
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul Miaobige Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At this moment, Extreme East Land….

Chu Yan in the cultivation, his eyes suddenly opened, a flash of red rays of light flashed in his eyes, and a golden line under his eyes formed a special mark.

Turning his head, looking towards Dao Realm mountain range, the golden mark under his eyes flashed like breath.


With a whisper, he slowly stood up, and the magic breath of all around and his body disappeared like a river returning to the sea.

“Everyone, ready to go!”

A Divine Consciousness sound transmission was issued. In the depths of Extreme East Land in the distance, the colorful Divine Dragon roared and made a leap in the sky, moving towards the great hall where Chu Yan was located, and wandering.


Time is like a white horse passing by, and in a blink of an eye, three days have passed …

These three days and three nights, the whole place of questioning, like an earthquake, kept making a loud rumble,

Dao Realm mountain range There, a path of golden beam of light rises into the sky and shoots above the sky, gradually dyeing the whole sky to golden.

Under the golden sky, all the original spiritual breath in the sky, Heavenly Might, rules are constantly changing and getting weaker, and the new Heavenly Might and Heaven and Earth rules appear slowly.

If it is a cultivator who has just arrived to the place of inquiry at this time, he will be stunned, thinking that he has gone to the wrong place.

At least, the place of question now looks completely different from the original one.

Especially in the void of Heaven and Earth, a Green Ancient aura belonging to Great Ancient Era is surging, making Divine Soul shocked.

Ask all the gangsters who are staring at it all in the place, but it is very clear that these golden lights belong to the color and aura of Daohua.

When golden has evolved into red, orange, yellow, green, azure, blue, and purple colors, and finally becomes nine colored Profound Light, it is the time when Dao Guo fully matures.

The powerhouses of the Great Sect forces are all gathering, they are waiting …

Waiting for the terrifying pressure of the Dao Realm mountain range to drop to the level they can withstand, immediately enters the Dao Realm mountain range to find where the fruit is.

This time can be as long or short as a few days or as long as a few months.

“Look, look at the Battle Strength 3rd of Supreme List, Mukai!”

“There is also the second place in the battle strength ranked Supreme ranking, Wu Zi!”

“I heard that Sun Wanyun is also in the Sun Family stationed in the city, this time, it is really a ah!”



a Then a silhouette of a appears. At the foot of the Dao Realm mountain range, in front of the passage closest to the mountain, it becomes more and more lively.

Various powerhouses, which are very rare, are constantly appearing.

Such scenes, especially the continuous emergence of battle strength on the Supreme list, make people suddenly nervous.

If you stay in normally, the existence of these battle strength lists will either be closed or secretly trained in Secret Realm, so it will be so fully gathered together.

And now, anyone who wants to know the Supreme battle strength list, just sweep here, it is almost a drop.

Om …!

It did n’t take long for a golden sky above the sky to startle suddenly, and began to evolve into a large part of Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, which also turned into a red color.

“Look! Red!”

Someone exclaimed, all eyes were fine.

while speaking, the original gold red in the sky has turned into a complete red, like a bloody sky, it looks very shocking.

“Go down at this speed, and it wo n’t take long before it becomes nine colored!”

When this sentence sounded from the group, at least has 30% of the powerhouse, turned around and glanced at the direction of the resident city not far away.

The same person ’s name and silhouette emerged from everyone ’s mind.

That Chu Yan … is not here yet! ?

The Dao Realm mountain range has been opened, and the nine colored Profound Light is in the process of birth. Daoguo will soon appear in the world.

At this time, the Chu Yan that the Great Sect had been staring at, and Chu Yan, which had the most limelight recently, had not yet appeared! ?

Especially, the top 10 players on the Supreme battle strength list, who had just received Chu Yan’s defeat of Zheng Kaidi, all became concerned about Chu Yan.

“He … afraid right?!”

Someone suddenly spoke, not mentioning the name at all, but let everyone’s lips lighten up.

“Good! Smart people don’t show up, he shouldn’t be stupid!”

“This time of Jue Tianzong is obviously directed at him, plus the power and layout of other forces, it is not for him and the group of Supreme to deal with!”

“en! I didn’t prepare before, I don’t know if he suddenly has such a group of powerhouse helpers!”

“No one will do anything to die!”

“Don’t worry about him!”


Every powerhouse on the battle strength of the Supreme list is the same as Zheng Kaidi before, and has a high and low heart for Chu Yan.

So next, everyone ’s attention returned to Dao Realm mountain range again.

At this time, the color over Dao Realm mountain range continues to change, and the blood red disappears, turning into an orange.

The crowd suddenly became quiet.

It may be because someone mentioned that person just now, making everyone’s face a little heavier.

It may be because of disappointment, or because of the layout of various forces. If the other party does not come, it will become a meaningless thing.

Among the crowd, many people are quietly turning their heads, looking towards the edge of a grove not far away, sitting on the throne, holding the spirit of the Sect Master Sect Master…. Tian Po!

His face didn’t change any expression or expression, just stared at Dao Realm mountain range quietly.

At this time, in the direction of the city in the distance, a silhouette flew by, and landed behind the crowd, suddenly attracting everyone to turn around

“Qin Tian!?”

This cry out in surprise, even with the existence of Tian Tian So, turned around and looked towards the silhouette.

I saw that Qin Tian in front of him was completely different from Qin Tian, ​​who was the second peerless list a few years ago.

No matter who glances at first glance, they will be impressed by the eagle-like eyes.

“Fellow Daoist Liu, good luck!”

Qin Tian ’s name was just spoken, no one else, it ’s Tian Spirit Race Number One Genius, Liu Qingyi!

When I saw Qin Tian say hello, Liu Qingyi immediately reacted from the consternation, and quickly said with a smile

“Good luck! It’s really interesting! Even you are here!”

What I said is too complicated …..

In those small worlds of Divine King, a peerless genius who was stunning, there are still a few people! ?

Some of them fell, some stopped at God King Realm, and some even cultivated deviations, reduced to waste.

But among them, as always, they maintain the name of peerless genius, and the real peerless existence is shocked.

For example … Chu Yan!

Liu Qingyi clearly remembered how many rounds she had paid and how much she paid in order to deal with this Chu Yan.

But now, she has not even qualified to be the man’s opponent.

Nine Domains Supreme Small Accomplishment Realm, not even Great Accomplishment!

This kind of strength, not to mention Chu Yan, is that the Supreme battle strength list cannot be improved.

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