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The Kunlun Fairy Mountain is located, of course, above the 10,000 li void in the first domain of Divine Realm continent.

Therefore, Chu Yan and Kuangdao Supreme rushed all the way, and it did n’t take long to reach the original battlefield of Sunset Canyon.

Since the last war, all influence ’s men and women have been withdrawn. After all, the 3rd Guatemala, including some nearby Guatemala, is extremely damaged and is in a state of chaos and riots. under.

“Lin Meng, just come here …”

Chu Yan arrived at the periphery zone of Guatemala and turned to Supreme Knife.

“Husband, take care all the way!”

Limeng, chirp chirp twitter twitter along the way, was suddenly sad at this moment, and his eyes were covered with a layer of mist, Chu Yan felt distressed for a while.


It seems that he found that his state is wrong, and Supreme Knife looked at Chu Yan again, turned around and got into the void channel and disappeared on the spot.

“This …”

Chu Yan looked at the ripples in the void, hook the head, and his face was speechless.

Although I used to think of Supreme and Chu Yan not at all before, but now I often get together, as if I have some habits between them.


Taking a deep breath, Chu Yan put aside his distracted thoughts, turned aura, and started walking forward.

At the Yunshen Ferry, all the fairy ships were moored. After Chu Yan boarded one of them, the fairy ship opened.

“Account first, then go to Dao Realm mountain range!”

3rd War of the Wars, all influence The falling Dao Lord Realm powerhouse is afraid that there are hundreds of them. For For each Great Influence, it was a heavy blow.

However, they thought it was done! ?

Chu Yan does n’t think so!

Before, all influence heard that Chu Yan was sending a lot of Sect powerhouse in the place of asking, and peerless genius came to the place of asking, the purpose is self-evident.

Now, it ’s your turn!


Divine Realm continent, a top secret place… ..

Forbidden Ridge stands in front of an altar, and its subordinates are telling What is it that makes the body of Forbidden Ridge surging into a substantial murderous aura.

“Asshole Ningtian! Damn it! Damn it!”

The roaring and cursing for a long time, the Taboo Ridge slowly calmed down.

“Those forces, this time learning smarter, even sent Loose Cultivator to stare over there …”

Forbidden Ridge is pondering, eyes blinking like ghost fire, one light and one dark Between, the current bad situation is not weighed for the people.

Ning Tian ’s words completely messed up his plan.

Within 3 years, as long as Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon is born, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of all forces.

Furthermore, according to the news received, all influence has recovered and sold a lot of Loose Cultivator. It will be a little troublesome to figure out those forces are staring at Danger Land everywhere.

Now all forces are casting their nets, hoping to know “Heaven” immediately, as well as the news of the birth of peerless rare treasure.

“Lord Lord … What should I do !? These forces, as well as those of Ning Tian, ​​Chu Yan, and Xuan Tian, ​​if they really meet them, there is no chance of winning at all! “!”

“Or, find someone to form an alliance!?”

Forbidden Brows tightly frowns, I feel that Ning Tian ’s sentence has completely let him fall into Death Land.

The bastard Ning Tian is completely an old fox, locking himself in one sentence.

…… ..

On the other side, the second Divine Realm somewhere, Antiquity great clan Forbidden Land… ..

This Heaven and Earth is shrouded in In the endless darkness, compared with a piece of Haoyang in other places, it seems to be upside down day and night.

The towering mountain peak stands, and the endless sea of ​​spirit clouds floats above the mountain peak, releasing the spiritual breath like a sea tide.

On the top of the mountain peak, a withered silhouette sits on the plate, the body is constantly shaking, and the both hands forming seals are turned, causing the rules of Heaven and Earth all around to change constantly.

In the distance, outside the mountain peak, a group of Ancient Race powerhouses gathered, looking at the silhouette of the top of Spirit Peak, looking anxiously.

This time, they have invested a lot of resources, and if it fails, it will be a heavy loss.

After a long time, the silhouette on the top of Spirit Peak finally moved.

As he stood up, the decadence was swept away, and the powerful and imposing manner swept across, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

The powerhouse of all around Ancient Race looked, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

The silhouette is not someone else, it is … Lord Zhou Tiancang!

Among the four great Cang Lords, the only existence that survived the Antiquity battle, how terrifying his life-saving method is.

If it was n’t before, all the strength of the tens of thousands of Constant Antiquity warriors gathered together and launched a fatal blow to him. It was simply impossible to hit him.

Sacrifice the colorful Divine Dragon’s blow, and did not destroy Lord Zhou Tiancang. Now with the aid of Ancient Race, he recovered.

Although it only recovered less than 30%, but with injury, his Peak battle strength was damaged again.

“pay respects to Palace Lord!”

An invincible environment powerhouse, and the master saw Zhou Tiancang coming out, and he was pleasantly surprised to pay respects to.

No matter what, he is the only powerhouse that exists on Divine Realm continent!

“hmph! Zhou Tiandian is gone, what is it called Palace Lord! Get away!”

Under a rage, all around the subordinates retreated together, Zhou Tian Cang Lord looked The iron blue color looked towards and asked the direction of the land.


Delified Zhou Celestial Emperor, one of the four great masters, has suffered such humiliation! ?


The first domain, Dao Venerable District, Peerless Sect… ..

As one of the first Sects to declare closed, Juetian Sect has no movement at all now, as if the entire sect had died.

Even the terrifying battles before the outbreak of the Sunset Canyon did not make Jue Tianzong even move.

Some attention is focused on Peerless Sect, and even thinks that Ning Tian has appeared, and that Tian Tian, ​​who is also one of Antiquity ’s ten popular gods, should have some movement.

As a traitor, whether it is Ning Tian or Chu Yan, he should not let him go.

Others do n’t know, Tianpo knows himself best, and at the same time, he still has a major event that has never stopped …

At this time, there is a large altar in the depths of the Peerless Sect Arranged, various Heaven and Earth natural phenomena evolved over the altar group. Heaven and Earth gang mine, myriad beasts are psychedelic, causing the void to explode continuously.

The soul of the sky is above the main altar of the altar group, and the powerful power of the the body is exploding wildly.

The chaotic aura, resulting in the turbulent flow of Space-Time, seems to devour this piece of Heaven and Earth.

Outside the altar group, two invincible realm old men, as well as all Dao Lord Realm powerhouses of Jue Tianzong, gathered together and stared straight at this scene.

During the half a month, I dare not be careless.

Heavens are waiting, they are also waiting, waiting for the result of a heaven shaking earth shattering, enough to change the earth-shattering changes of this era.

Boom … rumbling!

Suddenly, the void above the entire altar group shattered, and behind the exploded void, there was no Space-Time turbulence at all.

A dazzling round of Golden Haori rises slowly from the broken in the sky, shining the entire Secret Realm as a golden light.

Hao Ri’s rising, all the Heaven and Earth natural phenomena that evolved on the altar group disappeared together.

A kind of holy light feeling, let all the big brothers present tremble at the same time.

“On … it ’s starting!”

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