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Spirit Peak all around, the imposing manner of the invincible world lords, the lord giants continue to explode, forming a thick body protection gang yuan, which will reluctantly resist all around the terrifying coercion.

Between Heaven and Earth, the thunderbolt is like a tide, and the sky is turbulent, just like the anger of Heaven and Earth.

While Tian So stood there, watching the terrible Heaven and Earth disaster, the aura on his body broke out and turned into an extremely huge black hole, swallowing all the power of all around like vortex .

In less than a moment, all the Heaven and Earth Might and thunderbolt all around are engulfed by heaven and soul.

Moreover, he did n’t mean to stop at all. The aura around him continued to spread, moving towards all around. A circle of 10,000 li surrounded the void.

In the past, mountain range all around all heavenly materials earthly treasures, spirit source treasures, and even the underground Spirit Stone all flew out, moved towards the sky soul, and was swallowed up by him instantly.

The sky soul is suspended in midair, just like the domination of Heaven and Earth, controlling this world.

a Then Spirit Mark of a appeared continuously, appearing on his skin like a shiny tattoo, spreading all over his body.

“A world of wilderness, Morp World sinks, and spirits go from life to life …”

Heaven opens his mouth, and the words resound through Heaven and Earth like Sanskrit, just like Tao Fa mantra.

His dominance is still expanding, covering 10,000 li from the beginning and moving towards 100,000 miles.

Thunderous Sanskrit singing continues, but every word spit out will cause Heaven and Earth to tremble, just as Heaven and Earth echo him.

After thehundred breaths, the invincible big brothers present, Dao Lord Realm powerhouse, were all surprised that the complexion greatly changed.

In their perception, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth has been solidified, and even time and what seems to have been sealed are completely inoperable.

But the spirit of the sky continues, there is no meaning to stop, beyond 10,000 li in the distance, Heaven and Earth’s void of gangster noise, rumble endlessly.

All of this, so that all the big brothers present can accurately feel that this World is completely different from usual.

“This … this this …”

The Dao Lord Realm guys who were present were completely ignorant, with a look of shock.

With their cultivation base realm, they simply cannot understand all that they see in front of them.

It ’s like their continent Peak powerhouse, in this brief moment they all turned into ants, dust, not worth mentioning at all.

“Too strong!”

The two invincible powerhouses are equally shocked.

The Dao Lord Realm behind them may not know, but they can judge that Tianpo has completely modified the Heaven and Earth rules of this small World.

It is said that this small World is now dominated by the heavenly soul, and it is completely unscrupulous.

At least, they all shot together with these powerhouses, and they could not achieve this level, which is beyond the realm of True Qi cultivation base.

However, this spirit is only Dao Lord Realm Peak, how did he do it! ?


Sky Soul suddenly opened his eyes and drank out.

At this moment, his imposing manner is constantly improving, squeezing all the Heaven and Earth Rule Power all around, or it seems that all Rule Power is stepping on the feet and exists in all things Heaven and Above Earth.

This is … Constant Antiquity Rule Power!

“ha ha ha, to be successful! Finally it will become …”

In the soul of heaven, ecstatic, he looked towards his hands, then looked towards all around the void, The excitement that he had expected for thousands of years made him almost explode.

“Constant Antiquity Inextinguishable body! World’s First Saint Physique! In this era, no one is my enemy! There is no more …”

Roaring in my heart The whole body shivered in Tian Piao’s excitement, and his eyes looking towards Heaven and Earth became proud.

However, in this brief moment, suddenly a cloud appeared above the sky, condensing into a terrifying black cloud talisman seal, moved towards him, he released thousands of holy light bodies, and fiercely fell.


A whisper of violent gas explosion exploded, and all the holy light, Heaven and Earth rules disappeared in a flash.

“What !? This …”

The face of Tian Soul changed suddenly, and the whole person froze instantly.

The lotus of Constant Antiquity was finally refined, and all breakthroughs were also in one go without any hindrance. Why did you find such a thing in the last step! ?

This small World within 100,000 square meters has been shrouded in fields, and even the rules of Heaven and Earth have been modified. How could this happen! ?

This is not reasonable!

Just when Tian Po was completely stunned there, suddenly, his Divine Soul shuddered, and suddenly felt that everything was not real.

When he looked up to see the all around environment, he suddenly found that a distant mountain range above the clouds shone in the distant sky, standing at the end of Heaven and Earth.

“Dao Realm mountain range !?” The amazing power is extremely gentle and cannot be ignored.


Tian Soul ’s face was all shocked, I could n’t believe it at all.

Because, he can clearly distinguish now, that power is the power of … Constant Antiquity!

Om …!

Heaven and Earth undulates, and the shadow of Dao Realm mountain range on the horizon is disappeared.

In this brief moment, everything is calm.

The black hole devouring is gone, the rules of Heaven and Earth are gone, and the dominance of the field is gone. Even the power of Constant Antiquity on the celestial body has also disappeared.

Everyone ’s eyes in the audience, simultaneously shua shua looked over, all looked dull.

What happened! ?

What happened! ?

“This … is it a failure!?”

Ancient Race boss said, almost biting his teeth.

“ha ha ha…. failed! very good, I would fail… .. ha ha ha….”

The hysterical laughter of the heavenly hysterics sounded, and everyone I laughed completely, I didn’t know what Tian So was laughing.

However, when everyone looked towards Heavenly Soul, they could find that Heavenly Soul’s face had been completely twisted, and there was nothing in the eyes except male anger.

“The Lord! It ’s worthy of the Lord …”

“Even at such times, you can leave such a back hand for a trifling reincarnation Chu Yan, the organs are counted! Good! Very good! “

Tian Pou gritted his teeth tightly, clenched his fists, and trembling lightly under the force of his whole body.

The body of Constant Antiquity has been named World’s First Saint Physique since Great Ancient Era!

Since it ’s World ’s First, it ’s definitely unique and unmatched between Heaven and Earth. Impossible appears two at the same time.

So, even in Dao Realm mountain range, the power of Constant Antiquity is extremely weak, but it is still the power of Constant Antiquity.

Even if Tian So refining the Lotus of Constant Antiquity, if you do n’t refining the power of Constant Antiquity in the Dao Realm mountain range, it will be impossible to achieve the real Constant Antiquity!

So, in the last step, Tianfu failed!

Unexpectedly, but in reason, even Heavenly Soul does not know that there will be such a result, but it is fully understandable and acceptable.

“Sect Master, it is now …”

Two invincible environment powerhouses, asked in a vault, all in the eyes of suspicion.

They follow a Dao Lord Realm Peak, but nothing else. One is to see the identity of the Antiquity gods. At the same time, Tianpo also told them that they will definitely become the body of Constant Antiquity.

But now …

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