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For Chu Yan and Emperor Xuantian who are so beautiful in front of themselves, Kuangdao Supreme is quite angry.

However, she knows that she has a low status and can bear it if she can bear it.

But the next moment, the words of Emperor Xuantian, made her unable to bear anymore.

“Chu Yan, there is one more thing …”

Here, the Emperor Xuantian turned her head towards towards Sword Supreme, and the expression in her eyes couldn’t be more obvious.

“Elder sister, you are too much! Although at home, I am younger than you, but why are you all a family !? It would be unreasonable to say something to keep me apart!”

Kuangdao Supreme directly resisted, brandishing a pink fist, fighting against the injustice of fate.

“Uh … Lin Meng, do n’t talk nonsense …”

Chu Yan’s face was black at the time, and the corner of her mouth twitched twice.

“Xuan Tian, ​​do n’t listen to her, you say your …”

Xuan Tian pondered for a moment nodded after hearing Chu Yan ’s words, and then said

“I owe you this time, please come back and ask you to eat fish!”

After finishing this sentence, she disappeared on the spot with Xue Ying.

Chu Yan first started, and then the corner of his mouth was light, looking at the empty space in front of him, but overflowing with an inexplicable fragrance, smirked a few times.

This time, Mad Knife is even more angry!

As long as I knew this, it would be better to be separated and live as a show audience.

“Husband, Xuantian cultivation base is so strong, how can even Divine Consciousness sound transmission will not, you say weird is not weird.” Sword Supreme is not a good kind, said directly.

“It’s not all because of you!” Chu Yan glared wildly, but laughed again.

“Husband, this is not fair!” Kuang Dao continued to protest.

“Why am I the youngest, you ca n’t find another one, let me also bully, Husband, you have to come on!”

This phrase Chu Yan is a little ignorant, fundamental Can’t pick it up, turn around and run away.

“ha ha ha….”

When Chu Yan fled into the great hall in embarrassment, there was a crazy knife laughter behind him, looking very happy.

Heavenly Dao has reincarnation, who will be spared! ?

When Chu Yan entered the great hall, he looked up and found that the great hall was completely a bookstore, with neat rows of bookshelves, occupying the four directions of East, South, West, and North of the great hall.

The display here reminds Chu Yan of the Martial Skill Pavilion and other places of the Sect forces.

Thinking of the last Desolate Sect I joined, it seems that I have never been to Martial Skill Pavilion, but now I am a Loose Cultivator.

Next, Chu Yan went to those bookshelves and began to read through the books.

Day after day, Chu Yan spent completely in the bookshelf.

According to this, some of the Taoist skills and stunts that Chu Yan has recently acquired are obtained from other practitioners. It has been a long time since I entered the Martial Skill Pavilion.

So, this time Chu Yan was completely immersed in it, and could not sense the ebbing of time at all.

Finally, Chu Yan selected some ancient techniques and placed some hesitations in front of him.

Knife Supreme saw that he came over from the side and said to Chu Yan

“Husband, you only have Supreme Peak in the cultivation base now, if the cultivation master ’s art , But may not be able to exert the strongest formidable power, otherwise, you still choose a few special Taoism without cultivation base restrictions, maybe the effect is better! “

” As long as you Divine Soul is strong enough, will These Taoist skills fuse together, maybe there will be surprises! “

Kuangdao Supreme is, after all, a cultivator in the Antiquity era, how solid the foundation is, and her suggestion, Chu Yan highly approves.

So, the two began to discuss, carefully classify and study a doorway technique, and constantly try to integrate innovation, and finally Chu Yan chose a “sword art” Sword Art as the basis!

In addition, I have selected nine other Taoist techniques that have a sense with this “one sword must”, including Divine Soul Taoism, physical Taoism, Taoist mantra, etc., and I am ready to try to integrate comprehend together.

After several ancient techniques were printed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chu Yan began to sit comprehend.

After this time recognising Master Kunlun Fairy Mountain, the cultivation base of Chu Yan ’s cultivation base was not at all changed, but Divine Soul ’s power is advanced by leaps and bounds, which has doubled. many.

Therefore, how long it took Chu Yan this time comprehend not at all, just five days later, the cultivation was completed.

One Sword Art!

As the name implies, he took the road of violent sword, condensing a Sword Intent to the extreme, and once a sword came out, it was life and death.

When Chu Yan eyes opened, the power of Sword Intent, without urging True Qi at all, they completely suppressed the void of all around.

Such a horrible Sword Art makes Chu Yan overjoyed.

This Sword Art is very suitable for him, whether it is temperament or morals, they are very suitable for him.

On cultivation base realm, the difference between Supreme realm and Dao Lord Realm is not only the difference between True Qi, but also the Heaven and Earth spiritual breath, the mysterious of ten thousand rules.

Chu Yan this time retreat cultivation, the perception of Dao Lord Realm, has a new improvement.

“Then continue!”

Chu Yan felt a noticeable improvement, and Sword Art was more powerful and more focused.

After all, it is a few different Taoist techniques, to be completely integrated, even Chu Yan ’s aptitude and innate talent will take some time.

For the next period of time, both Chu Yan and Supreme Sword Supreme have been staying in the temple, fully comprehend and improve.

Occasionally the two also get together to discuss some things about the fusion of Taoism.

Under such conditions, Chu Yan’s promotion speed is faster!

This time retreat, a full ten days …

One sword skill’s Taoism fusion has reached 50%, and with the formation of three sets of battle skill, it can be used at the same time. Several Taoist skills, formidable power is stronger.

“Almost! Lin Meng, you go on, I will ask the place!”

Chu Yan got up and said to the Sword Supreme.

“Husband, I ’m going to throw away my concubine !? I ’m here alone … I ’m afraid! If I ’m with you, the situation outside is not peace and security!”

The Sword Supreme is a pitiful look first, and then the words made Chu Yan feel warm.

It ’s not the same to have an intimate person, always thinking about you.

Then Supreme Blade quickly got up and walked to the road in front of Chu Yan, stretched out a big lazy waist, revealing a proud curve, and Chu Yan was shocked.

This Little Lass, come this move again! ?

“OK, let’s go!”

Chu Yan quickly turned his eyes to squint, waved his hand, and disappeared with Supreme Knife Supreme.


On the other side, Kunlun Fairy Mountain, a hidden place….

Watching two silhouettes flying on the sky, Ning Tian nodded, turning around to take a sip of Lingcha in front of him, a smile on his face gradually revealed.

“I said, you are not afraid of him having an accident outside?” Bo Wang asked.

“Afraid !? I was just afraid that he would not leave Kunlun Fairy Mountain. Now, there is no terrifying anymore!” Ning Tian replied.

“In this way,” Heaven “is born, I do n’t worry about it, the growth rate of the Lord will not be slow! Moreover, there are things about the old warlords, it seems that no one has paid attention to it now. Hehe … “

” They never thought about why the old warhead is the most special one among the ten! “

” The next thing, just It ’s up to the Lord … “

” Ai, unfortunately … it ’s nothing to me! ”

Ning Tian shook the head, stood up, looked around Kunlun Fairy Mountain, and finally looked towards Bowang.

next moment, the body of his Remnant Soul, released a light golden light, wrapped him like smoke, Remnant Soul instantly began to become jade, like a humanoid jade stone statue appeared.

Seeing this scene, Bo Wang also sighed the hook, raised his hand and waved, summoned a large Kunlun spirit to wrap it.

Then I looked at Ning Tian quietly, and finally turned into a jade stone statue, standing in the wind.

“Unfortunately … ca n’t kill the traitor …”

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