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The problem export naturally attracted everyone’s attention.

Because, this seems to reflect that everyone may have a chance.

“Martial Dao World, the winner is king, the loser has nothing, not at all, what complicated fate!”

Sun Wanyun said something, and then it came down, it seemed to be thinking about something.

“Master meant in the beginning, battle in the ring!”

This sentence exited, the big men present were all stunned.

Challenge! ?

Familiar and unfamiliar words.

Familiarity is because as long as they are Martial Artists, they can get to cultivation bases like them, and that one has not experienced countless Life and Death Battles and battles in the ring.

But to be unfamiliar, these people have reached their current status today, almost all of them are aloof and remote, and have rarely participated in the battle of the ring.

So, when I heard the word, I could not react for a while.

“The last winner can take these two pieces! No one else can block!”

Sun Wanyun ’s reaction to these people was as if he had not seen them, but he reached out and pointed to the Constant Antiquity chalcedony and eternal life.

This time, the few people present are all frowned.

Even Heavenly Soul shouted “hmph! What do you think we are !? Those rubbish outside!?”

It ’s not because I do n’t think I ’m weak and I ca n’t get these two treasures. The key is this battle. Do n’t say that he cannot accept it as the sixth person of the Antiquity gods. Being the master of the world is even more unacceptable.

With Acquired, everyone will know how he came to dominate this world! ?

We won the game! ?

No shame! ?

“Martial Dao World, weak are prey to the strong, the powerhouse is angry, and corpses are a thousand miles away, even if you are the Dao Realm mountain range Daoguo, not so !? What fairness and chance do you tell me now, ridiculous! “

The attitude of Tian So, let a group of big guys present be relaxed at the same time.

They are the most reluctant to accept the battle in the ring, because they know very well that if the ring is really open, no one but Tian Tian and Chu Yan will have a chance.

As a result, it has become a stepping stone for others, even more embarrassing!

For Heavenly Soul, the few people present were all nodded, and then looked towards Sun Wanyun ’s eyes, all flashing with fierce light.

Since they climbed to high positions, they are used to direct snatching, or plot against, when they have to roll up their sleeves and do it themselves, it is impossible.

Immortal Palace could not wait until it opened, people outside rushed over and saw that they were defeated by Tian So and Chu Yan, how they would serve the crowd, and how to maintain the strong sign of the strong on this continent ! ?

Sun Wanyun is not strange, and there is no obvious fluctuation of expression, just opened the mouth and said

“The life of the Master, you can participate or not, please!”

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Tian So and the others suddenly turned cold.

Several people glanced at each other, the meaning in their eyes could not be more obvious.

Tian Po did n’t want to say anything, so he was ready to do it directly, but Sun Wanyun went on to say it again

“Although the Master has not directly intervened in the Dao Realm mountain range, so many years of taking out the Dao Guo and giving it to those who have the opportunity to break through have some merit!”

“If someone dares to destroy here at this time, then use these merits to wipe out some people, there should be no problem!”

During speech, Sun Wanyun stared straight at Tian So with eyes.

“en !?”

Heaven trembled inexplicably.

Threat! ?

This is definitely a threat.

“Not bad! Very good …”

Tian Piao ’s face is distorted, gloomy and uncertain, and then whispered, “Okay, that ’s the battle in the ring, but you ca n’t peng these two things!”

In saying this, it was not that Tian So was afraid of Sun Wanyun, but that he looked at Sun Wanyun’s face, and he was obviously confident.

Otherwise, this kind of thing that is hostile to the world, he, Sun Wanyun plus Sun Family, can’t bear it.

Even Tian Po has some doubts that the mountain spirit of Dao Realm mountain range is still alive if it does n’t work.

Let ’s fight in a ring battle, but in the end it ’s your own.

The shame has been lost, and it can be accepted with reluctance.

“How about you guys?”

Sun Wanyun did n’t seem to be surprised by Tian Po ’s reaction, turned around and looked towards others, asking.

Chu Yan nodded, of course, there will be no objections.

Such competition is more beneficial to oneself and avoids accidents.

The others are all unwilling, but Chu Yan and Tian Po, who are now masters, both agreed, plus Sun Wanyun ’s attitude just now, what can they do if they do n’t agree! ?

next moment, Sun Wanyun ’s jade hand waved, and the entire Immortal Palace rumble shook.

Every scene and environment are changing, the main hall of Immortal Palace rises, the white jade square appears, and the tall ring also appears.

“Let ’s start drawing lots!”

Sun Wanyun waved his hand, and a bucket appeared in front of him.

Tian Soo glanced at Sun Wanyun, and then looked at the original pail, and it instantly reacted, rushing up first.

Everyone else sees this, and they all follow behind Tian So.

The original chaotic and tense battle immediately became organized.

However, outside the Immortal Palace at this time, it was still the image of a war, and it was dark.

The lottery in the Immortal Palace is peaceful …

Chu Yan stepped forward and took a look at Sun Wanyun, and there was sound transmission ringing in Sea of ​​Consciousness. “Master wants to help you, but he ca n’t do it directly. You are yourself! “

“en!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Master said, don’t let that traitor go!” Sun Wanyun thought about it and added another sentence.

This sentence sounded, Chu Yan immediately understood, nodded said

“Thank you! Help me also thank Dao Realm mountain range Senior!”

After talking, Chu Yan has returned to his original position and glanced at the sign in his hand.

“The rules of the ring will not be the same as the rules of the ordinary!” Tianpo said.


Sun Wanyun is nodded, saying, “When you reach a cultivation base like you, the rules are superfluous, one-on-one battle, you can win or lose!”

Tian Po listened and ignored it, and went to the Immortal Palace ring.

On the other side, the herdsman Dao Child also leaned forward and saluted.

Shepherd Dao Child, Mu Tian, ​​is now the existence of the Ranked 3rd in the Supreme Rankings, and is also Dao Child of the Dao Family, with great strength.

Chu Yan has seen a lot of clansman who eat the Dao clan, but no one like Mu Tian, ​​with the body Devouring Power so thick.

No wonder this child seldom appears in the outside world. I am afraid that it has always been engulfed by the Dao family, and it has not been closed for thousands of years in cultivation.

“Strong is strong! But it should not be Tian’s opponent, it depends on how strong it can be!”

Chu Yan thought, if Mutian could force Tianbao to use some cards, it would be very difficult to deal with.

Exactly, you can see it in advance.

“Go ahead!”

Tian Po not at all means graciously with Mu Tian.

It used to be an alliance. Now, it has become a nonsense. Everyone is fighting for two treasures based on their personal strength.

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