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These gangsters who woke up from their deep sleep are all immediately looking at the deepest part of the 3rd danger.

In an instant, I discovered the existence of Wu Heavenly Venerate Ding, all of them were in shock.

This is one of the four great masters of the year, Wu Celestial Emperor’s Life Source Vault of Heaven Taobao!

Now, he was born! ?

However, as their Divine Consciousness moved up and down from Dading, the expression on his face was even more shocking.

Because at this time, under the Dading, a snow-white silhouette stood, the hair flying, and the snow skirt fluttering …

Her face was pale as frost, and a pair of stars looked at the sky as if to peep through the Vault of Heaven in this world.

The jade hand flew over, produced a path of Fayin, and continuously pressed Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod on the sky. The powerful reincarnation cultivation technique True Qi fluctuated like ripples in all directions.

Emperor Xuantian!

Soaring from the lower realm, with an amazing innate talent and aptitude, continuous breakthrough, the achievement of World’s First name.

Rampage Divine Realm continent without fail!

At this time, she wants to step heavenly ascension, break through the 10000-year ban of Divine Realm continent, and achieve the first place of powerhouse.

Under such circumstances, the pressure and resistance to be sustained are unimaginable.

Whether she can continue to write her undefeated myth depends on this battle!

For her, this battle cannot be defeated, nor can it be defeated.


Time passed, and in a blink of an eye two days passed.

Outside the 3rd danger zone, among the 11th danger zone closest to it, a silhouette of a mountain range emerges above a continuous mountain range.

Chu Yan, Wang Kun, Chen Zhou, Jade Talisman and the others, all appeared in silhouette.

Chu Yan’s eyes swept, his eyes were like stars, the sky was above, the dark clouds were like tides, the sky was surging with gusts of wind, the rules of 10000 things evolved, and 10000 souls ran.

Everything is centered around 3rd Guatemala, moving towards all around.

It seems that they all care about the 3rd danger, making it a place of special existence.

“Xiaoyou, this place is ideal!”

Jade Talisman, the master, looked at Chu Yan and said, a clear reminder.

This mountain range is very close to 3rd Guatemala. If Chu Yan stays here, there will be no danger, but you can also see this Supreme covenant.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan nodded, and did not say much, just sat cross-legged and began to practice cultivation.

The other Dao Lord Realm gangsters also spread out and gathered around Chu Yan all around. They sat and adjusted their interest rates, prepared and waited.

There are still a few days to go before Supreme’s appointment. During this period, they only need to protect Chu Yan’s security, then their agreement is complete.

Now wait for all influence to arrive, when the time comes Supreme’s covenant opens, and these masters will also get involved, looking for that chance of hope.

Wu Heavenly Venerate is suspended above the sky. Anyone who wants to participate in the Supreme covenant must invest a peerless treasure as a qualification.

If the time is up, those who have not invested in Chongbao will not be eligible to participate.

The past few days, this is the process, everyone can only wait, including some big brothers who will be present, and will wait until the last moment before deciding whether to participate.

Otherwise, investing heavily, and because the opponent is too strong, there is no chance, is it not thrown into the water?

At this moment, with Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod as the center, within 100 li, there will be powerhouses arriving from time to time. Like Chu Yan and his party, they began to adjust interest rate cultivation, waiting for the last moment.

The time flickered and another few days passed …

At noon on this day …

“Little friend, time is running out!”

Jade Talisman, the master and Wang Kun and the others, have already got up, all looking in the direction of 3rd Guatemala.

Chu Yan opened his eyes and looked towards the 3rd direction. For a long time, the entire group got up at the same time and moved towards the front.

“10000 Fa Rugang, Nine Heavens!”

Jade Talisman is obviously more powerful than several other avenues.

As soon as Heaven was empty, Jade Talisman practised Taoism, and a path of aura poured out, connecting several people’s Divine Consciousness together.

At the same time, everybody’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, a picture appears at the same time.

In this picture, the silhouettes of all the big brothers gathered in the 4rd Guatemala all around in all directions.

Some cultivators also have interest-bearing cultivation, sitting on the top of the mountain, between the throughput, there are 10000 Dagang clouds, which is in harmony with Heaven and Earth.

Some cultivators, invisible in the void, are like a breeze, even if they pass by, they can’t detect it.

Even more cultivators were extremely alert. They looked up almost at the moment when the picture was lit. The eyes passed, and Chu Yan and the others were all cold hair, and Divine Soul shuddered.

There are 100 silhouettes, almost all of them are Dao Lord Realm powerhouse!

Cultivation base from Dao Lord Realm Initial Stage, Middle Stage, Great Accomplishment, all the way to Peak, even.

Some of them belong to outside forces, and some are Old Monsters who have been sleeping for 10000 years in the sunset canyon and have just woken up.

These are only the strengths of the master Jade Talisman can be discovered, and there are some that he can’t even discover, then needless to say, the strength is even more terrifying.

In other words, at present Chu Yan only sees part of Dao Lord Realm in the pictures they see.

“This dangerously Heavenly Dao rule has been completely revised!”

“This Wu Heavenly Venerate is really the Vault of Heaven, and the formidable power is amazing!”

“It’s a great treasure, if anyone can get it, they should get a place of forbidden to urge it!”

“Ha ha ha, it’s not that no one has done it. After that time in Antiquity era, Wu Heavenly Venerate did not enter the top 5 forbidden places! This is the agreed rule!


Several gangsters with Chu Yan talked with each other, obviously extremely excited.

After all, this Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, usually only exists in the legend, it is rare to see once.

Although Chu Yan was interested in these conversations, he was not at all concerned at this time, but Divine Consciousness was sweeping, constantly looking for the silhouette that he was familiar with in a picture.

However, nothing was found at all …

After a long time, Chu Yan swept it three times before asking.

“Senior, among the waiting Dao Lord Realm Senior, can you be more famous and stronger !?”

Hearing this, several Dao Lord Realm gangsters were started, then looked towards Chu Yan, and said

“Look at that, a middle-aged man in black armor. This man is named Lord Heavenly Dao. It is said to have been in Peak Realm 1000 years ago!”

“And the other …”

The Jade Talisman did not know that it was the incarnation of the strong Grand Dao Lord. He seemed to know these Old Monster-level masters very well. Every and everyone explained to Chu Yan.

For this information, Chu Yan took it very seriously.

“Time is up!”

After a while, Jade Talisman looked towards the 3rd picture of giant cauldron over the dangerous ground, opening shouted.

Several gangsters were surrounded by Chu Yan all around, all with a condensed face, all looking towards the picture in Sea of ​​Consciousness, aura instantly improved.

After a few breaths, the picture suddenly broke out, and under the countless golden lights, it was completely unclear.

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