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Chu Yan is naturally interested in trade fairs.

After all, when breaking Supreme Peak before, the top heavenly materials earthly treasures on your body consumed almost the same. In addition, you can also use this opportunity to understand what specialties are in the falling canyon.

“Then two seniors are in trouble!” Chu Yan arched his hand.

“You’re welcome, trivial …” Wang Kun and Chen Zhou both gave their hands in return, this time seems much happier.

This trade fair is not for anyone who wants to enter, he can enter at will. He needs some special conditions, in short, he needs to pay a price in exchange for tickets.

After all, people’s sunset buildings are also impossible and dry, and Wang Kun didn’t say that, naturally there are some thoughts.

Including that Chen Zhou, you can understand that Wang Kun wanted to make a good relationship with Chu Yan on purpose, and deliberately made him owe a small mood.

If I said in advance, Chu Yan took out the resources to buy tickets by himself, then this lowly me sentiment is not true.

But now, Wang Kun doesn’t say that he takes Chu Yan directly in. If he pays 3 tickets at once, Chu Yan will not have the opportunity to pay the tickets by himself, and can only owe Wang Kun their low me.

This is the smallest price and the biggest benefit. In Martial Dao World, such a sale is the most cost-effective.

If it was in the valley before, Chen Zhou would definitely prevent Wang Kun from doing this, but now, not to mention Wang Kun, even Chen Zhou himself changed his mind about Chu Yan.

In a Supreme Realm of 9 domains, a person appears in the dangers of the Sunset Gorge without any aura weakness.

This is nothing, and now at an incredible speed, he walked through three Guatemalas and appeared in Heavenly Nether City.

If you still ignore Chu Yan, Chen Zhou and Wang Kun are definitely two pigs.

With Chu Yan’s methods, as long as the relationship is good, then the dangers and resources in these dangers are still as much as they are needed.

“It really shouldn’t have been … At that time, if you take him with him, maybe you have already gained a lot!”

Chen Zhou looked at Chu Yan, it was regretful that the intestines were all green.

According to his imagination, Chu Yan walked through the dangerous land. It was an evasion all the way. The treasure and resources of the ground did not dare to pick it up.

If at that time if the three people acted together and joined forces to pass through Guatemala, then the three people would have gained a lot.

Anyway, things have passed and I did n’t mention it before. Now I have to have a good relationship with Chu Yan.

At this time, on the small square in front of the building, more than a dozen bigwigs were waiting patiently. After a while, there was a person black long robe silhouette came out of the building, looked towards everyone, and announced that

“You Fellow Daoist have been waiting for a long time, and now the opening begins, everyone please …”

Dao Lord Realm, as well as the indigenous cultivators, were all excited and all walked forward.

“Chu Yan, friend, let’s go in!”

Wang Kun greeted enthusiastically, Chu Yan nodded followed, moved towards the door of the building.

However, when Chu Yan walked a few steps, a silhouette suddenly rushed over and stopped directly in front of Chu Yan.

This person’s imposing manner is like a rainbow, obviously the cultivation base is strong, compared with Wang Kun and Chen Zhouqiang.

“Feng Nine Heavens, what are you doing !?”

Chen Zhou was face turned cold at that time and looked up shouted.

“Wang Kun, Chen Zhou, don’t you understand the rules !? The trade fair only allows Dao Lord Realm and above cultivation base to enter! He … 9 domain Supreme, and dare to bring in !? hmph!”

Known as the powerhouse of Feng Nine Heavens, coldly snorted and said.

“Do not allow Supreme 9 to enter !? Is there such a rule !?” Chu Yan startled, asked.

“Don’t listen to him fart!”

Wang Kun was angry, but not at all spoke directly, but Divine Consciousness sound transmission told Chu Yan

“The sunset fair ’s trade fair is only for Heavenly Nether City. Although there are very few 9-area Supremes appearing over the years, the sunset building has never set such a rule. He just had a holiday for me and Chen Zhou. ! “

“Good! At that time, I and Wang Kun together grabbed a treasure with him, he always remembered hate!” Chen Zhou Ye Divine Consciousness sound transmission said.

After this sentence, Wang Kun raised his head and stared at Feng 9 Heavenly Dao.

“Phoenix 9, did you treat this sunset tower as your home ?!”

Hearing this sentence, Feng Nine Heavens was not angry at all, but said with a sneer

“Oh, since this is the case, let everyone judge!”

Feng Nine Heavens smiled, turned his head to the other masters of all around opened the mouth and said

“Everyone, do you think this 9-domain Supreme is suitable for it?”

When this sentence hit the ground, all the lords all around cast their eyes, looked towards Feng Nine Heavens and Wang Kun, and then opened the mouth and said.

“9 Domain Supreme !? Forget it …”

“Good! This is not something he can participate in as a cultivation base. Let’s talk about it after breaking through!”

“The trade fair in the sunset building, there are 9 domains Supreme entered, blindly!”


Several Dao Lord Realm, even including indigenous cultivators, all opened the mouth and said.

Speaking of which, these gangsters are not related to Feng Nine Heavens, but in their view, a 9-domain Supreme enters the sunset fair trade fair for nothing more than 2 purposes.

One is to open your horizons, and the other is that you might be looking for breakthrough resources.

The former does not matter, the key is the latter, it is equivalent to grab resources with them.

Dao Lord Realm cultivation is difficult, there are very few resources available, and now even 9 domain Supreme is robbed, naturally attracting everyone’s dislike.

In addition, Dao Lord Realm is originally a powerhouse of the same level, so you should also stand in your own position.

9 Domain Supreme in their eyes, basically rateless.

All around sounded, Wang Kun and Chen Zhou suddenly complexion sank.

What a great opportunity, just lose it! ?

They are anxious to have a good relationship with Chu Yan, this is a rare opportunity, and the cost is so small.

But now if you force Chu Yan into, you will offend most people here.

“Hmph! Offend, offend!”

Wang Kun and Chen Zhou looked at each other, and a decisive color flashed in the eyes of two people at the same time.

Anyway, Chu Yan ’s methods cannot be made public, only the two of them know that compared with those benefits, the relationship between these masters is a fart.

2 people immediately made up their minds, prepared to ignore these people, and directly brought Chu Yan in.

However, just as the two were preparing for action, suddenly the black robe Deacon, not far away, was a complexion changed, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, and quickly walked over.

When he walked in front of Chu Yan, Wang Kun and Chen Zhou were all stunned.

No way! ?

Even the sunset building must intervene! ?

If that were the case, they would be completely helpless.

“Hehe …”

Feng Nine Heavens, who was standing on the side, suddenly laughed, looked towards Wang Kun and Chen Zhou, who were full of iron blue, and glanced at Chu Yan again.

The black robe Deacon of the sunset tower walked in front of Chu Yan and raised his hand in courtesy

“This Fellow Daoist, Building Lord has orders, from now on, you have become a VIP of our building, you can freely enter and leave the sunset building at any time, all transactions do not require transaction fees!”

A word fell, and everyone present was stunned.

Anytime … in and out! ?

No transaction fees! ?

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