
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

For Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, the good mood in the past few days is completely gone.

The quirky and rare books that were hard to come by, with no interest at all, walked back and forth in the great hall, brows tightly frowns.

The situation is constantly changing. According to the original plan, it is already impossible.

It’s too much!

The news from Tian Po, coupled with the emergence of Sun Wanyun, even a fool feels a different aura.

Now, it is time to make a choice!

Either with other forces to deal with Chu Yan, or follow the previous plan and continue to help Chu Yan in secret.

As a matter of course, this is a problem that the Venerable Lord as a Sect’s Master must consider from the perspective of Sect.

Because, he does n’t care, just like his Master, after he leaves Sect, he can do what he wants, but Sect ca n’t.

If you help Chu Yan secretly, you will be found out afterwards. At that time, Bayuxuan Desolate Sect will become a big fat meat, let the forces of the world to have just cause.

However, Xuanhuang Venerable Lord already had a choice in his mind, but he was already shaken by the positions of the other two sects, Sanhezong and Heavenly Imaginary Sect.

The Venerable Lord can understand this, but it is inevitable.

“It’s been a few months, what is the kid doing !? Nothing happened …”

Xuan Huang turned several times, and the more and more anxious he thought, there was no good way.

Take out Jade Talisman, spread a consciousness, and ask Chu Yan directly.

a Mind rushed out of Sect stationed in the city, when the Heaven and Earth in the sky surge forward, there was a sense between the whole Heaven and Earth, the sound of oh la la water flowing at the same time sounded.

“en !? Damn traitor!”

Seeing this scene, the Venerable Lord suddenly looked dark and fiercely cursed.

That heavenly soul is staring at himself! ?

However, as he continued to increase the strength of Divine Consciousness, preparing to forcibly break through the spirit wall to explore the boundary wall, he suddenly froze, stopped, and looked up blankly towards the sky outside the palace.

The situation is wrong!

The waves between Heaven and Earth are constantly improving, and there is a feeling that small waves converge into a tsunami.

This situation is obviously not caused by an exploration spirit array, or a shield spirit array. This is definitely a Heaven and Earth mutation level.

“No … won’t be …”

Suddenly turned his head, Venerable Lord looked towards Dao Realm mountain range not far away, his pupils shrank.

Dao Realm mountain range…. to be opened! ?

It ’s not just the Venerable Lord, all the Sect strongholds around all around, who have felt all these changes.

Continuous Supreme powerhouse, flying from the station to the sky, looking towards the direction of Dao Realm mountain range. ,

Obviously, everyone feels …

“What happened!?”

“Dao Realm mountain range is about to start !? This is Daoguo coming out!?”

“Heaven, I really have the ability, this is less than a year!”


All the powerhouses, all eyes flickered, and soon I saw the Dao Realm mountain range, and there were constant flashes of aura, just like in a mountain range, the starlight began to emerge.

With this little starlight, the brighter and brighter, moved towards all around the mountain spread, reflecting Dao Realm mountain range brighter and brighter.

It ’s a kind of golden that I have never seen before, with holy light, as if mysterious divine light without Heaven, makes people fascinated.

After 5 minutes of time, a pupil of the pupil technique powerhouse shining with the dazzling rays of light suddenly opened his eyes

“Daohua has a bud!”

As soon as this word came out, it seemed like a thunderclap, so that all powerhouses had a complexion greatly changed, all looked towards those golden stars.

Daohua is born, and Daoguo is coming soon!

This is definitely a symptom. Dao Realm mountain range is about to be opened and Daoguo is about to be born. All the powerhouse gangsters are waiting for a moment.

Originally, according to the news from Tian Po, it should be within two to three years, but no one thought that Dao Realm mountain range has been moving just half a year later.

“Quick! Notify Sect immediately, act quickly!”

A gangster responded and turned to order Elder Deacon in the city.

Originally, the plans for various sects are all one year to one and a half years, but now, suddenly, they are ahead of schedule and beat them a completely unprepared.

So, you must notify Sect as soon as possible, so that those Sect powerhouses who are still on the road or who are going to come before turning on, take action immediately.

Otherwise, you may not be able to catch up.

bang! bang! bang!

In less than a moment, above the Dao Realm mountain range, the great Desolate aura exploded, like layers of waves, moving towards Heaven and Earth.

Heaven and Earth tide … coming!

Dao Realm mountain range’s original faint pressure, in this brief moment also as the tide rises, the boat floats, and within a short time, it enveloped Heaven and Earth in a radius of 100,000.

In the void, there is a sound of thunderbolt faintly, no lightning can be seen, but there is a sound of thunder.

The sound of rumble is getting stronger and stronger, and the tides of Heaven and Earth are becoming stronger and stronger. The spirit of Heaven and Earth is picked up, and a large piece of different light is distorted, and the unreal Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon has evolved.

There are fairies flying, there are myriad beasts roaring, there are wars and dancing sands, and there are flowers blooming …

The Dao Realm mountain range ’s First Layer mountain began to tremble slightly, raising a path of Profound Light and shooting directly above the sky.

On the 2nd Layer and 3rd heavy peaks, there is also Profound Light gathering, ready to burst in an instant.

At this moment, everyone can be completely sure that Dao Realm mountain range is really about to start.

Under this Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, everyone feels as small as ants and as fine as dust.

But everyone knows that this is just the beginning.


The spirit of the cast, looking up towards the sky, with a stunned face …

“Sky Spirit!”

“What are you hell is happening!?”

“Why not talk so much in advance!?”

All the big influence outside, screamed together, this day, under the flag of the Alliance, this kind of monster moth came out, making them extremely angry.

This is completely unprepared, and Tianpo himself must have been prepared.

In this way, the situation is in his hands, which is naturally most beneficial to him, and the other Sects have not completed the preparations.

“hmph! This Dao Realm mountain range merely this… ..”

Tian Po stood up and was very satisfied with the Lotus of Constant Antiquity he had snatched, and naturally disdaind Dao Realm mountain range.

I still can’t afford it!

However, after 10,000 years, the strength of Dao Realm mountain range has become weak, which is completely understandable.

After all, this Heaven and Earth is no longer the spiritual source of the Great Ancient Era and Antiquity era. Even the realm of the practitioners is limited, and the Dao Realm mountain range will naturally be limited.

As for those outside, he does n’t care!

“Quick! Send Chu Yan a message, don’t let him miss it!”

Mysterious Venerable Lord was also shocked. He quickly pulled out Jade Talisman and heard a Divine Consciousness.

Dao Realm mountain range is on!

And Chu Yan ’s biggest plan and goal is in this Dao Realm mountain range, and the Venerable Lord naturally knows the significance.

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