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Above the sky, the sound of thunderbolt resounding in the clouds began to become clear, with a certain frequency, which evolved a Sanskrit that everyone can understand.

“Heaven and Earth summons, sun and moon as usual, the covenant of heaven, the 9th Supreme covenant today, open!”

The Sanskrit sounds are endless, surging like a tide, echoing between Heaven and Earth, but also ringing in everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, Heaven and Earth avenues were running, and the endless Rule Power descended from the sky with majestic pressure and enveloped the world like holy light.

Chu Yan and the others only felt tight, and sucked in a breath of cold air.

Here is the 11th Guatemala. There is not a close distance from the 3rd Guatemala. There is such a terrible might.

What kind of scene will be among the 3rd dangerous places at this time! ?

Next, Heaven and Earth began mutation, 10000 elephant evolution …

Heaven and Earth turned into a dazzling golden, and a magnificent auspicious cloud fluttered. Various rare treasures and spiritual objects emerged, among the countless heavenly materials earthly treasures, releasing a powerful Daoguang spirit.

Everyone feels this, and all of them are incomparable.

The next moment, 3rd, is in the direction of Guatemala, and there is a monstrous violent noise, with a sharp sky-splitting sound, sounded.

Xiu xiu xiu !

The sound of stinging air continued, and the sound of war became more fierce. Above the sky, above the earth, above the mountain range, gangway exploded everywhere.

“A terrible battle!”

“This Supreme appointment is slightly worse than normal, but it is all Dao Lord Realm powerhouse!”

“It was so violent at the beginning, this 3rd is dangerously unsustainable!”

Several masters around Chu Yan are still watching and talking in a whisper.

The first time they met with Chu Yan, they were the first to see the battle of Supreme’s covenant, and their natural interest was not low.

Chu Yan stood there and watched quietly, his heart amazed.

This battle completely surpassed his cognition, so many Taoist shots, terrifying.

Looking at the battlefield, you can clearly see that every Dao Lord Realm who participated in the war will have a special divine runes floating above his head.

With this divine runes, it is equivalent to Wu Heavenly Venerate’s recognition and enforcement.

After Wu Heavenly Venerate had released the first batch of divine runes, aura was weak and the rays of light talked a little bit.

It was precisely because the golden light was slightly darker that the scene of Wu Heavenly Venerate all around suddenly appeared suddenly.

“En !?”

“Xuantian !?”

The big guys on the scene, the Dao Lord Realm powerhouses in the battle, all of a sudden stopped, all looked towards the snowy white shadow under Wu Heavenly Venerate.

They all discovered the existence of Emperor Xuantian.

“Well, you all know Empress Xuantian !?”

Chu Yan asked when he saw the complexion greatly changed by a few people on the edge of the peak, and all looked over.

“Emperor Xuantian, who doesn’t know everyone under the sky !? The first peerless genius in 10000 years. When I broke through Supreme Peak, I had been here and killed 3 Dao Lord Realm Initial Stage! The name moves the world!”

Jade Talisman explained to Chu Yan.

“Not long ago, when she broke through to Dao Lord Realm, she appeared here again, playing against 4 indigenous monks of Dao Lord Realm Peak, all killing!”

“This girl can’t be offended, too ruthless!”

Speaking of which, even if it is just the incarnation of Jade Talisman, expressions all fluctuated abruptly.

“What does this Supreme covenant have to do with her !? Why should she do this !? It’s totally unreasonable to have such an anxious breakthrough in the main realm for a year!”

“Since it is the first peerless genius, impossible does not know the importance of the foundation! She has been in Divine Realm continent for more than 100 years and is incredible …”

Hearing these words, Chu Yan was suddenly silent.

“Senior, you can’t see anything here. It’s better to go forward and go to the edge of the 3rd Guatemala …”

Such a proposal suddenly caught the eyes of several big brothers.


On the other side, 3rd Guatemala, near Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod.

The huge monster-like Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, like the mountain peak, is as empty as the sun, and the endless gulf is pouring out. Even Heaven and Earth are firmly suppressed here.

“Xuantian … crazy!”

Dao Lord Realm from all sides observed the Emperor Xuantian, and a consciousness appeared in his heart at the same time.


Among the masters of the Dao, who knew Xuan Tian, ​​they all sighed together.

Looking for Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, to open the Supreme covenant, this battle of Empress Xuantian, either win or … die!

No one understood her thoughts, and it was more impossible that someone helped her.

“Xuantian … You are very good! Between Heaven and Earth, except for Sir Cang, I only serve you!”

A voice like Hong Lei sounded, and the silhouette of Lord Heavenly Dao flew, hiding the majesty of his face.

“Your aptitude is enough to dominate, my Immortal Ascension Sect is not good with you, but I also bear to see you so degraded …”

“I have discussed with you before, and if you agree, there is still a chance!”

This remark opened, before the Empress Xuantian answered, all around and other voices sounded.

“Xuan Tian, ​​listen to him!”

“That’s right, what Brother Jitian said is great!”

One silhouette after another came out from a distance in the sky, and a dozen or so Taoists appeared.

Everyone’s aura is Dao Lord Realm Peak, aura is like a mountain and a sea, deep and unmeasurable.

“The 91st Venerable Lord of the Ten Peer Sects, the Lord of Broken Intestines!”

“Supreme Zong 50th 6 served as Venerable Lord Haining … Wang Family 47th served as Patriarch, Zheng Zhu, Zhou Family every 38 served as Patriarch, Zhou Wuxiang!”

One big guy after another played, and everyone’s mind was shocked at the same time.

Each of these dozen silhouettes is the existence of Peak in Dao Lord Realm, especially behind them, there is a huge monster-like force.

Ten 3 Dao Lineage, maybe the strength of the middle and low-level cultivators is average, but among the top battle strength, it is definitely called Peak.

Not far away, Ji Changsheng and Mo Dongqing were hidden in the void and looked at the scene in front of them.

“Sure enough, these guys joined forces!”

“Xuantian impossible agreed with them, they are threatening!”

2 People are all cold-hearted and stand on their stand. Especially the relationship between Chu Yan and Yue Linglong exists. The relationship between them and Empress Xuan Tian is the closest.

At this time, on the Heavenly Venerate tripod, Empress Xuantian looked cold, raising her staring eyes to look at the dozen Dao Lord Realm lords in midair.

What kind of eyes are there, like the ancient sea of ​​stars, there is no trace of fluctuation at all.

If you have to say that there is any emotion, then there is only one … contempt!

Before, when the Empress Xuantian urged Wu Heavenly Venerate to trip, the Lord Heavenly Dao, the Lord of Broken Intestine, and the others had already visited once.

The so-called condition is just to let her hand over 10000 reincarnation cultivation techniques, and they can let her go.

Now, the Supreme Covenant has been opened, which means that the Empress Xuantian has no retreat. They jump out immediately and threaten again.

If you hand over your cultivation technique, you must discard your own. Even if you keep Qi Sea, it will take at least 1000 years to recultivate.

“Get it!”

Xuan Tian looked at these people without a word of nonsense.

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