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“Now there is no danger in the middle domain, but there are dozens of hazards in the upper domain and the lower domain, each of which is terrifying. If only the Supreme domain of 9 domains is entered, I am afraid it will die!

Speaking of which, Wang Kun glanced at Chu Yan and quickly added

“Of course, you don’t have to worry about this! Our place is now the 5th Guatemala!”

Chu Yan heard this and realized why the expression of the two people was so shocked.

No. 5 Guatemala, when you look at this ranked, you know, this place is not simple!

“Otherwise, I don’t know what you want to know !?”

After thinking about it, Wang Kun felt nowhere to speak, and asked Chu Yan directly.

“I heard that Dao Lord Realm breakthrough can be brought to Cang Lord Realm here, I don’t know where it is !?” Chu Yan asked.

“This … hehe …”

Wang Kun smiled suddenly when he heard Chu Yan’s question, his face speechless and emotional.

“It’s easy to break the Vault of Heaven, speaking of which, and really want to break through, I’m afraid it’s harder than heavenly ascension! So say …”

“In the era of the 4 Great Cang Masters, there was a special breakthrough place, but because of the war, it was destroyed. Now, all Dao Lord Realm are stuck here and can only try their luck in this sunset canyon! “

“So, this sunset gorge is not a place of breakthrough Canggu Realm, and all Dao Lord Realm united together and made a Supreme Covenant!”

“The so-called Supreme covenant is that every once in a while, Dao Lord Realm powerhouse comes to the sunset gorge to compete with each other in competition. In this case, those who need breakthrough will have the opportunity to comprehend …”

“This agreement has been inherited for many years, and now there is a Supreme Alliance force that specializes in some Supreme environments and has contact with all Dao Lord Realm. As long as anyone does not follow the rules, they will join forces to kill!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly moved his heart and asked, “How much time is there !?”

“It’s been a long time, as if there are still several decades!” Wang Kun thought for a moment.

several decades! ?

Chu Yan remembers that Emperor Xuantian was going to attack the main land of Cang within one year, then this several decades …

“Hehe, you brat is a bit weird, but you want a different one !?”

Wang Kun saw Chu Yan’s thoughts at a glance, said with a smile

“In terms of time, if it does not happen, for example, some genius just happened to retreat, and the rules also explain that you only need to find a Vault of Heaven Taobao, it will be fine!”

“Vault of Heaven Taobao !?” Chu Yan startled.

For the first time, he heard about the existence of Vault of Heaven Daobao!

“Good! This Vault of Heaven Daobao is probably the world you are most entitled to!”

When Wang Kun said that, he stared straight at Chu Yan, and even another Daoist who was adjusting interest turned his head and looked over.

“Me !?” Chu Yan looked dazed.

“This Vault of Heaven Taobao is named Wu Heavenly Venerate Ding!”

“As long as someone can find this tripod, all Dao Lord Realm will join forces, invest a lot of resources, and initiate the Supreme appointment in advance!”

Wang Kun said that he stopped here for a while before continuing.

“However, this Supreme covenant launched in advance is that all Dao Lord Realm came here to compete for these resources, a total of one month!”

“Regarding resources, here is a Jade Talisman, which contains detailed records, so I will give it to you!”

After taking out a piece of Jade Talisman to Chu Yan, Wang Kun thought about it and added

“Don’t mess up. This Supreme Covenant is launched in advance. Although it has appeared before, the resources consumed are not a small amount. Can you think of the resources that Dao Lord Realm can come to compete for? Ordinary !? “

“I do know some news. I heard that some people are preparing to launch Supreme’s appointment in advance, which has attracted 7 Gu Family. Some Ancient Race forces seem to have concentrated on the place of asking, just don’t know who it is !?”

Who else can it be! ?

Others don’t know, Chu Yan guessed in an instant that besides Emperor Xuantian, impossible has a second person.

This time, Chu Yan finally understood what Emperor Xuantian was going to do, and it was all a heavy sense in her heart.

It took her less than a year from Supreme breakthrough to Dao Lord Realm, but she had to collect a lot of resources in such a short time to strive for breakthrough mastery.

And listening to the meaning of these two Taoists, I am afraid they have also received the news and intend to participate.

In this way, the news spread, I am afraid that the number of Daoists will not be less.

She … so hard!

“These rules are so detailed!”

Chu Yan thought while Divine Consciousness collected the content from Jade Talisman.

Basically, this Jade Talisman is a detailed introduction to the Supreme Covenant, which should be available to every Dao Lord Realm.

“Sorry, I want to inquire, how do I leave from here !?”

After printing a copy of Jade Talisman, Chu Yan returned Jade Talisman to Wang Kun, and then asked.

Before, Chu Yan said that he happened to be sent here. If he is not careful, he may be seen by these two masters.

“Boy, I thought you really planned to play here !?”

Sure enough, when Wang Kun heard Chu Yan’s words, his eyes were obviously loose and he laughed opened the mouth and said.

“We are now in the 5th Guatemala, and if you want to leave, you have to go in that direction, but you have to cross the 8th, the 7th 1th Guatemala, reach Heavenly Nether City, and then you reach Zhongyu.”

Speaking of which, Wang Kun looked towards Chu Yan again, brows slightly wrinkle

“But after all, Chu Yan, you are in a 9-domain Supreme realm. If you want to pass through these dangerous places, I am afraid it is simply impossible!”

“It’s better to do this, we are going to do something in Zhongyu, or you …”

Not waiting for him to finish, Chen Zhou on the side directly opened the mouth and said

“No! We can only protect ourselves, Chu Yan, you still rely on yourself!”

Wang Kun’s face suddenly turned black, staring at Chen Zhou, and finally he didn’t say anything. He saw Chen Zhou’s eyes and gestured.

“Well, what is Heavenly Nether City !?”

Chu Yan directly ignored the eye contact between the two and turned to Wang Kun to continue to ask.

“Oh, this Heavenly Nether City, there is extremely terrifying existence in it, no one has ever seen it, but everyone who has seen it seems to be broken! The rules in the city are not allowed to fight!”

“The dangerous place here is very scary. Don’t let your 10000000 go, even if we are the masters, we are only in the outer area, and some of the sunset beasts here have extremely powerful enforcement in this place!”

“Although they can’t leave, in Heavenly Nether City, they can get along peacefully!”

Having said this, Chen Zhou stood up straight, looking towards Wang Kun with a cold face.

“Chu Yan, let’s talk about it here. We still have things. Let’s say goodbye!”

Wang Kun saw Chen Zhou’s complexion and said to Chu Yan nodded immediately.

“Many thanks 2 Seniors, please keep it secret!” Chu Yan thanked.

After finishing talking, Chu Yan turned around directly, moved towards the distance and flew away.

After Chu Yan silhouette disappeared, Wang Kuncai looked angry towards Chen Zhou, coldly shouted

“Old Chen, what do you mean !?”

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