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Chen Zhou certainly understood Wang Kun ’s anger, but he still explained

“Wang Kun, don’t be too emotional!”

“I admit that he helped us a lot, otherwise we might fall into the valley, but if you want to take him to Heavenly Nether City, you know that with our cultivation base, we want to traverse 3 dangers Earth, how much confidence !? “

“If you take him again !?”

Speaking of which, Chen Zhou stopped for a moment and looked straight at Wang Kun, the latter with a black face.

“In addition, who he is, you won’t know! In the entire Divine Realm continent, almost all forces regard him as a dead enemy. If we are with him and seen by others, what will happen?”

“You think about the current situation of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, don’t you think about it too?”

It wasn’t until this time that Wang Kun said angrily

“I naturally know what you said, but you should also know that the reason why those forces pursued him, but he returned Wu!”

“What do you really believe in what he said ?! Look at him in this dangerous place, unscathed! Is there no reason !?”

“With him, maybe we can follow some wonderful places! There are new opportunities!”

Speaking of which, Chen Zhou looked towards Wang Kun’s eyes changed.

Originally, he really thought that Wang Kun wanted to take him to Heavenly Nether City only in return for Chu Yan. If he heard Wang Kun’s words now, Chen Zhou froze.

didn’t expect, Wang Kun was thinking more than he thought, even calculating the Chu Yan quietly.

you can’t judge a person by appearance ah!

Thinking of being with such a brave-looking Wang Kun for so long, Chen Zhou suddenly shivered all over his body.

“He is Wu Fa, yes, but what kind of person is Wu Fa ?! That was a 2nd ancestor, eating and drinking merrily to death, if not his father was Wu Celestial Emperor, not many deaths 10000 times!”

Chen Zhou still insists on his point of view, even though Chu Yan’s reincarnation identity is really valuable.

“Maybe he can live here until now, just good luck some that’s all, just like his luck of reincarnation, but then, he wants to go through the 3 dangerous places safely, it is impossible!”

Hearing these words, Wang Kunli pondered, nodded

“Well, what you said makes sense!”

“However, the news that he is now in Sunset Gorge, do you want to pass it back ?? Maybe some benefits!”

Chen Zhou quickly shook his head and said, “It ’s better not to have this. There is also Empress Xuantian behind Chu Yan. At the beginning, he spoke to cover him. Now only 2 of us meet him. Trouble, then it’s troublesome! “

Wang Kun nodded and said, “Well, then, let’s go to Heavenly Nether City and sell this within the valley!”

After finishing the talk, the two stared at the nodded while rising into the air, and moved towards Heavenly Nether City.

At this time, Chu Yan was slowly advancing, and it took only an hour to accelerate suddenly, like a meteor.

His image of the remnant meteor passed by, and all the prohibited murderous intentions ran away like mice and cats, and did not have any intention to block or attack him.

As time goes by, Nine Heavens time passes …

Chu Yan has passed through 2 dangerous places without encountering any danger. Instead, the number of Divine Crystals harvested has reached 300!

“This … is Heavenly Nether City !?”

Looking at the front, the giant Great City of 10000 dark rays flashes, Chu Yan finally stopped.

This is a place without light. It seems that all the light in the Heaven and Earth all around is enveloped by the black light of the city.

The kind of darkness that is different from the night is more like a very cloudy day, giving a sense of depression.

The ancient and heavy city stood quietly there, because of the overflow of countless black light, it seemed extremely overbearing and mighty.

Near the city gate, there are broken traces of battles everywhere, and I do n’t know how many battles were left.

As soon as Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness came into contact with the city gate, he suddenly felt that a terrible sense of coercion in this city came across.

This should be what the 2 Dao Lord Realm said, the terrifying existence guarded in Heavenly Nether City.

Chu Yan did not think much, and went directly to the city gate.

After entering the city, Chu Yan suddenly found that the aura and rules in the city were completely different from the outside, as if he had entered a special field and formulation.


Chu Yan is extremely uncomfortable with this feeling of being controlled by others.

However, when Chu Yan looked up towards the street, it suddenly relieved. In this case, it seems to be beneficial.

Because all the silhouettes on the street are enveloped by a layer of Formation, they can’t see the original look at all, and even the cultivation base aura is extremely weak.

“In this way, everyone is fair, and what you want to do is also convenient!”

Chu Yan’s mouth is slightly raised, and he directly displays his secret skill to make his aura more concealed.

In this case, his activities in the city will be more convenient.

“This Heavenly Nether City is very suitable for me!”

While secretly said in one’s heart, Chu Yan started walking forward.

Now he can’t contact Empress Xuantian, and can only wait for Supreme’s appointment to be launched in advance. Xuantian must be busy anyway.

As for the speed of news, I am afraid that this city is the fastest.

“Yi!? This is a 9-domain Supreme !?”

Suddenly, someone found Chu Yan’s existence, and exclaimed.

“Come and see, here is a 9-domain Supreme …”

“Haha, this cultivation base just came here !?”

“Interesting, this is the younger generation of that family, come to die !?”


Although there were not many people, there were still some people on the street. After 100 calls, everyone’s eyes were moved towards Chu Yan.

This time, Chu Yan was a little embarrassed.

I added a layer of hidden means, but I still can’t escape the peep of these masters.

After all, after Dao Lord Realm, most of the methods of concealment and isolation have no effect.

But anyway, they are also a group of Dao Lord Realm big brothers, so surprised, right? ?

Moreover, Chu Yan has a feeling of being seen as a monkey.

Without talking, Chu Yan quickly lowered his head and walked forward. It didn’t take long to discover that many people were stalling on the main street near the center of the city.

Those cultivators sitting behind the booth are obviously not human, and their bodies are mostly strange.

Chu Yan even saw that there was an Ox Head Man sitting there, which was a bit dazzling.

These existences should have been mentioned by the two previous masters. The indigenous cultivators of the Sunset Canyon, many of them were born in the turbulent flow of this place.

In addition, they walk safely in the sunset gorge, so they have obtained various resource treasures, and most of the stalls are these indigenous cultivators.

The treasure and heavenly materials earthly treasures in front of these people also seem extremely rare and strange.

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