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The jade sword was lying horizontally, holding on to her small hand, and the inexplicable killing intent appeared between Heaven and Earth.

“Hmph! Fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness!”

Heavenly Dao, Lord coldly snorted, said with a sneer “If you have this attitude, you don’t need to talk about it, anyway, it’s dead!”

As the words landed, a group of Dao Lord Realm gangsters broke out, and all kinds of powerful Daowei burst out into the sky.

Endless killing intent converges into a giant river, covering all the void of 100 li.

Facing the monstrous killing power, the Empress Xuantian smiled without anger, and a touch of vermilion lip lightly made the Heaven and Earth have colors.

These people have a good abacus. Is she really good at talking? ?

With a clatter, Xueying was like electricity, bursting into the sky, and the jade sword in his hand pointed at the sky as if to break this Vault of Heaven.

Boom … Rumble!

The light of the jade sword collided with Heavenly Might, exploding the torrential weather waves, and the whole piece of Heaven and Earth was trembling.

Endless Taoism, forbidden technique, various powerful Daobao and Gangwei outbreaks, when they collided with the jade sword, they were all disappointed.

“Really strong battle strength!”

all around The big brothers watching from far away are all complexion changed.

Only one person, against the dozen Taoist Peak, actually gained the upper hand, what a terrible battle strength.

“How long has it been since her battle strength has improved again, even within Dao Lord Realm, a few invincible hands ah!”

Ji Changsheng and Mo Dongqing were hidden in the void, watching this scene, the corners of their mouths slightly raised.

On this day, it must belong to Emperor Xuantian!

I do n’t know how many years anymore. Divine Realm continent Martial Dao has disappeared. It ’s been a long time since I ’ve been out of the world.

At this time, Emperor Xuantian, jade hand seal, several illusory shadows appeared behind him, and evolved 8 positions. Each illusory shadow has the same appearance, and the released cultivation base aura is no better than true body. Half a minute.

The Emperor Xuantian rushed out, and these 8 silhouettes flew at the same time.

The jade sword pointed in the hand and fell in unison.

Under a sword, it looks ordinary, but in fact, it combines power, speed, and Sword Intent into a complex road.

All of a sudden, Heaven and Earth murderous intention emerged, and all the bigwigs Divine Soul shook with these sword lights at the same time, and their faces changed.

So many of them were originally suppressed by the Empress Xuantian, barely making a tie, and the sudden emergence of sword light made them chaotic.

Emperor Xuantian, finally moved!

Now, after urging Wu Heavenly Venerate tripod, she has no retreat, only to play her battle strength to the extreme.

And she has the strongest big card, which is the reincarnation of 10000 soul cultivation technique.

This cultivation technique, even the dozen or so Dao Lord Realm on the opposite side, tried their best to capture it. It can be seen that this cultivation technique is not simple.

“Hurry up and start as planned!”

Extremely Heavenly Dao is hosted loudly, and a group of gangsters are all around.

Incomparable tacit understanding, just like the practice, a group of big brothers changed their way around each other, connected with each other, all kinds of upper power gathered together, and instantly arranged a great array of mountain range.

Moreover, in this Great Array, there are not only azimuth guards, but also several kinds of pawns as the formation eye. This simply is a combined Great Array, which is more than ten times stronger than Killing Formation of ordinary.

If this is not prepared in advance, ghosts will believe.

“Quick! 2nd Step!”

However, Lord Heavenly Dao shouted again, a group of big brothers hearing this, and urged the whole body of True Qi again, the endless frenzy rushed, and a large gray light came out.

Like a lake, dozens of big brothers connected their hands together, as if on a grey curtain, according to the stars, and within a blink of an eye, a large starlight shone on the grey lake.

“Xinghugu Killing Formation !?”

All around the big brothers watching the battle, all of them are complexion changed.

It’s not because of how powerful this Staring Lake Killing Formation is, but because this array is actually placed in the mountain range Great Array just now.

This turned out to be legendary … formation within formation! ?

“What …”

Ji Changsheng and Mo Dongqing, seeing this scene far above Nine Heavens, their faces were all black.

These forces must also have no shame! ?

So many people bully a little girl, even using such a terrifying Killing Formation.

The key is not only the horror of this Array, but more importantly, the people who arranged it, but there are more than a dozen Dao Lord Realm Peak.

In this way, the most he is among the Divine Realm continent, the strongest Killing Formation, it is not an exaggeration.

Such an Array, who can withstand the world! ?

I am afraid that even Heavenly Dao Master can’t deal with it.

“10000 Dragon Treasure Artifact!”

It was at this time that the dozen masters, such as the master of the pole, the master of the broken intestines, etc., shot again.

All kinds of Daobao came out of the sky, releasing powerful Daowei, but if you look closely, you can find that these Daobao are all incomplete, and none of them are complete.

But each aura above the Taobao is extremely terrifying, like a fierce demon crawling out of the abyss of hell, choosing a person to bite.

Obviously, these Taobaos were all found on various battlefields, with a strong killing intent and resentment, after being simply repaired by these bigwigs, they were refined into disposable special killers.

Such a method can be regarded as a complete strategy, and it is a waste of Zhouzhang.

It is precisely because of this that the situation on the battlefield was discovered instantly under repeated operations.

Even the Emperor Xuantian, known as the Master of World’s First, the rays of light, was instantly dimmed by the suppression.

The situation changed abruptly, the situation was reversed, and it was plunged into a bitter battle.

On the other side, the 3rd edge of Guatemala, in the piece of mountain valley …

I could clearly hear the sound of fighting gangsters not far away. Everyone stopped and looked forward.

Both Jade Talisman and several indigenous cultivators restrained their aura to the extreme, and successively cast several breathable shields to cover everyone.

At this place, it is already extremely dangerous.

Everyone can feel that all around has a lot of powerhouses, all playing Magical Powers, staring closely at the battlefield of the 3rd danger.

There are some auras, which make people feel a little bit, then Divine Soul shudders.

This is probably at least the existence of the Invincible Order Master, the Old Monster for 10000 years.

“This time, it’s hilarious ah!”

“These Old Monsters are all awake !?”

“Emperor Xuantian this time, really stabbed a super Malaysian honeycomb!”

Jade Talisman and the others are extremely cautiously. At the same time, they whispered softly, their eyes full of shock.

At this time, they can feel all around in the sky, all murderous intention.


At this moment, a sudden violent outburst broke out beside them, and a black silhouette, like a black lightning, skyrocketed.

“Little friend …”

Jade Talisman, the master, waited for several gangsters, while the complexion changed.

I saw that at this time Chu Yan rushed out of the shield area, suspended above the sky, the whole body was as powerful as a wave, the eyes of gold and silver flashed in a pair of eyes, and the violent breath surged.

What is more terrifying is that in his within the body, the big brothers clearly felt a trace of the terrifying demonic path.

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