
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Tian is very natural. He walked to Liu Qingyi’s side. Relatively speaking, compared to the group of Sect forces, Qin Tian is still used to being alone.

“I heard that you have always regarded Chu Yan as your opponent! Now …”

Speaking of this, Liu Qingyi, who is famous for his cleverness, did not go on, but the meaning was already obvious.

Qin Tian, ​​who stood beside her, shuddered when she heard the words Chu Yan.

After a long silence …

“That’s right!”

With this sentence falling on the ground, Liu Qingyi suddenly looked stunned and turned his head towards Qin Tian.

She means what she said!

That is to say, Qin Tian still regards Chu Yan as his Martial Dao goal, but there are some changes.

This aroused the curiosity of Liu Qingyi, just to continue to ask again, suddenly …..

“Look! Green, the mountain range has appeared!”

Cry out in surprise, let the crowd boil instantly, Liu Qingyi and Qin Tian also looked up together, looking towards the direction of Dao Realm mountain range.

bang! bang! bang!

It was almost a moment when everyone looked up, the sky above Dao Realm mountain range, several groups of thunderbolt exploded, the original orange sky, instantly changed three colors, the speed is fast as lightning.

At the same time, in the Dao Realm mountain range, the original little golden star-like flower buds began to bloom, and then faded after a few breaths.

The rolling mountain range pressure, like the tide in the sky.

At this moment, everyone’s face began to change. Under various complex emotions, some people were excited, some were disappointed, some sneered …

“Guess, will he come!?”

Liu Qingyi shook the head, sighed, and continued to ask.

“He is already here! You ca n’t be wrong!”

Qin Tian ’s head did n’t turn, and his eyes were fixed on Dao Realm mountain range, replied.

“How can …”

Liu Qingyi, who did n’t even wait for the surprise, finished talking. Suddenly, in the direction of the garrison in the distance, a startling Heavenly Dragon sounded, resounding through Heaven and Earth.

All the powerhouses present were shocked by Divine Soul, complexion greatly changed, and turned around to see.

I saw that in the distance above the city, a colorful Divine Dragon roamed the sky, releasing the breath of Heavenly Dragon, scrolling all directions cloud waves, moved towards this direction.

On the head of the dragon, two young silhouettes stood, one male and one female, male black female white.

The man has black robe, long hair flying upwards, and his face is impermanent, without any aura on his body, but Heaven and Earth is coming, and the world is swallowed up.


The dragon’s sound explodes, and Heaven and Earth tremble.

“Nine Colors Divine Dragon Battle!?”

The spirit at the edge of the woods, the wine glass in his hand fell to his feet, stood up from the throne, looked towards the seven-colored Divine Dragon, and his face was twitching.

A powerful aura gushing out of him, wrapping his body up and down, is the power of Constant Antiquity.

“Okay! Very good! Finally here!”

Whether it ’s the soul of the sky, it ’s still invisible in all around the void, the powerhouses of all the lords in the city, and at the same time marvel at the heart.

Various Divine Consciousness messages, flying in the sky, densely packed.

In an instant, in front of the entire Dao Realm mountain range, the atmosphere became extremely tense.

The crowd of cultivators who stood at the entrance of Dao Realm mountain range slowly started to move, some people were retreating, some were gathering.

The scene was silent, except for the sound of dragons between Heaven and Earth, like a storm just started.

“Start, start!”

Undershouted loudly, Wu Zi ordered.

Wu Family’s large group of nine domains Supreme powerhouse immediately burst out a powerful cultivation base imposing manner at the same time, turning out to shoot a piece of magic.

Heaven and Earth Great Array under the explosion of the Spirit Rune, slowly rising …..

As soon as Array was completed, it was a mass of illusory shadow. Roar roared and rushed out, grabbing a large piece of gang.

“Wuzu Town is all over the sea! Kill in a row, Soldier Soul!”

Wu Zi shouted, waved his sword up, and followed the soldier’s soul, followed by a large group of Wu Family Supreme, and rushed out.

“Go! Go together!”

The powerhouse of the Great Influence Sect, the big guys, seeing Wu Family start first, there will be hesitation there, and all will go together.

In an instant, Great Arrays, pieces of Taobao, kept rising from the ground, turned into a frenzy, and swept out.

In addition, there are various Great Array and Daobao rising from the garrison in all directions on all sides in the distance.

Several dozens of resident cities, plus the location of the entrance to Dao Realm mountain range, a large net of Heaven and Earth was formed in an instant. The colorful Divine Dragon that moved towards the sky moved directly over it.

This is the Great Sect forces, the inescapable net prepared for Chu Yan, just waiting for him to walk right into a trap.

Although the time has suddenly advanced, the various sects forces that have been prepared for a long time have completed part of them, and they are all displayed.

“Oh my god, terrifying!”

The large group of cultivators at the entrance of Dao Realm mountain range saw the raging power of the sky, within a radius of 100 li, the cultivator who shot, the garrison of the attack, and the attack he exhibited, covering the sky like a tide.

That might, heaven shaking earth shattering!

“This … Almost all forces have shot ah against Chu Yan!”

This time action can be said that everyone in the audience was shocked.

Not far away, Chu Yan above the dragon’s head just looked at it all quietly, and there was no sign of any movement at all.

Roar …!

Dragon terrible sounded, the colorful Divine Dragon’s dragon claws photographed, and directly drove a handle of Divine Weapon into the sky, and disappeared instantly.

Following this, Longwei flicked and shot a nearby Great Array directly into the powder.

Opening dragon’s mouth, hu hu’s breath spit out the dragon’s breath, blocking the attack tide like a flood tide on all sides.

In an instant, the flood of attack from the sky was instantly blocked.

“Really strong method of battle!”

The Sect forces, Dao Child Saintess, were all stunned and their faces changed.

So many forces jointly attacked, but they were all blocked, and Chu Yan has not yet shot, this strength ….

Tian Po stood in front of the grove without any surprise to this scene, but was slightly nodded.

The formidable power of the nine-color Divine Dragon battle array, he certainly knows that although the battle array in front of him has only reached the colorful level, the formidable power is also amazing.

At this time, his eyes flickered, and he did not take any action, nor did he tell any forces about the characteristics of the Divine Dragon battle array.

At this time, he only cares about one thing, that is, in the Dao Realm mountain range, that ray of Constant Antiquity aura… ..

This is his goal!

As for the forces of this world, whether they are dead or alive, what are they doing with him! ?

This strength can be said that Tian Po is a little disappointed, and even expects them to deal with Chu Yan, simply a joke.

Useless people have no value!

Now, we must wait for Chu Yan to get closer to the Dao Realm mountain range and see if the power of Constant Antiquity will be attracted.

Only in this way will he have a chance to shoot!


Heaven and Earth trembles, gangs are like waves …..

The various Profound Lights over Dao Realm mountain range are finally transformed into nine colored, fuse together, such as the glow of heaven and Earth, and the sky is as bright as the sky.

Deep Heaven and Earth pressure, dropping from the sky, like a rushing river, directly penetrates into the mountain peak without any trace of overflow.

“On … turned on! Dao Realm mountain range, turned on!”

Someone was shocked by the practitioners present!

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