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This is not the magic power of ordinary, with the obvious way of extreme magic.

It is by no means the ordinary path of the demonic path that the cultivator can release. The 10000 ancient power of Cangsang has moved both Heaven and Earth.

“Okay! Very good! A dozen forces have planned, very good!”

Chu Yan floats in the sky, his face is full of sneers, that smile looks, but it makes people have one’s hair stand on end.

At this time, a flame in his heart was burning, making his heart burst.

It was an uncontrollable anger that almost made him want to completely destroy this Heaven and Earth.

Even before, he broke through the 9th domain Supreme, the secret of reincarnation Wu Fa is known to the world, and he was not so angry when he was pursued and killed by all forces.

Such a situation that even Divine Soul was roaring and angering happened to him for the first time.

“Little friend, come on, don’t be impulsive!”

Jade Talisman is underneath, his anxious eyes are red, hurry up Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

At this time, the 3rd danger was in a war, and the four sides of the all directions were counted by the powerful guys. Any wind blowing on the grass would cause excessive reaction.

At this time, Chu Yan, whose cultivation base had only 9 domains in Supreme, suddenly rushed out, and the consequences were unbearable.

Jade Talisman believes that a certain demonic path is capable of controlling Chu Yan, so when Divine Consciousness sound transmission, he also sang the Sanskrit, which is a type of Supreme Magical Powers, which can shake people’s Divine Soul and make it sober.

However, after the time of ten breaths, Chu Yan suspended in midair, a pair of eyes is more bright overbearing, there is no clear meaning at all.

“Senior, although the January appointment is now only halfway through, but if you can send me to the Emperor Xuantian, then the agreement between us, even if it is reached! How !?”

Chu Yan bowed his head and looked down, opening the entourage of the entourage below, suddenly letting Wang Kun and the others stunned.


On the other side, 3rd Guatemala Central Area …

At this time, the battle fell into a fiery state, and suddenly a strange calm appeared.

The two sides confronted each other from a distance, facing each other.

“Xuan Tian, ​​your hole cards can be displayed! Otherwise, you will have no chance!”

Extremely Heavenly Dao spoke, thunderously shouting, with an incomparable might and aura, seemed to have control of the situation.

“OK!” Xuan Tian answered.

next moment, Xuantian jade hand waved, Profound Light like a meteor crossed the sky, and stopped suddenly in the sky somewhere in the sky.

Boom … rumbling!

The sound of thunderbolt came from the depths of the void, from far to near, like a tide rushing.


The Lord Heavenly Dao, the broken intestine master and other bigwigs suddenly changed their faces.

In the next moment, a black cloud wave rushed out from in the sky, condensed together, and began to twist and evolve.

Soon a tall silhouette appeared, bloody red eyes, spiky all over the body, and the first feet and feet were all as big as a building.

One step down, half of the void turned into powder.

This is a horrible Demon Beast comparable to mountain peak. The black magic breath on his body almost condenses into substance, slowly flowing around the body.

As soon as it appeared, it pressed one paw to the side of the body and pulled out another silhouette.

This is one is a body composed entirely of black stones, like is a stone giant, with black stones stacked all over the body. There are various divine runes flashing above the stone bodies.

2 silhouettes stand side by side, and aura erupts at the same time, like 2 frenzy rushing towards all around.

All are Dao Lord Realm Peak cultivation base aura!

Not only that, but the turbulent stream of voids that appeared behind them did not stop at all, and black clouds continued to flow.

When each cloud reaches a certain volume, it will break away and begin to evolve a new silhouette.

Without exception, almost all kinds of feared monsters, within a moment, formed a densely packed black tide, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Although only some of them stand at the forefront, the cultivation base reaches Dao Lord Realm, but those who are based also have a Supreme realm cultivation base, gathered together, like a monster army.

“How can such a good battle be lost!”

a A strange noise sounded, and the silhouette of the distant sky came flying like electricity. Everyone turned around and looked at it for a moment.

This man is a red robe, with long hair over his waist, a jade crown and a tail, holding an ancient blade, carrying a few silhouettes, and jumped into the air.

The silhouette can’t express the elegant, just like a handsome young man.

“Yu 10000 born !? What is he doing here?”

All bigwigs were shocked at the same time.

This 10000-year-old, 7 Gu Family Yu Family Young Master, among the 7 Gu Family is extremely famous, whether it is innate talent, cultivation base, aptitude, absolutely crush this generation Young Patriarch of all races.

In the place where he asked, he also claimed to be the existence of the highest Legendary, comparable to the magical status of Empress Xuantian in Divine Realm continent.

“This kid, still thinking about men and women, is it crazy !?”

“A monk who destroys Martial Dao for a woman !?”

“It seems that the rumors are true, he is really passionate about Xuantian!”

The gangsters in all directions are all in Divine Consciousness sound transmission, watching Yu Yusheng lived towards Emperor Xuantian flew away, and all of them laughed.

“Shameful! Really shameful! You have so many forces united, so shameless prepared so many vicious means, want to face !?”

As soon as the 10000 students arrived, they immediately mocked the big brothers.

“You guys, want to deal with Xuan Tian, ​​pass me first!”

“Xuan Tian, ​​rest assured, standing behind me, I’ll help you block it!”

“Hmph! When the old man is air !?”

“Dog Day, who dares to deal with Xuantian girl !?”


The ridicule resounding for more than 10000 lives, the four directions of all directions in the sky, and a path of abnormal sounds, a large silhouette suddenly appeared.

These gangsters, all auras like heaven, swept by gang power, heaven shaking earth shattering.

Ji Changsheng, Mo Dongqing took a look in the cloud, and was shocked.

These Old Monsters are actually Antiquity, the legendary level existence of that year.

“Ji Tian, ​​the account between us can be cleared !?”

And a voice sounded, very light, but with obvious strength, on the distant sky, like a jade-like teenager appeared.

“8 Abandoned Master !?”

Everyone looked at the teenager, all complexion greatly changed.


Extremely Heavenly Dao Lord saw the boy like jade-like, his pupil suddenly fiercely shrank, next moment, his face flushed red, and he shouted loudly

“8 Famine, are you crazy ?! To this day I still have to support Empress Xuantian !?”

“You 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, want to be the enemy of this world !?”

The very Heavenly Dao at this moment, obviously emotions began to fluctuate violently.

“It’s useless to talk less! I’m handing it over, I’m the one who has nothing to do with 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, I came to you to settle the account!”

“As for the Venerable Lord of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, I have notified him to expel me from Sect! You will receive the message soon!”

The warm jade-like teenager’s face is full of sunny smiles.


Hearing this, Master Heavenly Dao almost spit out blood.

What does it mean to notify Venerable Lord to expel yourself from Sect! ?

What about Martial Artist World? ?

Besides, you are the Master of Venerable Lord. Is it really appropriate for you to do this? ?

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