
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Faith the world, these treasures belong to the people of the world, and should be kept by our general law sect to benefit the people of the world!”

The Daoist Brahma sounded, the silhouette traveled on the void, and the light was like clouds.

“Almighty, do you want a face!?”

Wu Zi, Mu Fang, Zheng Di and other Dao Child and the big brothers were all angry.

This kind of nonsense can be used to deceive the fools outside. The people here will believe you these nonsense! ?

The situation is complicated now!

Tian Po and Chu Yan compete for three treasures. No matter who they help, they will let treasure fall into the hands of another person.

This is not the result they want to see!

Therefore, there is no need to discuss anything at all. A group of people all moved towards three treasures and rushed away, fighting for each other in a scuffle.

At this time, all alliances and agreements are all talks, and three treasures can grab one, which is considered a great opportunity, and even later can dominate this continent, who still cares about what kind of agreement or the like.

So, a big melee outbreak!

“hmph! Are you worthy too?”

Tian Soul is a little angry, shouted sharply.

Fighting with Chu Yan, he no longer has the upper hand. If he forcibly separates the three treasures, I am afraid that two of them have already flown to Chu Yan.

At this time, Heavenly Soul was gritting his teeth and rodents. How could he not be angry when he saw these guys dare to come to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth! ?

However, when he was ready to shoot, suddenly a Qianying flew over, let him saw a flash, directly across the battlefield, to the source of Dao Realm, raised his hand, and pressed to the sky above Soul seal.


It was almost the moment photographed by jade hand, and the isolation seal shattered instantly. When jade hand grabbed it, the water droplets of Dao Realm were taken away directly.


The soul of the sky exploded, growled loudly, and his eyes were blood red.

You know, among these three treasures, the one he is most likely to get is this water droplet of Dao Realm.

But now, he did n’t even touch the edge and was robbed.

Moreover, the opponent’s speed is extremely fast and the timing is very accurate. It just happened to turn around and prepare to deal with those powerhouse vacancies.

Strength, wisdom, timing, the three are in one, this person is by no means a weak hand!

next moment, all the eyes of everyone present looked at the beautiful shadow.

The eyes touched, everyone started together.

Even Chu Yan is a slight sign, and Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly remembers the beautiful shadow in the sunset canyon.

The woman is a silver silk gown with long hair fluttering, her face like an egg, her eyes like Xinghao, it is the woman who is blocking the road.

“Sun Wanyun!?”

Chu Yan does n’t know, but the other big guys on the scene, of course, know all of them, cry out in surprise.

Be aware that Dao Realm mountain range was opened before, and I hit Immortal Palace from the outside. I never saw this Sun Wanyun appear.

didn’t expect, she was so latent that she suddenly appeared and succeeded in one hit, but became the biggest winner.

“Supreme battle strength is the first … Sun Wanyun! It was originally you …”

Chu Yan was shocked in his heart, but released in an instant. If it were n’t for her, then she did n’t have that strength and appeared in the setting sun.

Compared with Chu Yan, Tian Po is sneakered, looking at Sun Yunwan and saying

“Number One Genius in the history of Sun Family, the whole Sun Family has improved a lot because of your appearance!”

“However, this does not mean that you and your Sun Family are qualified and capable to take such a thing! You better hand it in …”

This remark, even holding threats, fell into Sun Wanyun’s ears, but was completely ignored, even did not even look at him.

At the time when Tian Po made a threat, Sun Wanyun had taken out a few pieces of amulet. After breaking it, the whole body aura began to rise.

Aura of light coercion was released from her, wrapped around her body, and spread in front of all directions in the sky.

As these void fluctuations spread out, aura echoed at the same time throughout the Immortal Palace.

It seems that a Supreme powerhouse in the Immortal Palace is slowly waking up.

Moreover, this aura of Sun Wanyun seems to have some similarities with it …..

“This …”

Even the disdainful spirit just now was astonished at this time.

“You … you are the inheritance of the spirit of Dao Realm mountain range!?”

As soon as the words came out, the audience was shocked, but Sun Wanyun himself was nodded.

“Good! God-given opportunity, I received the direct disciple by my teacher!”

At this moment, Divine Soul was violently shaken, full of shock.

The four major Cang masters, all of them dominate existence, except for a week Celestial Emperor is still alive, the other three seem to have left the means and inheritance.

This is not strange to Tian So.

But this Dao Realm mountain range is nothing but a mountain spirit. There are even heavenly means. As a mountain spirit, you can leave inheritance and means, which will be laid out after ten thousand years.

Sure enough, the four Cangzhus who can stand side by side, and those who are close to dominating strength, are all terrifying existence.

This time, Tian Po has a new understanding of them.

The Sun Wanyun in front of him has actually acquired the inheritance of the Dao Realm mountain range. No wonder he can occupy the first battle strength in the Supreme list. No one can shake it for how many years.

I did n’t say it before, but now it ’s suddenly announced that it should be because of the opening of Dao Realm mountain range.

Now, the trio is competing, Chu Yan is justified for Constant Antiquity chalcedony and eternal life Demon Sovereign, and this Sun Wanyun is justified for Dao Realm water droplets, only his heavenly soul is completely unjust ……… p>

This time, Tian So’s complexion was completely gloomy.

This change has completely exceeded his expectations, and is normally a major change affecting his plan.

Originally, Chu Yan was a little troublesome, and now Sun Wanyun is added.

“Okay! Since you are the heir to the Dao Realm mountain range, those things … belong to you!”

As soon as Tian Soul pondered, he made a decision.

At this time, when it is broken, it will be disturbed, and it will even cost him a whole plan.

“Do you think … who are you!?”

Sun Wanyun turned his head and glanced at Tian So, all eyes were contempt and disdain!

This sentence, suddenly let the big brothers present, stunned for a while, then turned to look towards the soul of the sky, also changed their faces.


His Sun Wanyun is the first battle strength in the Supreme list, and he is the successor of the Dao Realm mountain range. Now everyone is in the Dao Realm mountain range. If you say this, you still have a gifted tone.

Not to mention, your reputation for celestial soul is not so good. Sun Wanyun, who takes his own things, depends on your face and listens to your allocation! ?

“en !? What do you want to do!?”

As the sixth god among the gods, the temperament is naturally powerful. Their eyes and contempt for these people are completely regarded as nothing, but they stare at Sun Wanyun and question.

“You really think that in this Dao Realm mountain range, I can’t kill you!?”

Dao Realm mountain range has no mountain spirits. Even if Sun Wanyun can mobilize part of the formidable power and prohibition of Dao Realm mountain range, the formidable power is also limited.

“Although my Master failed to break the Supreme back then, there was an agreement with the Four Masters beforehand.”

Sun Wanyun just glanced at the sky and turned to look towards Chu Yan and the gangsters present at the scene to explain

“I will not fight for the things of Constant Antiquity lineage and Yuwen Emperor lineage, but the agreement between the Master and the Four Masters also clearly stipulates that the Dao Realm mountain range preserves these two things for the sake of still life. , Not everyone can get it! “

When the remark came out, the audience was stunned.

“Dare to ask, what is destiny !?” Someone said.

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