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These hawking resources have powerful auras, which are extremely rare. It seems that they are produced in the sunset canyon and are rarely seen outside.

Some Baleful Qi is full-bodied, some Soul Power is amazing, and some even do not even have a trace of aura, which seems extremely strange.

These things, complete and incomplete, are basically Taoqi level, and there is no low rank.

This is also normal, after all, Dao Lord Realm, who is in the streets of Heavenly Nether City, is under the Tao, and they are probably not good enough.

Chu Yan saw something, but he was a little emotional.

However, some of the heavenly materials earthly treasures in my body have been used almost, and the rest are almost, I guess they are not good.

Very few can enter the eyes of Dao Lord Realm.

After walking a few streets, there were fewer and fewer people on the street, and the city seemed deserted.

Relatively speaking, there are only a few people near the main street trading stalls. After all, the number of Taoist masters is not higher than that of Supreme, and the number is still very small.

“Yi!? Where is that, so many people !?”

After turning a few more streets, Chu Yan found that in front of the previous building, a dozen silhouettes gathered together, of which 7 or 8 were masters, and the rest were indigenous.

“Magic Breath !?”

When Chu Yan approached the building, he suddenly felt 2 familiar auras in the building, which were actually demonic path aura.

Looking up again, Chu Yan found that Wang Kun and Chen Zhou, who had met before, were among the crowd, standing in front of the building and whispering something.

“Yi !? 9 Domain Supreme ?!”

Chu Yan leaned up, and suddenly attracted a group of big men, all with a look of surprise.

“It’s really 9 domain Supreme!”

Wang Kun and Chen Zhou also turned their heads and looked at them. The two eyes blinked at the same time and looked at each other.

After they turned their heads towards Chu Yan and looked up and down, they were nodded at the same time.

Although everyone was shrouded in the rules of the city and could not see clearly, but because they had seen Chu Yan and talked for a while, they were very familiar with Chu Yan’s aura.

After some careful exploration, with a weak overflow of aura, they can be 90% sure that this person is Chu Yan.

“Impossible! He can get here …”

2 Everyone’s body trembles, and their eyes are full of look of shock.

Not to mention that Chu Yan went all the way through the three major hazards, and it was unscathed. The key is that this speed is not slower than them.

They are just the city they just entered, and they saw Chu Yan here, which shows that Chu Yan’s speed is similar to them.

They are two Dao Lord Realm teamed up, and Chu Yan is only a person, or 2 domain Supreme realm, even if his battle strength is strong, it is impossible and their comment on equal terms.

Especially the body is not injured, aura is thick, I am afraid it is the same as before, simply not encountered danger! ?

The opposite is that they are no longer 2 and the first time they can understand it, but the second time is still the same, then it is impossible to be lucky.

You know, they passed through the three Guatemalas, and they almost died inside.

“2 Seniors are good, polite!”

Of course Chu Yan knew that Wang Kun and Chen Zhou had recognized themselves, so he took the initiative to say hello.

“you you….”

Wang Kun didn’t respond. He wanted to ask Chu Yan what cards he had, but he knew this question was silly, so you didn’t go on with it for a long time.

“Senior don’t be afraid! I’m just good luck. I found a Secret Realm on the edge of Guatemala. There was an abandoned Transmission Array in it, and I went directly to the gate of Tianyou city gate! Just luck!”

Chu Yan’s words came out, and Wang Kun and Chen didn’t hold their breath on Monday, almost squirting out.

Well stuff! ?

Transmission Array again! ?

Directly to the gate of Tianyou city gate! ?

Your family is a shop of spirits! ?

The reason for Chu Yan is exactly the same as when they met them in the valley before, and the fool can hear it, this is false.

Their masters have been mixed in the sunset canyon for 100 to 1000 years, and they have never encountered any Transmission Array. You are a newcomer. The left one is the Transmission Array to the valley, and the other Transmission Array is to the city gate. Is this really suitable! ?

I hate gnash the teeth in my heart, but Wang Kun and Chen Zhou have nothing to say, this is kind words, it is a polite explanation.

After all, why do people tell you the cards and methods.

It’s just that Wang Kun and Chen Zhou’s approach to Chu Yan is extremely envious, jealous, and hate …

If they had the means, they would lose less in this sunset canyon, and the chances of survival would be greater, and it might be easier to find treasure and opportunity.

“Chu Yan, you really love to laugh … hey … hehe …”

Pi Xiaolu returned with a smile, Wang Kun’s eyes turned, he quickly said

“It’s also sorry, and Chu Yan helped us once, but we didn’t help Chu Yan, it’s rude!”

“By the way, since I met here, it would be better to have Chu Yan with us to go to the trade fair!”

Hearing Wang Kun ’s words, Chu Yan suddenly started.

“Trade fair !?”

“Chu Yan, this trade fair is specially prepared for us. Generally, indigenous monks are not allowed to enter. After all, the Heavenly Might vow we use has no effect on them and cannot guarantee the security of the transaction!”

Speaking of which, Wang Kun looked around and added Chu Yan carefully by lowering his voice carefully.

“Little friends, be careful of the natives here. Many Dao Lord Realm in this city have been tricked by them …”

At this point, I raised my head to the building in front of me and said

“With this sunset tower, they will open a trade fair every month to ensure that our transactions are fair and safe!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan glanced at the 8 Layer high building in front of him and asked again

“Sunset Tower !? Is it a force !?”

Divine Realm continent forces are divided into Martial Dao forces and Chamber of Commerce forces. The two have their own rules. Chamber of Commerce forces rarely participate in the battle of Martial Dao World.

Even half-martial forces like Tianxuan Earth Palace basically follow the rules of Chamber of Commerce 90% of the time.

“Yes! This sunset building is outside. Few people have heard of it. It doesn’t know when it appeared. Anyway, it is only active in this Heavenly Nether City!

“Isn’t that the Chamber of Commerce force?” Chu Yan froze for a moment.

“Hehe, this sunset building has also established the Martial Dao forces. Among them are many Dao Lord Realm powerhouses, all of which are in the Peak state. Otherwise, how can you stay in town! Do n’t be too simple, now there is the pure Chamber of Commerce. The forces, that day, Xuan Earth Palace, they … uh, forget it, do n’t say anything! “

While Wang Kun stopped, Chu Yan’s eyes shone brightly, and then looked towards this sunset tower’s eyes, completely changed.

“It looks like they are …” Chu Yan muttered to himself.

In the process of chatting with Wang Kun just now, Chu Yan has been sensing the 2 familiar demonic path aura, and now finally has a glance.

Well, these 2 demonic path aura are exactly … Supreme Demon God and Heisha!

The two loyal servants of the Emperor Yuwen suddenly appeared once when Chu Yan awakened Wu Celestial Emperor.

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