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When Chu Yan breathes deeply, when preparing to go forward, he suddenly shakes within the body a Spirit Seal.

Divine Consciousness swept away, but the mark of asking disappeared.

“Here … isn’t it the scope of the place to ask !?”

Sure enough, just like the legend, when you reach the Sunset Gorge, it is even beyond the scope of the question.

There are only two ways to leave the place of asking, one is asking to become the master, and the other is leaving from the depths of Extreme East Land.

This is also the reason why most of Supreme Peak is stuck in the place of asking.

Now, Chu Yan is in front of the sunset canyon!

This is the place of powerhouse breakthrough in Cang Lord Realm. During the endless years, Dao Lord Realm came here to find breakthrough opportunities, and many of them fell here.

Taking Chu Yan’s current cultivation base as Supreme’s Peak, you must be more careful here.

However, Chu Yan did not know that he was cautiously preparing to move forward, and in this sunset gorge, some ancient and terrifying existence, but the whole body of cold hair exploded, all Divine Soul trembling.

It was all because of his arrival that a special situation occurred.

After hundred breaths, Chu Yan entered the forest zone, all around quietly, without any sound.

Strangely, there are no monsters such as Monster Beast in this forest, and even the trees here do not have the power of Wood Element, as if they are not living creatures.

If it is a fantasy, it is still reasonable, but the sunset canyon is impossible, which can only explain these trees, which is too strange.

The area of ​​this forest is not large. Chu Yan used Shrink The Land Into An Inch to get out of the forest area in less than one hour.

Out of the forest, there is a vast plain in front of me.

The endless Gobi, full of gravel and rock, is extremely desolate.

In the midair, some of the turbulent holes in Space-Time’s turbulent flow exploded from time to time, releasing the power of the black hole that engulfed everything, letting people watch have one’s hair stand on end.

This Space-Time turbulence contains Power of Primal Chaos, even if the cultivation base reaches Dao Lord Realm, it cannot be resisted.

The key is that the Space-Time turbulence above the Gobi in front of me is not fixed and regular, and it is rippled in the middle of the water. I don’t know when it will appear and disappear.

Between Heaven and Earth, the vast and ancient aura fluttered, plus those Space-Time turbulence, people Divine Soul is a mess.

On the way here, Extreme East Land’s bad weather is more venomous than here.

At least the poison can also be resisted with body protection Gang Yuan, but here, it is fundamentally impossible….

Chu Yan runs Qilin’s pupil, disperses Divine Consciousness, and walks forward carefully.

This time, weird things happened!

Originally Chu Yan was extremely nervous, alert and alert, but waited for him to pass by, like a bearer of bad luck, the void aura, Space-Time turbulence, evasion and escape .

This scene made Chu Yan froze for a long time, and waited for a few steps in a different direction. The situation was still the same.

Even more weird, when Chu Yan looked at a space-time turbulence when he was suspiciously looking, the black hole the size of the human head, because the speed was too slow, I saw Chu Yan about to bump into it. .

“What is this …? Is it …”

Chu Yan stood there, completely within a vacuum, extremely safe.

“Just getting off the black ship just now, I feel that this land is different. Does it have a great relationship with my reincarnation?”

“Sunset Canyon … what happened before?”

Chu Yan sighed in his heart, but couldn’t find it. He could only shake his head and sigh.

He is completely new to this place.

Even if this happened, the Heaven and Earth rules have been broken, and even the ordinary places outside are not as good.

The Heaven and Earth rules here can be broken, and I am afraid that a major event of heaven shaking earth shattering has also occurred.

Chu Yan shook the head, no more thinking, continue to move forward.

“En !?”

Not long after walking, in front of the sky in front of the sky, a huge cluster of light appeared, in which there was a sharp overflow of aura.

“Prohibited !?”

For the first time after entering Heaven’s Line, Chu Yan encountered a murderous intention prohibition.

However, just as Chu Yan was ready to take action to wipe out this prohibition, suddenly, the light group prohibition seemed to find something, suddenly shuddered and began to shrink violently.

In less than a blink of an eye, the huge beam of light actually shrank to only fist sized and flew towards the moving towards Chu Yan in midair.

“Divine Crystal !?”

When the banned light group arrived, Chu Yan raised his hand. When the light group fell, Chu Yan was completely stunned.

This group looks like a crystal of Divine Realm continent general currency, without any murderous intention, crystal clear and near-transparent.

Qilin’s pupil, Divine Consciousness, swept the crystals in his hand, and only felt a mysterious aura hidden in it, and nothing else.

“Forget it, leave it alone!”

Chu Yan waved his crystals away, and ignored them.

Then go on, Chu Yan’s original alert Divine Soul, more and more relaxed, without any sense of danger.

Flying over the body turned into a swift flight, leaving a residual image on the vast ground, sweeping into the distance.

There is no need to guess at all, Chu Yan can basically judge that it should be the will of the 2 Great Cangs in his body, suppressing Heaven and Earth.

After all, there are no Heaven and Earth rules in this place, so Chu Yan within the body’s Aura is almost invincible.

Now, I’m looking for Empress Xuantian, but I have no direction or goal at all, I can only look around.

With these two main aura body protection, it is much more convenient to act.

As time goes by, just a day passes …

Although Chu Yan didn’t find anything, the previous crystal, which did not appear from time to time, took the initiative to invest in Chu Yan.

In one day, nearly 100 pieces were harvested, all of which were stored in the Rakshasa Space by Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan also discovered that this place where Heaven and Earth rules do not exist, there are various fish and dragons mixed in together horror aura above the sky.

Chu Yan is not interested in these, but just concentrates on finding Empress Xuantian.

After all, I do n’t know how she is! ?

Perhaps in danger, Chu Yan must save time and find her as soon as possible.

“Finding this way is not the way, you must ask someone!”

For a completely strange place without a map or any record, finding a person is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Next, Chu Yan unleashed Divine Consciousness to the extreme and scattered towards all around Heaven and Earth, and his flight speed increased again.

This time, it took him a full 3 days to finally let him find something.

On the horizon in the distance, there is a valley with rumble gas explosion in the valley, which sounds like the sound of powerhouse fighting and aura.

According to the intensity of this aura, I am afraid it should be the existence of Dao Lord Realm.

Chu Yan groaned slightly, urging the Hidden and Silent Spirit Formations, moved towards the valley and slowly dived over.

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