extremely strong.

It’s strange that such a person is alone and in danger.

Moreover, Sun 10000 Yun Yinyin can feel that maybe this person is looking for a great opportunity.

“This road …. Go forward for another 5 days, it is the end! There is a fairy ship, if you are good luck, you should be able to reach the sunset canyon!”

This sentence landed, Chu Yan suddenly started, then looked up towards the other party.

“The words have said, how to choose you!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s reaction, Sun 10000 Yun coldly said.

I was a little bit abrupt before, but I have already given him some information on my own initiative, and I still doubt myself.

“Don’t get me wrong! I’m just wondering what are you doing here? Why would you tell me this !?”

Chu Yan looked at each other and said.

Sun 10000 Yun raised his hand and took out a note, urging True Qi, a large amount of Spirit Power spilled out.

“If fated will meet again!”

As a large amount of Spirit Power waved out, the woman’s body began to disappear slowly, and soon disappeared in the sky.

“This person… a little strange!”

Chu Yan looked at the other party disappeared, and suddenly looked speechless.

What is she going to do! ?

Stay here to fight with yourself, and then slap the fart, stock, and left! ?

Are you so busy! ?

For her battle strength, I am afraid that she is extremely famous in the outside world, but is it really good to yourself? ?

Forget it, just leave now!

I just don’t know the identity of this person. For myself, it is possible that I will be an enemy in the future.

At the moment, Chu Yan adjusted aura and moved towards the path.

No matter what the woman said is true or false, there is only this way anyway, only forward.

If what she said is true, then she is right, not too much in 5 days …

Going all the way, just like before, there is no murderous intention and trap, and I have never encountered a woman like the road.

So, after 3 days, Chu Yan successfully reached the end of the trail.

It was at this time that the woman said 5 days, and Chu Yan only took 5 days. This point Chu Yan did not care, just looked towards the scene in front of him.

Here is a sea of ​​clouds. The white clouds are endless. At a glance, there is no end, no wind, all clouds are floating quietly.

Not far away, there is a pier above the clouds, docked with a group of fairy ships, with different colors and a bit strange look.

“This is the fairy ship she said !?”

Chu Yan flashed, fell onto the pier, and looked up.

Under the sweep of Divine Consciousness, I suddenly found these fairy ships. Aura is extremely terrifying, like the ugly Ominous Beast dormant.

“This has to be chosen … um, broken !?”

Looking across the fairy ships, Chu Yan suddenly saw that the hull was full of cracks, which was obviously unusable.

“Forget it, just do it!”

At the moment, Chu Yan also rarely chooses again, directly leaning on a big black boat.

I chose black because it is similar in color to my long robe and is relatively low-key.

Just aboard the ship, Chu Yan found the formation eye of the fairy ship and urged True Qi to break into it. The ka ka sound sounded, and the black ship responded.

“It really works! Not bad …”

Chu Yan waited a while and saw nothing happened, slightly relaxed.

I’m afraid that this boat can’t be opened, so I don’t know how to go down. Now Chu Yan only needs to run True Qi and be alert.

As time passed, the ship stayed for 8 days. The sea of ​​clouds all around still had no end, and I didn’t know where the black ship was going.

Fortunately, there hasn’t been any danger. Chu Yan simply sat on the boat and cultivated.

At this time, he was asking a lot about the method of Dao. Various Taoist techniques and secret skills, together with the appearance of blood marks, made him need to sort it out.

If used properly, you can improve your battle strength again.

The most important thing is that with more methods, it will be more handy in the face of various situations.

From time to time eyes opened, looked towards all around, except for a sea of ​​clouds, there is no change at all, Chu Yan can only continue to concentrate on cultivation.

Chu Yan didn’t feel anything in this sea of ​​clouds, so he couldn’t find out that there are Heaven and Earth rules constantly evolving, destroying, and regenerating in this sea of ​​clouds.

It seems to be reorganizing different World rules, and it seems that for some reason, it is improving and evolving …

Time is like water, and in a flash, 30 days have passed.

For a whole month, Chu Yan’s cultivation has been completely completed, sensing and so on Chu Yan, has ended the cultivation, has been standing by the boat, observing the sea of ​​clouds all around.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt sound exploded and the black ship trembled.

“It’s somewhere !?”

Chu Yan eyes flashed, looked towards the distance.

This is another pier, which is much smaller than the departure pier, and it seems to only be able to accommodate the next boat.

Looking along the pier, you can see a vast expanse of land. Outside the grassland is a boundless forest with a lot of trees.

This situation looks extremely ordinary, just like the ordinary terrain of the outside world.

“Here … wouldn’t it be Sunset Gorge !?”

Although there are grasslands and forests in front of it, there is no canyon terrain, but Chu Yan knows that it is very likely that it is the sunset canyon.


With a flick of his figure, he flew out of the black ship and stepped on his feet.

Almost at the moment Chu Yan landed, he felt a mighty aura coming from under his feet, making him tremble.

This is a very complex emotion, there are surprises, past, blood, tragic songs, simultaneously shua shua rushed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chu Chu stunned the whole person.


For some reason, Chu Yan’s heart sank, as if a strong sense of sorrow had risen, making him extremely painful.

“That’s right! It’s here!”

After a long time, Chu Yan sighed quietly and spoke softly.

This sound seems to carry 10000 years of vicissitudes through the endless years, fluttering in the endless river.

He must have been to this place!

Moreover, this is a place that he will never forget, even after reincarnation.

“Xuan Tian, ​​are you there !?”

Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan began to contact Empress Xuan Tian directly.

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