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All the powerhouse gangsters, Loose Cultivator, whether or not they join the battle, in this brief moment, all moved.

Countless streams of light flashed and rushed towards Dao Realm mountain range.

“Invoke Chu Yan as planned!”

The Great Influence powerhouse, Divine Consciousness, spread their gaze.

The Great Array of all parties changes at the same time, and the original four sides will be surrounded, and it will become a three-in-one encirclement, forcing Chu Yan to change direction.

For all of this, Chu Yan seems to remain completely unmoved, looking at the direction of Dao Realm mountain range quietly from beginning to end.

The colorful Divine Dragon lay sideways, the dragon tail flicked, and the dragon head roared, pointing straight at Dao Realm mountain range main peak.

all influence sees this, all can’t help but show, staring at him intently.

The colorful Divine Dragon is still some distance away from the Dao Realm mountain range. At this time, all influence powerhouse is urging its own way of asking questions and madly gaining momentum.

“Chu Yan, today is the time to fall, I come to enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, and behead you!”

The omnipotent Taoist of Pfazong roared, looking at Chu Yan ’s eyes, all red blood.

Before Chu Yan attacked the city and killed Tianhui Daoist, it was the Palm Art of Pfazong, which made them so bearable.

In order to kill Chu Yan, all the Nine Territory Supremes of the Pfazong all made the Heavenly Might vow. Even if they fight for Divine Soul ’s Tao Xiao and the golden body collapses, they must absolutely kill Chu Yan in Dao Realm mountain before the range.

Only in this way can the humiliation of Pfazong be washed away and the ten thousand years of the foundation of Pfazong preserved.

The omnipotent Taoist does not have any intention of keeping his hands, and the method of asking questions envelops Divine Soul’s attack and blasts out directly.

The other Sect powerhouse all around, did not hesitate at the same time, shot at the same time, joined forces to display.

In the garrison below, all the Great Influence camps around all around, wave after wave of attacks, arrived violently.

The monstrous might, it seems that this piece of Heaven and Earth is going to be a fan.

“Ten Thousand Laws!”

Bai Gang, Feng Hai and other Supreme comrades have been prepared for a long time, and the battle array has changed dramatically. All the ways of asking questions on all people have risen at the same time, and they have gathered on the dragon scales to start a rapid fusion.

This is the horror of Jiucai Divine Dragon battle array, which can combine all things in the world into one, and transform it into an identical force.

As a result, it will not be like the Sect forces of all around. Although they work together, they have their own cultivation techniques and secret skills, which cannot be merged at all, forming a combined force and a superimposed effect.

With Bai Gang and Feng Hai, hundreds of nine domain Supremes all fuse together, that’s not as simple as one plus one.

On the entire dragon body, a dazzling colorful Profound Light burst out in an instant, just like the real Divine Dragon is born, and the scales of the whole body shine with invincible light.

“Dragon Battle World!”

Roar …!

The dragon shaking heaven shaking earth shattering, all the Great Influence powerhouses in all directions on all sides, only felt a long dragon shake, saw a flash, Divine Soul would tremble.

After they forcibly stabilized, they looked up and all around the void had changed.

What else there is Dao Realm mountain range, above the endless sky in all directions on all sides, large colorful Divine Dragon, densely packed endless, like a piece of colorful Divine Dragon composed of Beast Tide, moved towards them coming straight .


“His …!”

“… ..”

At a glance, everyone’s scared scalp tingled and their hearts and livers were trembling.

“This … Is this Illusion Technique!?”

In the face of such a dragon wave, even if the four major Cang masters come in person, it is estimated that they have to run, not to mention these people, they are only Jiuyu Supreme.

You know, it was a colorful Divine Dragon before, and it took everyone’s cooperation.

Okay now, the colorful Divine Dragon tide hiding the sky and covering the earth, who can stand ah! ?

“Stick to 5 breaths!”

At this moment, Tian So ’s voice suddenly sounded between Heaven and Earth, reaching everyone ’s ears.

This sentence hit the floor, the big men present were all stunned.

5 breaths! ?

It means that this move can maintain 5 breaths time! ?

From the beginning to the end, this celestial spirit, neither shot nor spoke, suddenly spoke at this time! ?

In the view of Tian Po, he is really unable to bear. He ca n’t let Chu Yan break the game with one move, so how can he contain it! ?

“Join together! Hurry up, hurry up!”

Someone responded and snarled loudly. The other powerhouse heard that, quickly stabilized their minds, and began to display a joint Great Array, ready to carry.

As a result, the original offensive suddenly turned into a defensive one.

Whether it is true, or Illusion Technique, various sects The big guys dare not bet, nor ca n’t afford to bet, they can only switch to defense.

So, the violent battle between Heaven and Earth suddenly calmed down …

5 breaths time, Chu Yan ’s eyes are still walking upstream of the Dao Realm mountain range, every mountain peak and every canyon seems to have a special Dao Realm and mood in his eyes ….

Including the mountain range, some of the heavenly materials earthly treasures that have been bred have released indifferently said information.

Every time, Dao Realm mountain range breeds Daoguo, which is the most important event of Divine Realm continent, because of these Daoguo.

In addition, Dao Realm mountain range, extremely rare, but extremely powerful opportunities will also appear.

With these two things, any cultivator is likely to break through the Supreme Supreme in one fell swoop and title the Lord!

ka ka…

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s Divine Soul seemed to hear a slight inaudible sound, like something was melting and breaking.

Chu Yan Divine Soul is introverted, Divine Consciousness is outgoing, and envelopes the entire Dao Realm mountain range. At the same time, the power of Constant Antiquity and the immortal Fiendgod work at the same time, and soon it was discovered.

Constant Antiquity Chalcedony and Fiendgod Altar, the boundary wall shrouded, is … disappearing!


“Time is up! 5 breaths!”

It seems that the bigwigs who are holding a big umbrella to hide from the rain have survived the colorful dragon tide.

next moment, everyone ’s eyes, a piece of blood green….

Damn Chu Yan, even using Divine Soul’s technique to carry out a large-scale attack.

Just now, if that piece of Dragon Tide was regarded as Illusion Technique, all the big guys here might suffer Divine Soul and the battle strength would be damaged.

However, if all the outbreak cards are being resisted, it would be a waste of True Qi.

If it ’s not a reminder from Heaven’s Spirit, the results of these people are all maimed, there are no 3rd results.

So, all the powerful guys who have finally passed the time are all angry.

The next breath, all kinds of terrifying attacks, prohibitions, unique skills, and outbreaks at the same time, like a tsunami, covering the whole sky and land, moved towards Chu Yan and rolled away.

Such an attack is tantamount to a world destroying attack. After a torrential flood, no creature can survive.

Chu Yan turned his head slowly, the golden marks flashed in his eyes, the fire was burning, the cold light flashed in his hand, and the Clear Sky Sword was long.


Chu Yan long sword pointed out that the colorful Divine Dragon beneath him issued a shocking Heavenly Dragon purine.

At the same time, with the explosion of the colorful Divine Dragon, Bai Gang, Feng Hai and other silhouettes of a Supreme comrade in arms constantly appeared.

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